Source: Public Domain Image Marine Iguana Facts Related Articles Marine Iguana Physical Description The fabulous Marine Iguana evolved a form that almost instantly amazes those who encounter the animal. Unlike some reptiles, however, it does so due to a combination of several factors. These include overall general appearance, as well as sheer physical size. […]Read More
Lesser Brown Scorpion
Lesser Brown Scorpion Facts Firstly, Lesser Brown Scorpion serves as the common name for a truly impressive looking yet basically harmless variety of scorpion. It has now spread far beyond its original endemic range. Experts believe that this has occurred primarily due to the inadvertent actions of humans. This happened primarily through the exporting of […]
Flower Hat Jellyfish
Flower Hat Jellyfish Facts First of all, the highly descriptive term of Flower Hat Jellyfish serves as the common name for the visually stunning Olindias formosus. However, despite its name and incredible appearance, this creature does not qualify as a true variety of jellyfish. That’s due to the fact that this truly stunning creature actually […]
Velella is the common name of a specific genus of sea creature. There is only one known species within the genus and is a free-floating hydrozoan. They live on the surface of the ocean. This animal is endemic to virtually all the seas and oceans of the world. Just as with the jellyfish, each Velella is, […]
The Scorpionfly is part of an order of winged insects with roughly 550 known species within this order. The various species of Scorpionfly inhabits areas throughout most of the warm climates on earth. Surprisingly, the insect is actually also closely related to the common flea. They are popular for their distinctive appearance. Though they look fearsome, […]
Ornithoptera Chimaera
The Ornithoptera Chimaera is an insect that has no common name. This beautiful butterfly lists as a member of the birdwing family and was first identified in 1906. The discovery was made by the renowned Walter Rothschild (who, ironically, was a zoologist). The IUCN has only listed this Lepidoptera as Near Threatened due to insufficient information […]
Pudu Facts Related Articles Pudu Physical Description The Pudu possesses a somewhat stocky frame versus other deer species but the legs grow comparatively slender. In addition, adult animals may reach a height of 17 in (44 cm) at the shoulder. Further, in length, individuals are about 33 in (85 cm). An average weight among measured […]
Cantor’s Giant Softshell Turtle
Source: Photo: Dementia CCL: Cantor’s Giant Softshell Turtle Facts Related Articles Cantor’s Giant Softshell Turtle Physical Description The amazing Cantor’s Giant Softhsell Turtle easily impresses those fortunate enough to encounter it. It does so, however, due to more factors that simply its size. That characteristic nonetheless remains its most noteworthy attribute, in the […]
Tiger Quoll
Tiger Quoll Facts Related Articles Tiger Quoll Physical Description Perhaps most notably, out of all the known species of quoll, the Tiger Quoll remains the largest. Like many other creatures, this marsupial also displays the trait of sexual dimorphism. In this particular case, that trait manifests itself in terms of sheer physical size. In this […]
Armhook Squid
Armhook Squid Facts Firstly, Armhook Squid is the collective common name of an entire family of squid. Furthermore, a total of 19 known species exist within this family. The species all share multiple characteristics. Rather unfortunately, detailed knowledge of the amazing creature remains scarce. This regrettable lack of precise information principally occurs due to the […]
Turritopsis Nutricula
Turritopsis Nutricula Facts Most notably, the truly astonishing Turritopsis Nutricula remains one of the most astounding species ever discovered by science. Such a grand statement must be supported by fact, of course. And, in this case, at least, the carefully researched facts appear to completely support the statement. Further, exhaustive ongoing research so far confirms […]