Blanket Octopus Facts The Blanket Octopus, or Tremoctopus, forms a genus of pelagic cephalopods. Also, the genus contains four currently known species that occupy surface to mid-waters in subtropical and tropical oceans. The common name of the breathtaking creature, understandably, occurs due to the long transparent webs it develops. Further, these connect the dorsal and […]Read More
Blue Death Feigning Beetle
Blue Death Feigning Beetle Facts The name this fabulous work of Nature and evolution most frequently goes by is the intriguing one of the Blue Death Feigning Beetle. That name remains unique, to put it mildly. The term also serves as perfectly fitting, and descriptive, however. The attention-grabbing term certainly seems more poetic than its […]
Hobo Spider
Hobo Spider Facts Firstly, the impressive Hobo Spider is a member of the remarkable genus known as funnel web spiders. This term, quite naturally, derives from the specific nature of its usual constructions. That occurs due to the fact that it typically builds funnel-shaped structures of silk to trap its prey. The resourceful spider waits […]
Giant Triton
Giant Triton Facts The fully deserved term of Giant Triton serves as one of the common names for a particularly impressive variety of sea snail. However, this marvel of Nature also goes by another, similar common name. That’s the equally fitting name of the Triton’s Trumpet. Among professional researchers, though, this remarkable gastropod holds yet […]
Black Widow
Black Widow Facts Perhaps most notably for most individuals, the amazing Black Widow represents a very dangerous variety of spider. Placed in the Latrodectus genus, many of these reclusive arachnids are also known to some people simply as widow spiders. Experts also currently list 32 known species in this genus, spread throughout much of the […]
Black and Yellow Mud Dauber
Black and Yellow Mud Dauber Facts Most notably, the admittedly somewhat lengthy term Black and Yellow Mud Dauber aptly serves its purpose. That’s because it serves as the common name for a highly specific species of wasp. At present, entomologists recognize a total of 30 related species throughout the world. While differences naturally occur, in […]
American Burying Beetle
American Burying Beetle Facts The term American Burying Beetle serves as the most frequently used common name for this remarkable insect. It also goes by the alternate name of the giant carrion beetle. Both remain much more pronounceable name than its scientific name, though. That’s the tongue-twisting term of the Nicrophorus americanus. The French entomologist, […]
Bald-Faced Hornet
Bald-Faced Hornet Facts Despite its common name, the fierce-looking Bald-Faced Hornet does not actually rank as a true hornet. This surprising fact only proves once again that names can be deceiving. This amazing eusocial insect actually constitutes a specific species of the yellow jacket. Furthermore, it remains well known for its construction of large conical nests, […]
Flamboyant Cuttlefish
Flamboyant Cuttlefish Facts The flesh of this astonishing creature holds within it certain acids which make the flesh of the animal inedible for humans. Surprisingly, the Flamboyant Cuttlefish is also actually highly toxic. This makes the species one of only three known poisonous cephalopods in all the world’s oceans. In fact, the toxicity level of […]
Caribbean Reef Octopus
Caribbean Reef Octopus Facts Firstly, the astounding Caribbean Reef Octopus distinguishing itself in a remarkable way. That’s because each of the eight tentacles of the cephalopod often measures different lengths and thickness. Secondly, yet another surprising fact sets the fascinating animal apart from its kin. In relation to overall body size, this creature also has […]
Pellucid Hawk Moth
Pellucid Hawkmoth Facts The unique term of Pellucid Hawkmoth serves as the most frequently used common name for this moth. The marvel of Nature also goes by several alternates, however. These include the terms of the coffee clearwing and the coffee bee hawkmoth. Scientists, meanwhile, know it by quite a different term, as is the […]