Abronia macrocarpa Facts Related Articles Abronia macrocarpa Physical Description Firstly, the Abronia macrocarpa appears to be a moderate sized perennial species. The stems of this species also grow roughly vertically. Each individual specimen attains an average height of roughly 20 in (50 cm). Further, the leaves average about 2 in (5 cm) in length and […]
Reticulated Python
Reticulated Python Facts Related Articles Source: http://bit.ly/1qYSbbH Photo: Mariluna CCL: http://bit.ly/2IjEG4n Reticulated Python Physical Description Most notably, the Reticulated Python fully earns its designation as the longest snake known to man. To the amazement of some, exceptional adult specimens sometimes approach 23 ft (7 m) in length. These truly gigantic individuals do not occur often, […]
Binturong Facts Related Articles Binturong Physical Description The Binturong only displays a rather moderate degree of sexual dimorphism. The females of this species average roughly 20% larger in size than the males. The body of this animal typically grows heavy and long, and the legs stay comparatively short. The fur develops thick and consists of […]
Mountain Pygmy Possum
Mountain Pygmy Possum Facts Related Articles Mountain Pygmy Possum Physical Description Despite its many amazing attributes, the Mountain Pygmy Possum constitutes a very small species of marsupial. First of all, the remarkable creature has an average weight of only around 1.6 oz (45 g). Additionally, the total length of the head and body only measures […]
Blue Footed Booby
Blue Footed Booby Facts Related Articles Blue Footed Booby Physical Description The intriguingly-named Blue Footed Booby never seems to fail to grab the attention of those who encounter it. The reason for that clearly stands out, of course, in its remarkably-hued feet. Yet, Nature also blessed it with its own appeal in other numerous ways, […]
Hydnora africana
Hydnora africana Facts Related Articles Hydnora africana Physical Description The startling Hydnora africana rarely fails to capture the attention and interest of those individuals who encounter it. Yet, it typically does so for a combination of factors that distinguish it from most other plants. These include its unique growth pattern and its extremely unpleasant aroma. The […]
Spanish Dancer
Spanish Dancer Facts Related Articles Spanish Dancer Physical Description Perhaps worthy of note is the fact that, like other forms of nudibranch, the stunning Spanish Dancer evolved as fully hermaphroditic in nature. The physiological principle of sexual dimorphism therefore does not apply to this particular animal. As a result, this marine gastropod mollusk must rely […]
Sea Pens
Sea Pens Facts Sea Pens Physical Description Sea Pens actually represent colonies of individual polyps and together they function as a single organism. Each polyp also possesses eight tentacles. Various polyps also have specialized to perform specific functions for the whole. One loses its tentacles and becomes rigid. This forms the central stalk of the […]
Sea Pig
Sea Pig Facts Related Articles Sea Pig Physical Description Given the fact that the term Sea Pig refers to any of three different species, physical appearances naturally exist among them. However, all three do share many characteristics. Physical size remains the most consistent, along with the fact that none of the varieties displays any noticeable […]
Christmas Tree Worm
Christmas Tree Worm Facts Related Articles Christmas Tree Worm Physical Description Most notably, while gorgeous, the marvelous Christmas Tree Worm nevertheless remains a very small creature. That holds true due to the fact that adults average roughly 1.5 in (3.8 cm) in width. Additionally, it displays no noticeable degree of sexual dimorphism. Furthermore, the radioles […]