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6 Laudably Luscious Lilies

Canna Lily

Source: Public Domain Image

6 Laudably Luscious Lilies
Source: Photo: Kirt Edblom

We truly hope that you, our readers, greatly enjoy reading and learning from this article we present you about these 6 Laudably Luscious Lilies. It’s also our hope that doing so will also fill you with a new or renewed recognition of the awesome beauty found in Nature.

Obviously, however, these few represent only a handful of the 90 currently known and recognized species of lily found throughout the world. It’s our belief, though, that those herein constitute a good cross-selection for you to enjoy viewing and learning about.

Cobra Lily

Source: Photo: NoahElhardt

Cobra Lily Facts

Source: Photo: Joe Parks

Cobra Lily Physical Description

Regardless of its fascinating appearance, the rather astonishing Cobra Lily ranks as a moderate-sized variety of carnivorous plant. That’s because specimens sometimes attain a height of about 33 in (85 cm). Most individuals, however, usually remain smaller.

Each individual member of the species additionally produces several  hollow leaves, with no stalks. As these develop, they typically grow to the same approximate length as the single flower. This unique feature, in turn, the plant produces atop a relatively thick stalk.

The leaves of the plant themselves, furthermore, most commonly develop as a somewhat light green in color. But, these also appear streaked with numerous blood-red vein-like features. These only serve to further add to the eerie appearance of the Cobra Lily.

The remarkable leaves also generally display a dark, purplish-red appendage at the tip. Many people consider this part of the plant to resemble the forked tongue of a snake, thus the common name. All these only further enhance the resemblance to its namesake.

Photo: US Bureau of Land Management
Public Domain Image

Cobra Lily Distribution, Habitat, and Ecology

Sadly, the extremely amazing Cobra Lily possesses an extremely limited range of habitation. That’s because this wonder of Nature only grows in a small portion of the globe. That’s the wild areas in portions of California and Oregon, in the United States, in North America.

Even more specific, however, remains the unique habitat requirement of the astonishing carnivorous species. That holds true due to the natue of its environment. In fact, it only grows in seeps and bogs with cold running water and highly nutrient-poor soils.

As with its many related species, furthermore, the Cobra Lily also augments its limited ability to draw nourishment from the soil. This the amazing product of evolution accomplishes by gaining nourishment from insects it succeeds in trapping and digesting.

Its uniqueness, though, presents itself in yet another way. That’s because this species differs from all other pitcher plants in the Americas in one relatively important respect. That’s due to the fact that it does not trap rainwater in its pitcher. Instead, it draws it from the roots.

Pine Lily

Source: Photo: Mary Keim

Pine Lily Facts

Source: Photo: Mary Keim

Pine Lily Physical Description

Perhaps most notably, the truly gorgeous Pine Lily constitutes a physically impressive type of flora. It also accomplishes this for more reasons than just its beauty. In this it clearly displays its relationship to the many other remarkabale varieties of lilies around the world.

That’s due to the fact that, in addition to its visual appeal, it also attains a much greater size than most. Additionally, as if the other facts weren’t enough, this description actually holds true because of its measurements in entrely two entirely separate categories.

In point of fact, the seemingly delicate plant ranks as the largest variety of lily on the continent on which it evolved. Yet the wonders do not end there. For starters, the long and thin, but relatively strong, straight stalk attains an average height of roughly 2 ft (61 cm).

Atop these stalks, furthermore, the plant produces its remarkably beautiful, large flowers. These blooms attain an average width measuring roughly 6 in (15 cm). Each of those same stalks also most commonly possesses only a few, comparatively small leaves.

Each of the large, magnificent blooms of the amazing Pine Lily produces a total of six separate tepals. These bend sharply outward from the center. Within the center stands a total of six thin stalks, topped with small structures, in which it produces its seeds.

This creation of Nature and evolution also dazzles those who encounter it with its array of hues. These natural colors also tend to vary significantly. The great majority, however, tend to be bright, primarily orange, with multiple spots. Other shades also occur occasionally.

Source: Photo: Malcolm Manners

Pine Lily Distribution, Habitat, and Ecology

Most unfortunately for those who appreciate it, the visually beautiful and impressive species commonly known as the Pine Lily inhabits a somewhat restricted range. Part of that lamentable fact, however, stems from its very nature. This sometimes happens in Nature.

For the moment, though, it remains unknown if this marvelous flora ever possessed a greater range. Given its particular environmental requirements, though, this appears to be unlikely. Research nevertheless remains ongoing into this, and other aspects of its nature.

That range consists of only a relatively small portion of North America. More specifically, it evolved as endemic to the coastal regions of southeastern United States. As a result, the plant appears in an area that extends roughly along the east coast, from Alabama to Virginia.

The majority of individuals appear in Florida. That’s understandable, given its physical needs. That’s because this variety of lily prefers very damp areas and requires a specific environment to thrive. This includes warm temperatures, high humidity, and acidic soil.

Although the Pine Lily requires warmth, it does not tolerate direct sunlight well. Yet, the astonishing Angiosperm also prefers a very specific, and uncommon, soil type. Incredibly, this fabulous wonder of Nature actually prefers regions containing a high level of acidity. 

Canna Lily

Source: Photo: Kirt Edblom

Canna Lily Facts

Source: Photo: Dinesh Valke

Canna Lily Physical Description

Given the sheer number of different species of Canna Lily, certain characteristics understandably vary. Some of these, in fact, vary somewhat significantly. Conversely, however, some of the basic physical traits naturally remain consistent between each of them.

For starters, all presently recognized members of this genus share the most basic environmental requirements. Each of them further evolved in either of two specific climates. That holds true since all varieties appear as either tropical or subtropical perennial herbs.

Following that, the abundant and remarkable leaves of each of them also display the same basic patterns. That’s due to the fact that the foliage develops as relatively broad and flat in all of the accepted forms. But, the impressive nature of these does not end there.

In fact, these structures grow out of a stem in a long narrow roll and then unfurl to their full extent. Both the leaves and stems of the plants also typically display a solid green color. Sometimes, however, both show either maroon, brownish, or even variegated in color.

All known forms of the  Canna Lily further share similarities in the nature of their blooms. That’s because the flowers typically develop with brilliant colors, such as hues as orange, red or yellow. Some forms of this lily sometimes grow to heights of as much as 9.8 ft (3 m).

Source: Public Domain Image

Canna Lily Distribution, Habitat, and Ecology

Lamentably, the gorgeous Canna Lily genus evolved as native to a somewhat limited portion of the globe. More specifically, this region consists of the tropical and sub-tropical regions of both Americas. This also includes the southern United States, in North America.

That region mainly consists of the area from South Carolina to Texas.  They further appear as deep into South America as parts of the country of Argentina. The genus, however, also now exists in areas with compatible climates throughout the world, due to commerce.

Within their native range, the plants nevertheless only inhabit certain specific climates. They therefore show themselves to be moderately adaptable. The plant nevertheless thrives best in most warm climates, as long as it acquires at least 6-8 hours of sunlight.

Many uses further exist for this remarkable plant, varying in different parts of the world. Some uses of the Canna Lily include using the seeds in the making of jewelry. Others, meanwhile, actually include fermenting the petals to make an alcoholic beverage.

But the usefulness of this fascinating and beautiful flora does not simply end there. That holds true given the fact that it’s also used in the production of a bright purple dye. Some individuals occasionally even use smoke from the burning plant as an insecticide.

Blood Lily

Source: Public Domain Image

Blood Lily Facts

Source: Photo: korambils

Blood Lily Physical Description

The truly stunning Blood Lily merits admiration for more than just its unique appearance. That’s because it evolved a highly fascinating physical characteristic. That occurs due to the fact that the remarkable plant constitutes both a perennial and an evergreen.

As a result of this, specimens grow from either rhizomes or bulbs. This makes the species highly versatile and relatively successful. But, while it impresses for many reasons, sheer physical size isn’t among them. Individuals rarely attain a height in excess of 10 in (25.4 cm).

Yet this incredible work of Nature and evolution has other sights to offer those fortunate enough to encounter it. For one, the leaves of the plant generally grow comparatively large and thin in shape. These further remain green throughout the entire year.

The blooms themselves also garner great attention, and merit it. The flower heads develop uniquely, typically showing a bright red color, thus the common name. Each head also consists of nearly 200 small flowers. Each plant further grows one head only.

However, the gorgeous Blood Lily has one failing. The bloom, unfortunately, has a short lifespan of fewer than two weeks. Many berries additionally develop after the bloom. These most commonly remain small and relatively numerous. The berries begin as green and slowly redden.

Source: Public Domain Image

Blood Lily Distribution, Habitat, and Ecology

The fabulous plant known most commonly as the Blood Lily holds yet more surprises for those who learn of it. That’s partly because it evolved as native to a surprising habitat range. In point of fact, it evolved endemically to a region of the globe that might surprise you.

That’s because the fascinating flora evolved as native to moderately arid sections of the globe. More specifically, this beautiful variety of flora appears in both sub-Saharan Africa and the Arabian Peninsula. The actions of man have also now spread it all the way to Mexico.

Even within this territory, however, the fascinating plant has decidedly specific preferences for its choice of habitat. This only serves to augment its uniqueness, though. These preferences consist primarily of regions appearing at either low or medium altitudes.

Inside of those ranges, however, the plant shows a surprising fecundity. Areas in which it develops include regions such as woodlands, secondary forests, montane grasslands, savannas, and even coastal scrub. In this way, the Blood Lily perfectly shows its adaptability.

This Angiosperm actually develops in different ways in the different habitats. Firstly, the plants appearing in temperate regions generally spread via bulbs. The tropical populations, meanwhile, generally spread via rhizomes, and usually appear in well-drained areas.

Amazon Lily

Source: Photo: Jan Smith

Amazon Lily Facts

Source: Photo: Burkhard Mücke

Amazon Lily Physical Description

The Amazon Lily evolved as a perennial plant in nature. The species grows from a small bulb, typically placed just beneath the surface of the soil. In addition, its varieties can vary slightly in size. Most types, though, average a height measuring roughly 31 in (80 cm).

The leaves of the various types of this plant also have their own appeal to some. This foliage ranges in overall length from an impressive 8-22 in (20-55 cm) in length. Impressively, the delicate flowers of the various forms also average 2 in (5 cm) in diameter.

These beautiful blooms also typically develop star-shaped. This lovely part of the plant commonly shows a bright white in color. Quite remarkably, the flowers of the beautiful Amazon Lily also remain known for possessing a very strong, pleasant scent.

These also generally appear in small groupings. When these develop, they generally number 3-10 blooms. Especially relevant remains the fact that the color of the interior central structure often has a remarkable light green tint. This creates a striking effect.

Source: Photo: Σ64

Amazon Lily Distribution, Habitat, and Ecology

To no great surprise, the endemic range of the known types of Amazon Lily serves as perhaps its most noteworthy feature. That holds true due to the fact that this perennial plant only appears in the Amazon regions of either South America or Central America.

More precisely, though, this area of habitation extends from Guatemala to Bolivia. Very interestingly, a few of them have also become naturalized in other regions of the world. These other areas include Mexico, the West Indies, and even a few tropical islands.

It has adapted to high heat and humidity, as a result of this. Despite this, it most commonly occurs  in shaded areas. Also, the various forms of Amazon Lily grow best in certain specific soils. That includes areas consisting of a combination of loam and sand.

Finally, these incredible beauties also typically bloom in the spring. Variations of this theme nevertheless do exist, of course. As a result of this fact, some species will also bloom multiple times throughout the year, under the right conditions.

Sego Lily

Source: Photo: Matt Lavin

Sego Lily Facts

Source: Photo: USFWS

Sego Lily Physical Description

Although the breathtaking Sego Lily fully merits appreciation, it does not do so based solely on sheer size. In fact, regardless of its many other attributes, it ranks as an average-sized specimen. Physically, it does distinguish itself in one manner, though.

That’s the fact that individual plants of this remarkable species quite frequently vary significantly in terms of overall height. In point of fact, quite surprisingly, individual plants of the Sego Lily generally range in height from 6 – 18 in (15 – 45 cm).

This manifests itself in terms of a single tall, thin stalk. The leaves, meanwhile, appear few in number, and thin, and highly elongated. Also, at the end of each of these, a single bloom appears. When open, this flower averages 3 in (7.6 cm) in diameter.

It also presents a striking color scheme to the eye. That’s because the petals usually white, with dark red and yellow markings at the base. However, on occasion, yellow petal develop, instead of the white. The fruit of the species develops as a single capsule.

Source: Photo: USFWS

Sego Lily Distribution, Habitat, and Ecology

First of all, the magnificent Sego Lily stands out for yet another reason. This wonderful plant evolved as native to a moderately large region of the world. This zone of habitation more specifically consists of a specific portion of the continent of North America.

More precisely, however, this delicate wonder of Nature developed in what now constitutes the western regions of the United States. Within that area, the beautiful variety of lily currently inhabits a total of 11 states, covering much of the western part of the country.

For the moment, it remains unknown whether or not it ever existed beyond this range. But, even within this already restricted range, the amazing species of flora possesses specific requirements for the type of habitat in which it appears.

Consequently, except for individual stragglers, the bulk of its population appears in three specific habitats. These consist of areas of sagebrush in the foothills, various dry valleys, and, for unknown reasons, specifically groupings of ponderosa pines.

The Sego Lily also had multiple cultural uses. The Native American tribes sharing its range used it in several ways. Firstly, the bulbs were often used to make a porridge. Secondly, they consumed the dried seeds. Thirdly, the flowers often formed decorations and adornments.

Source: Photo: Dinesh Valke

6 Laudably Luscious Lilies

We sincerely hope that you have thoroughly enjoyed reading this article about 6 Laudably Luscious Lilies. It was certainly our great pleasure to compile and present it to you, our readers. Hopefully, it instilled in you a hunger to learn more about other such wonders.

Sadly, however, many of their related species, like countless other species around the globe, now find themselves in gret peril. Their dangers come in many forms. In all cases, though, it’s up to each and every one of us to do all that we can to protect and preserve them.

Check out our other articles on 5 Amazing Asian Amphibians, Mount Ranier Lousewort, 6 Mysterious Natural Phenomena, Earth’s Many Magical Moths, 3 Astonishing African Lizards

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