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7 Spectacular Atlantic Ocean Species

Orca, Orcinus orca


7 Spectacular Atlantic Ocean Species
Source: Public Domain Image

It’s our sincere wish that each of you, our readers, will greatly enjoy and appreciate this article about these 7 Spectacular Atlantic Ocean Species. We certainly enjoyed pulling the data together for you. May it provide you all with both education and increased awareness.

Naturally, though, these few species represent only the tiniest part of the abundance of wildlife in this marine region. Indeed, this part of the world’s oceans teems with life. To learn of some of the other wonders present here, check out some of our other articles.

Source: Public Domain Image

Orca Facts

Source: Photo: Maarten Visser

Orca Physical Description

Perhaps most notably, the adult Orca possesses a very distinctive color pattern. and is therefore rarely confused with any other creature, even at a distance. Typically, the animal presents black on the back with sides and chest a bright white in color.

This magnificent animal also displays a white patch present behind and above the eye. Its body shape is heavy and robust. A small degree of sexual dimorphism exists as well. The male Orca averages between 20-26 ft (6-8 m) in length, and about 12,000 lb (5,443 kg).

Females, however, develop somewhat smaller than that in overall size. In point of fact, these reach maturity with an average length of 16-23 ft (5-7 m), and an average weight of 8,000 lb (3,629 kg). The dorsal fin of the male is also twice the size of that of the female.

Source: Photo: Christopher Michel

Orca Distribution, Habitat, and Ecology

Further augmenting its status, the breathtaking Orca has an extraordinarily broad range of habitation. That’s due to the fact that it inhabits every ocean on earth, from tropical seas to the Arctic and Antarctic areas, and has no known natural predators.

Due to its great range and global distribution, an exact estimate of its numbers is impossible. However, the general estimate is that there are at least 50,000 surviving Orca individuals at this time. But that  number could change with new informtion.

Though the species remains present globally, the greatest concentrations exist in higher latitudes and coastal regions. The largest population concentration also lives in the region of the Antarctic. This fact often surprises those new to knowledge of it.

Sometimes referred to as the wolves of the sea, the Orca typically hunts in packs. Its favorite prey varies rather greatly, with specialization occurring between local populations. Overall, its food primarily consists of fish, birds, and various marine mammals.

That includes species such as baleen whales, other toothed whales, seals, sea lions, walruses, and at times sea otters. In addition, in the wild, the majority of Orca specimens observed appear to live as long as 90 years. In captivity, sadly, individuals die much younger.

Lettuce Sea Slug

Source: Photo: YVC Biology Department

Lettuce Sea Slug Facts

Source: Photo: Nick Hobgood

Lettuce Sea Slug Physical Description

Though it easily impresses those who view it, the fabulous Lettuce Sea Slug does not do so due to sheer size. That’s because it’s a relatively diminutive variety. Being hermaphroditic in nature, the principle of sexual dimorphism doesn’t apply to the creature, though.

An exceptional size for mature individuals, however, equals roughly 2 in (5 cm). A larger-than-average body width for adult specimens, meanwhile, only measures about 1.2 in (3 cm). As a general principle, though, most individuals remain much smaller than this.

The most notable physical attribute of the fascinating Lettuce Sea Slug remains obvious. That’s the intricate protrusions covering its body, known as parapodia. These create the impression, to many, that the creature possesses an external covering of lettuce.

These further extend that comparison due to the most commonly displayed color, that of light green. These sometimes vary in color, however. In point of fact, these sometimes include shades of pale white or blue. Faint yellow or red lines also occasionally manifest.

Source: Photo: amanderson2

Lettuce Sea Slug Distribution, Habitat, and Ecology

The gorgeous and unique Lettuce Sea Slug inhabits a comparatively wide section of the marine regions of the world. Sadly, though, that’s still a fairly small rang, compared to the size of the world’s waters. It lives in the tropical parts of the Caribbean and Western Atlantic.

More precisely, that zone of habitation extends from the area around Bermuda, to the Florida Keys, in the United States, in North America. Even there, though, its range remains further limited. That’s true since it only lives near coastal and tropical reefs.

This specific environment’s where it makes its home almost exclusively. It further does so at extremely shallow depths. The vast majority of individuals, in fact, appear at depths of between 1.6 – 39.4 ft (0.5 – 12 m). It also needs the water to be clear.

This amazing creation of Nature and evolution further has a highly specialized diet. It evolved as what’s known as a herbivorous suctorial feeder. This means that it consumes the sap of certain algae, usually green. It does not, however, digest all parts of it.

The hermaphroditic Lettuce Sea Slug is also highly prolific in nature. Most of its relatives lay between 30 – 500 eggs after mating. This species, however, lays an average of 1,020 eggs with each clutch. This provides it with a definite evolutionary advantage.

Beyond this data, researchers know very little about the remarkable Lettuce Sea Slug. That lamentable lack of information extends to such aspects as its predators and its role in the local ecosystem. Even its precise lifespan remains undetermined at this time.

Great White Shark

Source: Public Domain Image

Great White Shark Facts

Source: Public Domain Image

Great White Shark Physical Description

The remarkably impressive Great White Shark earns this status for several reasons, one of them being its sheer physical size. That’s because it attains a maximum known length of 20 ft (6 m) and weighs as much as roughly 5,000 pounds (2,268 kg). 

It displays a visually striking color pattern. This holds true due to the fact that, most commonly, it appears grayish in color on the top part of its body and white underneath. In addition, just like many species of sharks, the Great White Shark has multiple rows of teeth.

Like all sharks, it also possesses a special sensory organ which allows it to detect the electromagnetic fields generated by the movement of living animals. In this species, this sense seems to be rather especially acute, allowing it to detect a field of half a billionth volt. 

Source: Photo: Elias Levy

Great White Shark Distribution, Habitat, and Ecology

It bears mentioning that the remarkable Great White Shark has more advantages than just its physical attributes. That holds true because it possesses an almost global range of habitation. This gives it a decided advantage over many species.

As a result, this truly amazing fish inhabits virtually all temperate and tropical waters. This fact often amazes those who encounter it. But, the greatest known concentration of its numbers presently occurs in the waters off the coast of South Africa, in Africa.

The incredibly powerful predator most commonly appears in coastal and offshore areas. This practice, quite unfortunately, frequently leads to encounters with humans. There, though, it rarely, though not never, enters waters with depths of less than 1,000 ft (305 m).

This extremely dangerous creature much more commonly appears at great depths, however. These often reach as deep as 3,900 ft (1,200 m). Additionally, with an average lifespan of 25 – 30 years, it generally prefers to stalk a regular territory.

Given its power and speed, the supremely effective predator quite understandably feeds on a wide variety of prey. In point of fact, this monstrously powerful, and also highly aggressive, hunter will feed on virtually any creature it can find.

The Great White Shark nevertheless does tend to have certain preferences for its choice of prey, as nearly all creatures do. More specifically, these include tuna, dolphins, seals, sea turtles, sea otters, and even, when possible, marine birds. 

Leatherback Sea Turtle

Source: Photo: USFWS

Leatherback Sea Turtle Facts

Source: Photo: Alastair Rae

Leatherback Sea Turtle Physical Description

Without question, in the minds of many, the mature Leatherback Sea Turtle represents a truly impressive sight to see. Some impressive individuals reach a total length of as much as 7.2 ft (2.2 m), and achieve a weight often reaching as much as 1,540 lb (700 kg).

Coincidentally, this breathtaking animal also has the longest front flippers of any turtle. These out-sized appendages average an astonishing length of 8.9 ft (2.7 m). That measurement makes them the longest both in sheer length and relative to body size.

In coloring, the fabulous reptile also displays a dual pattern to its appearance. Its upper carapace typically shows a combination of black and dark gray, while the underside of the body generally presents a significantly lighter color scheme.

It is the outer covering of the Leatherback Sea Turtle, however, that separates it from all others. That’s due to an amazing divergence of evolution. Instead of a bony shell, this creature has a covering of extremely thick, tough leathery skin to protect it.

Source: Photo: Jordan Beard

Leatherback Sea Turtle Distribution, Habitat, and Ecology

It must be pointed out that, thankfully, the marvelous Leatherback Sea Turtle has an almost global range. The majority of its population occurs in the tropical and subtropical oceans. Its range, however, extends from the Arctic Circle to Cape Agulhas, in Africa.

Its population numbers, though, appear to be mainly concentrated in three primary populations. Not only that, but each of these remains slightly genetically distinct from the others. These occurs in the Atlantic, western Pacific, and eastern Pacific oceans.

Each of these do share many of the same traits, however. Firstly, all prefer to inhabit the open ocean. Secondly, all tend to follow their prey as it moves during the day. This often results in it moving from deep water during the day to shallower regions at night.

In an interesting twist, juveniles typically prey on various small species for their food, while the adults feed almost exclusively on various types of jellyfish. In contrast, mature adults has few natural predators. The few include orcas and large sharks.

Despite all these facts, the Leatherback Sea Turtle is perhaps best known for its nesting practices. Although most of its kind return to the exact beach of their birth, it remains less selective. For it, any beach in the same region seems to serve perfectly well.

Fin Whale

Source: Photo: Amila Tennakoon

Fin Whale Facts

Source: Photo: Patrick Lyne

Fin Whale Physical Description

The breathtaking Fin Whale quite easily impresses the viewer for several undeniable reasons. The first of these, however, has to be its sheer physical size. That’s due to the fact that the whale represents the second-largest of all creatures known to currently exist.

Physical dimensions actually vary between populations in the Northern and Southern Hemispheres. Overall, however, the difference remains relatively minor. Individuals further display a moderate degree of the physiological trait of sexual dimorphism.

In its specific case, this trait manifests in terms of physical size. More precisely, females attain an average body length slightly greater than that of the males. The former average around 66 ft (20 m), while the males only attain lengths averaging about 61 ft (18.5 m).

The body weights of the genders, understandably, also differ. In the Northern Hemisphere, the longer females typically weigh 111,000 lbs (50,349 kg), but the males only average 85,000 lb (38,555 kg). In the Southern Hemisphere, both measurements are slightly greater.

Otherwise, though, the two sexes remain virtually identical in terms of general physical appearance. This visual pattern remains a complex mix, though. The underside appears an off-white in color. The upperside, meanwhile, appears grayish to brownish. 

The head of the Fin Whale, though, presents a unique pattern of its own. On the left side, this appears a dark gray. The right side, though, shows a surprisingly complex pattern. This consists of various patches of contrasting light and dark gray and brown shades.

Source: Photo: Amila Tennakoon

Fin Whale Distribution, Habitat, and Ecology

One factor working in the favor of the awesome Fin Whale continues to be its habitat range. That’s because this species, like most rorquals, has a cosmopolitan distribution. In point of fact, populations appear in virtually all of the major oceans of the globe.

These include regions extending from both the North and South Poles, to all of the tropical regions. The exceptions to this range remain few, in fact. These include the zones near the ice packs at both poles. Others, though, include areas such as the Red Sea. 

This wonder of Nature also displays a high degree of versatility in its habitat preferences. That’s clearly demonstrated, however, by its appearance in such wide-ranging climates. It does appear to be more common intemperate and cool waters, though.

Like many of its related species, this cetacean evolved as a filter feeder. It therefore feeds primarily on vast quantities of krill. Its diet does, however, include a smaller percentage of other prey. These include other small crustaceans, fish, and sometimes squid.

It in turn has only one known natural predator, other than mankind, of course. That’s the equally magnificent Orca. To the best knowledge of researchers, however, such attacks occur on a rare basis. When they do, it typically involves several so-called killer whales.

For the amazing Fin Whale, mating usually occurs in the Winter. The females typically give birth every 2-3 years, and to a single calf, though multiples do occur. These sometimes number as many as  calves. Finally, mobile groups generally average 6-10 specimens.


Source: Photo: NOAA
Public Domain Image

Porbeagle Facts

Source: Image: CSIRO

Porbeagle Physical Description

The physique of the remarkable Porbeagle quickly impresses those who encounter it. It’s worth noting, however, that it does so for attributes wholly unrelated to sheer size. That’s because this variety of shark only ranks as slightly above average in that regard.

Although populations vary somewhat in size, depending on their region, in many of these one trait stands out. That’s due to the fact that some populations display the physiological characteristic of sexual dimorphism. In its case, though, this manifests in sheer size.

More specifically, females attain a moderately greater length than their male counterparts. As a result of this size disparity, females reach an average body length of approximately 9.8 ft (3.0 m). Males, meanwhile, only average roughly 8.2 ft (2.5 m) in overall length.

Despite the difference in length, though, average weights measure about the same. Most specimens only weigh around 298 lb (135 kg). Exceptional individuals do occur, however. The heaviest known member of the amazing species weighed in at 510 lb (230 kg).

The overall body shape’s often referred to as stout, with males being somewhat more so than females. The elongated snout tapers to a pointed structure. Its eyes further develop as large, and deep black in color. Its mouth also develops as proportionately large and curved.

In terms of coloring, though, the Porbeagle displays a fairly common pattern. The upper surface dislays a moderate to dark gray color. Its underside, meanwhile, typically shows an off white. Some populations also display irregular, dusky blotches across the belly.

Source: Image: Yzx

Porbeagle Distribution, Habitat, and Ecology

One factor working in the favor of the Porbeagle is its natural distribution. That’s because it has an extremely broad, yet simultaneously specific, range of habitation. It evolved to possess what ichthyologists, scientists who study fish, call an amphitemperate range.

That’s simply a technical term that means three things. Firstly, the animal appears almost globally, within certain paramaters. Secondly, however, those parameters restrict it to the temperate waters of both hemispheres. Finally, its absent from tropical areas.

Within that zone, though, it inhabits a broad range of depths. In this, different populations present varying preferences. Thus, some groupings appear offshore, at depths of as much as 4,460 ft (1,360 m). Others, meanwhile, appear at depths as shallow as 3.3 ft (1m)!

Yet, in all regions this wonder of Nature makes its home in, some individuals display a daily migration pattern, while others do not. Those particular specimens that migrate usually spend the day at greater depths. These then later move toward the surface at night.

The intriguing Porbeagle appears either in small groups or singly. In both instances, it’s also one of the few known fish species to exhibit signs of play. That’s due to the fact that, on occasion, individuals wrap themselves in rolling and unrolling themselves in kelp strands.

Like other sharks, it also evolved as an active predator. It’s opportunistic, as well, feeding on virtually any small or medium-sized bony fish it finds. Small cephalopds, especially squid, additionally form an important part of its diet. Lifespan ranges from 30-40 years.

Flamingo Tongue Snail

Source: Public Domain Image

Flamingo Tongue Snail Facts

Source: Public Domain Image

Flamingo Tongue Snail Physical Description

Perhaps most notably, describing the appearance of the Flamingo Tongue Snail is quite complicated. That’s due to the fact that its physical appearance varies significantly between when it is still alive, and immediately after its passing. That’s due to a unique characteristic.

Firstly, it itself remains a physically small specimen. In fact, the maximum measured body length only equals 1.7 in (4.3 cm). But an average length for the body is much smaller. The shape of the remarkable shell itself also typically develops as elongated in structure.

Secondly, while still living, the species generally displays a brilliant orange and yellow. It also often displays random black markings. Furthermore, these colors actually come from live tissue covering the shell itself. In this respect, the Flamingo Tongue Snail truly stands apart.

Thirdly, this covering can be withdrawn at will, but that rarely occurs while the creature lives. When the incredible creature dies, the colors fade. Finally, the smooth underside of the astonishing shell most commonly displays combinations of shades of pink and white.

Source: Photo: LASZLO ILYES

Flamingo Tongue Distribution, Habitat, and Ecology

The Flamingo Tongue Snail inhabits a moderately broad range of the marine waters of the world. The exact area in which it appears likely comes as no great surprise, however. More precisely, it primarily lives in the warmer waters of the western Atlantic Ocean.

This amazing gastropod appears in a region that begins off the northern coast of the country of Brazil, in South America. From there, this marvelous denizen of the ocean appears as far north as the coast of the state of North Carolina, in the United States, in North America. 

The range of the awesome gastropod also extends westward as well. Though populations remain smaller, it appears in the waters around Bermuda and the Lesser Antilles. Scattered specimens also appear in the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean Sea.

Throughout the entirety of its range, the gorgeous mollusk remains consistent in its choice of habitat. For one thing, the tiny beauty only lives in very shallow areas. In point of fact, the maximum depth at which any specimen has ever been spotted only measured 95 ft (29 m).

The diet of the aptly-named Flamingo Tongue Snail remains consistent with related species. The animal lives almost solely among coral reefs and feeds exclusively upon the flesh of soft coral. The species also evolved an almost symbiotic relationship with this life form.

The perfectly evolved creature of the sea feeds by scraping the fresh polyps off of the coral, finding hem easy prey. As most things in nature, this process is virtually perfect. The process does not harm the original coral, which subsequently regrows more polyps.

Source: Photo: Elias Levy

7 Spectacular Atlantic Ocean Species

We sincerely hope that you have thoroughly enjoyed reading, and hopefully learning from, this article about 7 Spectacular Atlantic Ocean Species. It’s also our great hope that doing so has left you with either a new or renewed appreciation for such works of Nature.

Unfortunately, however, many of their kindred around the world now find themselves facing dire threats to their continued existence as a species. Many of those dangers, in fact, stem from the actions of mankind. We must do all we can to protect and preserve them all.

Check out our other articles on 5 Tantalizing Mammals of Tasmania, Earth’s Many Stunning Waterfalls, 6 Magnificent Carnivorous Plants, Wonderful Wild Cats of the World

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