Blanket Octopus Facts The Blanket Octopus, or Tremoctopus, forms a genus of pelagic cephalopods. Also, the genus contains four currently known species that occupy surface to mid-waters in subtropical and tropical oceans. The common name of the breathtaking creature, understandably, occurs due to the long transparent webs it develops. Further, these connect the dorsal and […]Read More
Comet Moth
Source: Photographer: Sue Roehl CC License: Comet Moth Facts The term of Comet Moth serves as only one of the common names for this incredibly beautiful variety of Lepidoptera. The insect also goes by the alternate common name of the Madagascan moon moth. Its scientific name, meanwhile, is Argema mittrei. Regardless of which […]
Feather Starfish
Feather Starfish Facts The magnificent Feather Starfish ranks as one of the most beautiful and unique species of marine animal found in any of the world’s oceans. Their origins date back to the Ordovician Period, which began more than 488 million years ago. Therefore, they remain one of the oldest known classes on the planet. […]
Eastern Tent Caterpillar
The adorable (look at that fuzzy physique) Eastern Tent Caterpillar represents the caterpillar form of a lappet moth species, also known as a tent caterpillar. Despite their adorable appearance, many agriculturalists consider this insect a pest. This is due to the fact that their voracious appetite will leave ornamental trees temporarily defoliated. The Eastern Tent […]
Cecropia Moth
Cecropia Moth Facts This stunning variety of Lepidoptera goes by a relatively simple common name. That’s the unflattering term of Cecropia Moth. The scientific name for it, meanwhile, remains that of the tongue-twisting term of Hyalophora cecropia. Regardless of which name one chooses to use to refer to it, though, one fact stands out. That’s […]
Pacific Sea Nettle
Pacific Sea Nettle Facts Firstly, the Pacific Sea Nettle remains an ocean-dwelling species which many mistakenly consider dangerous. However, this marvelous creature actually poses no serious threat to humans. In fact, barring an allergic reaction, its sting rarely ranks as no more than irritating. Secondly, since it represents a multi-stage life form, this creature actually […]
Gooty Sapphire Tarantula
Gooty Sapphire Tarantula Facts Firstly, the visually stunning Gooty Sapphire Tarantula forms a true gem among arachnids. Sadly, however, it also ranks as quite rare. Due to this fact, the IUCN lists the spider as Critically Endangered. Also, the unique common name partly derives from the area it inhabits. That’s because the name of the […]
Stalk Eyed Fly
Stalk Eyed Fly Facts The Stalk Eyed Fly represents one of those insects that display a rather extreme difference between the genders. In their case, it’s because the eyestalks of the males have evolved as greatly elongated. By evolving such extended eye stalks, the species has also developed an extreme advantage over related species. As a […]
Western Pygmy Blue
Western Pygmy Blue Facts The rather stunning Western Pygmy Blue provides living proof that beauty thrives even amidst great desolation. This delicate insect also constitutes one of the smallest butterflies on earth and the smallest known in North America. So: tiny but beautiful. The Lepidoptera remains active year-round in the warmest portions of its range. Though […]
Coral Pink Sand Dune Beetle
Coral Pink Sand Dune Beetle Facts This arthropod bears the descriptive, if lengthy, common name of the Coral Pink Sand Dune Beetle. That somewhat exhausting term currently represents its only recognized common name. It simply isn’t seen enough for alternate terms to come to mind. Scientists, however, know the species by its technical name. That’s […]
Shrill Carder Bee
Shrill Carder Bee Facts Firstly, the term Shrill Carder Bee serves as the common name for the remarkable Bombus sylvarum. Secondly, it also goes by the alternate common name of the knapweed carder bee. But, by either term, the invertebrate stands out from related species for one very special reason. That’s the fact that this […]