Source: Public Domain Image Marine Iguana Facts Related Articles Marine Iguana Physical Description The fabulous Marine Iguana evolved a form that almost instantly amazes those who encounter the animal. Unlike some reptiles, however, it does so due to a combination of several factors. These include overall general appearance, as well as sheer physical size. […]Read More
Magicicada Facts Most notably, the term of Magicicada actually refers to either of two separate but closely related varieties of periodical cicadas. In a truly extraordinary adaptation of Nature, the two members of this genus evolved an astounding instinctive trait. That holds true due to the unbelievable fact that these actually represent 13 and 17-year […]
Gray Whale
Gray Whale Facts Firstly, the magnificent Gray Whale ranks as a remarkable cetacean. But sadly, this remarkable species also constitutes a highly threatened one, as well. This holds true partly because one of its three known populations has already vanished. This population, endemic to the North Atlantic Ocean, was extirpated by whaling activities in the […]
Rainbow Leaf Beetle
Rainbow Leaf Beetle Facts Firstly, the term Rainbow Leaf Beetles serves as the common name for the gorgeous Chrysolina cerealis. But, this stunning invertebrate also goes by another common name. That holds true because it also goes by the name of the Snowdon Beetle. Whatever name one calls it by, it ranks as one of […]
Harlequin Shrimp
Harlequin Shrimp Facts Fascinatingly, the awesome Harlequin Shrimp remains a creature that not even the scientists can agree about. That’s because only some experts divide it into two distinct species. The majority, nevertheless, do consider it as only one species. This debate occurs due to an unusual fact, though. That’s the fact that specimens from […]
California Sheephead
California Sheephead Facts Related Articles California Sheephead Physical Description Yet another easily noted aspect of the amazing California Sheephead occurs in terms of its sheer physical appearance. That holds true due to the fact that this species displays a marked degree of the trait of sexual dimorphism. Furthermore, in this truly fascinating animal, that trait […]
Purple Emperor
Purple Emperor Facts Firstly, the Purple Emperor serves as the name for a gorgeous Eurasian butterfly of the Nymphalidae family. Quite confusingly, however, another butterfly native to another region bears the same common name. Unfortunately, throughout its habitat range, its numbers have declined sharply since the early 20th century. The principal reason for this appears to be […]
Adelie Penguin
Adelie Penguin Facts Related Articles Adelie Penguin Physical Description The beautiful Adelie Penguin certainly captures the attention of those individuals fortunate enough to encounter them. Yet, this typically occurs due to its appearance more than pure size. That’s true since this wonder ranks as one of the smallest of all known penguins. In this regard, […]
Spider Tailed Viper
Source: Photo: Omid Mozaffari Public Domain Image Spider Tailed Viper Facts Related Articles Spider Tailed Viper Physical Description The astonishing Spider Tailed Viper, despite its otherwise unique characteristics, remains an average-sized snake. In this manner, at least, it resembles other related species. That’s because adults typically average between 16-28 in (40 – 70 cm) […]
Ocean Quahog
Ocean Quahog Facts Ocean Quahog serves as the common name for the Arctica islandica. It represents a rather small species of bivalve mollusk. This ocean-dwelling creature also qualifies as the longest-lived animal species known to man. Evidence indicates that this species possesses an average lifespan of roughly 225 years. However, individual specimens have lived even far longer […]
Happy Face Spider
Happy Face Spider Facts Firstly, Happy Face Spider serves as the common English name for the Theridion grallator. In the native Hawaiian language, it is called the nananana makaki’i, which translates literally as face-painted spider. But, the precise evolutionary purpose of this particular pattern remains unknown. Scientists theorize that it may serve as camouflage for […]