Source: Public Domain Image Marine Iguana Facts Related Articles Marine Iguana Physical Description The fabulous Marine Iguana evolved a form that almost instantly amazes those who encounter the animal. Unlike some reptiles, however, it does so due to a combination of several factors. These include overall general appearance, as well as sheer physical size. […]Read More
Dusky Dolphin
Dusky Dolphin Facts Related Articles Dusky Dolphin Physical Description The Dusky Dolphin is smaller in size than most dolphins. Individuals sometimes reach 6 ft (1.83 m) in length and 210 lb (100 kg) in weight. However, most individuals average less than this. In color, most individuals tend to appear a very dark gray or black […]
Damselfly Facts Damselfly Physical Description Given that Damselfly represents the collective name of numerous species within a suborder, physical appearances can vary significantly between them. However, certain similarities remain. The general body shape remains much thinner and elongated in comparison with the dragonfly. Additionally, the eyes typically develop as both smaller in size, and further […]
Venezuelan Poodle Moth
Venezuelan Poodle Moth Facts Related Articles Venezuelan Poodle Moth Physical Description Likely most of all, the Venezuelan Poodle Moth remains a nearly complete mystery to scientists. Measurements derived from Dr. Anker’s photographs presently represent the only data researchers have to work with. These show the unique Lepidoptera to be a small insect. More precisely, those […]
Mouse Spider
Mouse Spider Facts First of all, the term Mouse Spider names a genus of spiders containing 13 known species. Further, all but one of these evolved as endemic to one continent. The lone exception remains native to Chile, in South America. Also, the common name of the genus appears to be due to an old […]
Hoatzin Facts Related Articles Source: Photo: Kate from UK CCL: Hoatzin Physical Description The highly distinctive Hoatzin rarely fails to capture the attention of those who encouter it. This naturally occurs for a wide variety of reasons, from its unusual scent to its remarkable appearance. Either way, it’s a masterpiece of evolution to […]
Opossum Facts Related Articles Opossum Physical Description Quite understandably, the various forms of Opossum display physical variations. However, many basic characteristics remain true to all of them. Only a few of them display a noticeable degree of sexual dimorphism. Furthermore, the varying species vary significantly in size. That’s becasue they have a head and body […]
Begonia Facts Related Articles Begonia Physical Description Given the gigantic number of species referred to as Begonia, physical variations naturally exist. However, they obviously share certain characteristics. That’s the very reason each fits in the same group. For one, all recognized members of this evolved as terrestrial plants in nature. Additionally, depending on the species, […]
Basket Star
Basket Star Facts Basket Star Physical Description Given the huge number of species within the suborder, physical appearances between different varieties of Basket Star vary significantly. However, some similarities remain. Most species of this unique suborder possess a relatively small central disk surrounded by numerous branched arms. These typically develop curled and gnarly. The various […]
Boxfish Facts Related Articles Boxfish Physical Description Given that the term Boxfish applies to numerous species within a single Family, physical appearance varies widely between species. Colors vary significantly between species and often do so even among individuals of the same species. Quite understandably, this can sometimes make identifying a particular species difficult. However, some […]
Cabbage White Butterfly
Cabbage White Butterfly Facts Cabbage White Butterfly Physical Description The rather astonishing Cabbage White Butterfly bears an almost identical appearance to its close relative, the Pieris brassicae, known simply as the Large White. The only visual difference between the two is the size. The wingspan of this tiny yet lovely invertebrate averages roughly 2 in (5 […]