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8 South American Geological Marvels

Enchanted Well

Enchanted Well

8 South American Geological Marvels
Source: Photo: Diego Delso

We sincerely hope that you enjoy this article about 8 South American Geological Marvels. Every part of the world has been blessed by Nature with such wonders, to be certain. This region is no exception, as you will see as you read on. However, it must be pointed out that these represent only a handful of the splendors of Nature that you can find in this region. Further, since such things are entirely subjective, you may know of other features you would place on such a list. If so, we invite you to tell us about them.

Angel Falls

Source: Photo: Luis Carillo

Angel Falls Facts

Source: Public Domain Image

Angel Falls Discovery

Most notably, the breathtaking Angel Falls formed as part of the Gauja River.  This also flows into the Churun River, a tributary of the Carrao River. The waterfall has been known as the Angel Falls since the mid-twentieth century.

That’s because a United States aviator, Jimmie Angel, was the first person to fly over the falls. Consequently, per his request following his death, Angel’s ashes were scattered over the falls on July 2, 1960.

During a return flight on 9 October 1937, Angel tried to land his monoplane atop Auyan-tepui. However, the plane was damaged when the wheels sank into the marshy ground. Angel and his three companions, including his wife Marie, were forced to descend the tepui on foot.

Finally, it took them 11 days to make their way back to civilization via the gradually sloping backside. But, news of their adventure spread and the waterfall was subsequently named Angel Falls in his honor.

Source: Photo: Brothersoft Wallpapers Public Domain Image

Angel Falls Scaling

The official height of the staggering Angel Falls was determined by a survey carried out by a later expedition. American journalist Ruth Robertson financed the trek, which occurred on 13 May 1949.

Also, the first known attempt to climb the face of the cliff was made in 1968 during the wet season. It failed because of slippery rock.

But, in 1969 a second attempt was made during the dry season. This attempt failed due to a lack of water and an overhang  400 ft (120 m) from the summit.

Finally, the first successful climb to the top of the cliff occurred on January 13, 1971. The intrepid climbers required nine and a half days to ascend and one and a half days to rappel down.

Cano Cristales

Source: Photo: Mario Carvajal

Cano Cristales Facts

Source: Public Domain Image

Cano Cristales Unique Characteristics

First of all, much of the riverbed of Cano Cristales formed covered with rocks composed of quartzite. These rocks form the source of the four colors present in the river year round.

Further, the stones originated with the Serraina de la Macarenia tableland. This formation is also around 1.2 billion years old. Because of this, these comprise some of the oldest exposed rocks known to man.

Additionally, Cano Cristales represents an extremely fast flowing river and possesses numerous waterfalls and rapids. Nature also carved many deep cavities in the geology of the river bed.

Source: Photo: Mario Carvajal

Cano Cristales Flora and Fauna

Most notably, the truly extraordinary river named Cano Cristales formed in a rather remote region.  That area consists of the country of Colombia. This unique river remains located in the province of Meta.

Furthermore, this magnificent site has a border composed of three rather large ecosystems.  In fact, these consist of the Eastern Llanos, the Andes, and also the amazing Amazon rainforest.

Each of these also contributes its own high diversity of flora and fauna to the river. One of these serves as the source of the fifth color in the river. This is due to the aquatic plant Macarenia clavigera. It blooms in vast quantities on the rocks on the riverbed and grows bright red in color.

Finally, the predominant biome of Cano Cristales equals a hydrophytic rainforest. The surrounding region serves as home to 420 known species of birds, 43 species of reptiles, 8 primates, and 420 avian species.

Enchanted Well

Source: Photo:

Enchanted Well Facts

Source: Photo: Fred Schinke

Enchanted Well Physical Description

First of all, the seemingly magical Enchanted Well sits inside the sheltering confines of a moderately large limestone cave. Yet, its placement allows for adequate light to enter.

Further, the incredibly picturesque water of the well remains surprisingly deep. As a result, it has an average depth of roughly 197 ft (60 m). However, it also has a width of about 361 ft (110 m) at its widest.

But, the placement of the Enchanted Well isn’t its only claim to fame, by any means. Its water also remains world-renowned for its extraordinary clarity. This astounding characteristic occurs due to the presence of magnesium.

Because of the presence of the mineral in the water, the pool has almost unbelievable clearness. Therefore, its clarity remains so great that a visitor can see all the way to the bottom of the pool.

Source: Photo:

Enchanted Well Location, Formation, and Ecosystem

First, the astounding Enchanted Well formed in the eastern portion of the country of Brazil . Fortunately, the extreme ruggedness of the region, and also its relative inaccessibility, helps to limit tourism.

Luckily, natural forces created it within what now constitutes the boundaries of the Chapada Diamantina National Park.

In addition, this incredible site actually formed through the slow but relentless effects of erosion. This occurred because of the existence of an underground river within its surrounding limestone.

Further, Nature even provided just the right combination of factors to allow for its appreciation. A fortuitously placed natural opening allows sunlight to enter. Additionally, the light enters at just the right angle to create a stunning blue hue.

In addition to being blessed with great beauty, countless creatures native to the region call the site home. This includes numerous species of bats, along with a few frogs and snakes, all dependent on its ecosystem.

Finally, it also serves as one of only a few known locations where a rare species of blind catfish lives.

Lake Titicaca

Source: Photo: Anthony Lacoste

Lake Titicaca Facts

Source: Photo: Elias Rovielo

Lake Titicaca Geology

Perhaps most notably, gorgeous lake Titicaca lies within the Tinajani Basin. Further, this itself also forms part of a large intermontane basin. This feature originally formed between 27-20 million years ago.

Firstly, the magnificent site has a maximum length of roughly 118 mi (190 km). Secondly, its maximum width measures 50 mi (80 km). The total surface area equals around 3,232 sq mi (8.372 sq km). The surface of this geological marvel also sits at an altitude of 12, 507 ft (3,812 m).

Quite unfortunately, since 2000, the levels of the lake have been steadily receding. Receding glaciers and shortened rainy seasons, appear to be the leading culprits in this trend. These may be occurring due to climate change.

Source: Photo: Anthony Lacoste

Lake Titicaca Climate and Ecology

Lake Titicaca possesses a rather strong alpine climate. The temperature stays cool to cold throughout the year. The average rainfall totals about 24 in (610 mm).

The lake itself remains home to more than 530 aquatic species. Large numbers of waterbirds also call the lake home. Lake Titicaca was designated a Ramsar Site in 1998. There are several animal species present that exist nowhere else on earth.

Numerous endemic species of fish also live in the lake. There are also several unidentified species of bivalves present in the lake. These are currently being studied as potentially previously unknown species.

Salar de Uyuni

Source: Photo: Dimitry B.

Salar de Uyuni Facts

Source: Photo: Pedro Szekely

Salar de Uyuni Physical Description

Firstly, the sheer size of the astonishing Salar de Uyuni must be put into perspective. The incredible site covers an astounding area of roughly 4,086 sq mi ((10,582 sq km). In comparison, that’s larger than 37 of the countries in the world.

Yet that hardly serves as the only wondrous thing about the site. First of all, the layer of salt actually has an average depth of more than 6 ft (2 m). In addition, it remains so smooth that the surface height does not vary by more than 3 ft (1 m).

Finally, its mineralogical wealth does not end at salt and lithium. Because of its unique nature, it also contains large quantities of other minerals. These valuable resources include potassium, magnesium, and borax.

Source: Photo: Ricampelo

Salar de Uyuni Location, Formation, and Geology

The visually staggering Salar de Uyuni formed in a rather rugged and remote location. That’s because the fabulous wonder of Nature formed in one of the highest sections of the Andes Mountains.

Further, it sits in the country of Bolivia, at an altitude of 11,995 ft (3,656 m) above sea level. Additionally, it formed during the uplift of the mountains, as several ancient lakes were transformed.

Furthermore, scientists estimate that this process began between 30,000 – 42,000 years ago. Between that time and roughly 11,500 years ago, several other lakes also formed and then eventually evaporated.

Finally, and amazingly, the central area holds yet another surprise. In that areas, several small islands actually appear. These represent the tops of ancient volcanoes, and also a source of numerous fossils.

El Tatio

Source: Photo: Diego Delso

El Tatio Facts

Source: Public Domain Image

El Tatio Landscape and Geyser Activity

El Tatio is also surrounded on all sides by the enormous mountains of the Andes. The geyser field boasts more than 80 active geysers. By number, this makes it the largest such field in the Southern Hemisphere. However, two larger fields exist in the Northern Hemisphere.

The majority of the individual geysers measure relatively small, in terms of elevation of the eruption. The average height of the geysers in El Tatio is about 29.5 in (0.75 m ). The most powerful individual geyser averages only 19.7 ft(6 m) in height.

Source: Photo: LBM1948

El Tatio Geothermal Activity

Geysers do not comprise the only geothermal activity that El Tatio remains known for, however. More than 100 steam fumaroles also exist within the area. The majority of these stay continuously active.

The contrast between the steam and the frigid air at the field’s altitude makes for a striking image. Visitors also find several large geothermal pools in the area.

The water within these contains a variety of minerals. These pools remain an almost constant 95F (35C) in temperature. Countless bubbling mud pots also fill the region. Both the mineral pools and the mud pots appear to be popular tourist attractions.

Boiling Lake

Photo: Göran Höglund (Kartläsarn)

Boiling Lake Facts

Source: Photo: Bayukjdr

Boiling Lake Physical Description

Firstly, the dimensions of the Boiling Lake remain constantly variable, depending upon conditions. Typically mild phreatic eruptions in the region occur periodically and dramatically affect the level of the small lake.

However, its diameter averages between 200-250 ft (61-76 m) across. The depth of the lake naturally also varies, yet an average depth has been determined to be about 195 ft (59 m).

The color of the water also varies, including becoming green, yet usually, ranges from grayish-blue to bright blue. In addition, the temperature of Boiling Lake ranges between 180-197 F (82-92 C).

This flooded fumarole sits amid jagged outcroppings of rock, which average approximately 100 ft (30 m) in height. Besides to the ever-present steam, the site will occasionally spew forth various noxious gases as well.

Source: Photo: Antoine Hubert

Boiling Lake Location and Formation

The beautiful yet dangerous Boiling Lake sits about 6.5 mi (10.5 km) east of the town of Roseau, Dominica, near South America. Consequently, the site not only has the distinction of being remote, but the surrounding terrain also presents rugged conditions.

The water originates from plentiful rainfall and two small streams that flow into the site. As a result, the water becomes super-heated by proximity to the underlying magma chamber.

Various combinations of minerals in the water create the color, which varies, yet generally remains either bluish gray or bright blue.

Being rather porous in nature, the surrounding rocks also allow the water to escape rapidly when the nearby volcanic activity interrupts the regular inflow.

Fernando de Noronha

Source: Photo: CCINTRA

Fernando de Noronha Facts

Source: Photo: CCINTRA

Fernando de Noronha Geology and Climate

Firstly, all components of Fernando de Noronha remain quite unique. That’s because these are the uppermost portions of an underwater mountain range. Further, the islands and islets all have a volcanic origin.

The base of this large volcanic formation also lies roughly 2,480 ft (756 m) beneath the surface of the ocean. In addition, the highest elevation of the archipelago lies at 1,060 ft (323 m).

The climate also has a primarily tropical nature. The temperature actually varies very little, either between day and night, or month to month. Additionally, it only has two seasons, rainy and dry.

Source: Photo: photo pantai

Fernando de Noronha Flora and Fauna

Perhaps most notably, the archipelago of Fernando de Noronha is home to a diverse number of plant and animal species. Furthermore, many of these exist nowhere else. At least 15 endemic species of plants fit that description.

For example, the animals living only on this archipelago include three species of birds and two reptilians. But, a native rodent species once existed. However, it has now become extinct.

Finally, the islands and islets remain famous for a specific reason. That’s due to the beauty, variety, and quantity of marine life in the local waters. This  include dolphins, sea turtles, and also albatrosses.

Source: Photo:

We truly hope that you have enjoyed this article on 8 South American Geological Marvels. We have certainly enjoyed creating and presenting it to you, our readers. Obviously, such marvels exist in all parts of the world, to be certain. We encourage you to explore those with us as well. But, this region has its equal share of them, too. All deserve our appreciation, often inspiring awe and wonder at the splendor of Nature at its finest. But, it remains up to us to protect and preserve for our posterity.

Check out our other articles on North American Gulches and Canyons, 6 Incredible Asian Islands, 5 Marvels of New Zealand and Australia, 7 Spellbinding African Marvels

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