Akhal Teke Facts
- The Akhal Teke is a most distinctive breed of horse that evolved as native to Turkmenistan where the breed has adapted to extremely harsh conditions.
- This magnificent creature is also ancient and ranks among the oldest of the existing breeds of equines.
- Currently, only an estimated 6,600 specimens exist today, the majority of which remain in Turkmenistan and nearby countries in Asia.
- The breed also remains famous for several characteristic traits, including being among the most intelligent of horse breeds. It also remains popular for possessing great speed and endurance.
- In addition, some individuals manifest an incredible distinctive sheen of the coat.
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Akhal Teke Physical Description
The adult Akhal Teke grows rather tall and generally stands between 14-16 hands tall at the shoulder.
The breed also presents a variety of colors which include black, bay, gray, chestnut, and cremello, which is the most noteworthy color.
This is the result of a dilution gene which is actually present among the majority of individuals. Yet, it is only a specific combination of gene and cremello color that generates unique sheen.
In addition, other physically distinctive characteristics include slightly longer than average ears. Also, some individuals possess almond-shaped eyes, increasing the appeal as a show horse.
- Kingdom: Animalia
- Phylum: Chordata
- Class: Mammalia
- Order: Perissodactyla
- Genus: Equus
Akhal Teke Usefulness
The Akhal Teke remains predominantly used now as a show horse, yet the breed also excels at jumping and endurance races.
In fact, it was its hardiness that made the animal so useful in antiquity.
Also, its physique and agility made it perfect for crossing desert regions. This horse evolved to require little water which allowed for desert crossings with fewer stops.
Finally, in 1935, a group of men riding only this breed set a unique record. They spent 3 days successfully crossing a 235 mi (378 km) stretch of desert – entirely without water. That is just impressive.
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