Source: Public Domain Image Marine Iguana Facts The descriptive term of Marine Iguana serves as the most frequently used common name for this true marvel of evolution. It does go by other unofficial titles, though. These include the terms sea iguana, saltwater iguana, and Galapagos marine iguana. Among scientific professionals, however, it’s more typically […]Read More
Milkweed Facts Perhaps most notably, the word Milkweed serves as the collective common name for an entire genus of flowering plants. Furthermore, this highly impressive genus contains roughly 200 recognized plants. Its common name derives from the presence of naturally occurring latex and alkaloids in its white colored sap. In addition, the fascinating members of […]
Bleeding Heart
Bleeding Heart Facts Related Articles Bleeding Heart Physical Description Among its numerous other characteristics, the Bleeding Heart also attains a respectable size. That’s due to the fact that the plant typically attains a height of around 47 in (120 cm). Plus, the average width of the plant generally averages a total of about 18 in […]
Flamingo Tongue Snail
Flamingo Tongue Snail Facts The descriptive term of Flamingo Tongue Snail serves as the accepted common name for a remarkable variety of sea snail. This marvel of Nature also goes by another name, however. Among researchers, it’s known by the name Cyphoma gibbosum. Regardless of which name one uses, it remains a most fascinating creature. […]
Aporia crataegi
Aporia crataegi Facts Firstly, the remarkably beautiful Aporia crataegi represents a large Lepidoptera. Secondly, scientists place it in the family Pieridae. This beautiful and unique insect is also one of 30 butterfly species in its genus. Further, this species remains by far the most common of those in its genus. It also seems to have […]
Monkey Puzzle Tree
Monkey Puzzle Tree Facts The eye-catching term of Monkey Puzzle Tree serves as the colloquial name for the Araucaria araucana. And in many ways, the name fits perfectly. This plant species also remains an ancient one that often gets called a living fossil. The completely unique name for the tree also originated in the year […]
Coconut Crab
Coconut Crab Facts This astounding marvel of Nature and evolution most frequently goes by the informative common name of the Coconut Crab. It does have a few other, less often used titles, though. These include such intrigung terms as palm thief and robber crab. Within the scientific community, however, many individuals know it better by […]
Adenium Flower Bonsai
Adenium Flower Bonsai Facts The Adenium Flower Bonsai represents a remarkably hardy species of flowering plant which also is a member of the dogbane family. This plant remains endemic only to certain arid regions. Individuals typically occur in areas south of the Sahara Desert in regions including Sudan, Mauritania, and Senegal. The tree also […]
Flemish Giant Rabbit
Flemish Giant Rabbit Facts Most notably, the astounding Flemish Giant Rabbit currently holds the popular title of the King of Rabbits. Many individuals assign this unofficial title to the creature because it reigns supreme as the largest species of rabbit presently known to man. Furthermore, these very docile giants have also been bred since the […]
Cuckoo Bee
Cuckoo Bee Facts Perhaps most notably, the term Cuckoo Bee serves as the name collectively used to refer to any of large variety of bees. More specifically, though, the somewhat interesting term refers to those bee species that have developed a highly fascinating pattern. That pattern is the astonishing practice of actually laying their eggs […]
Rosary Pea
Rosary Pea Facts First of all, the term Rosary Pea serves as the common name for an extremely remarkable variety of herbaceous flowering plant. Also known by the scientific name of the Abrus precatorious, this plant proves that beauty can conceal danger. That’s due to the fact that the plant holds a dark secret. This […]