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6 Breathtaking Raptors

Bald Eagle, Haliaeetus leucocephalus

Bald Eagle

6 Breathtaking Raptors
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We sincerely hope that you greatly enjoy this article about 6 Breathtaking Raptors. This kind of bird often evokes many powerful emotions, such as awe and wonder, and for good reasons. In these creatures, Nature created a fabulous blend of beauty, grace, and power. Of course, these 6 represent only a tiny handful of the more than 500 species of raptors around the world. But, we hope these 6 Breathtaking Raptors serve to awaken in you a hunger to know more.

Harpy Eagle

Source: Photo: Brian Gratwicke

Harpy Eagle Facts

Source: Photo: Jonathan Wilkins

Harpy Eagle Physical Description

The truly stunning Harpy Eagle possesses an extremely visually striking physical appearance. This truly sets it apart from related species. This statement holds true for several reasons. Its sheer physical size only represents one of these factors, however.

But, as remains true of many species, this bird displays the trait of sexual dimorphism. In its case, however, this means that the female reaches a significantly greater size than her male counterpart. Also, both genders have the largest talons of any type of eagle.

Firstly, the female of the marvelous species, being the larger of the two, typically attains a maximum body length measuring about 3.5 ft (1.07 m). Meanwhile, the smaller male of the species pales in comparison. He rarely exceeds a body length of 2 ft 10 in (86.5 cm).

Secondly, the females further attain a much greater mass than the males. The body weight of the female achieves an average totaling as much as 18. 3 lb (8.3 kg). Yet the males, however, only reach a maximum known weight of 13.1 lb (5.95 kg), and average much less.

However, both genders of the Harpy Eagle do share many characteristics. This includes displaying the same overall physical appearance. The upper portions of the body present dark black feathers. Yet, the underside of the bird remains primarily white in color.

The exception to this tendency is that of the presence of thin black stripes on each of its legs. But, the remarkably majestic head displays a pale gray color, along with a double crest. Finally, the upper side of the tail shows a black color, with three gray stripes.

Source: Photo: Eric Kilby

Harpy Eagle Distribution, Habitat, and Ecology

Technically, the native habitat range of the magnificent Harpy Eagle measures quite extensive. In point of fact, it extends from Mexico, in North America, to Argentina, in South America. However, in the country of Mexico, the fabulous creature appears to be nearly extinct.

But very sadly, this marvelous bird continues to have a thinly scattered population. Furthermore, this lamentable fact holds true throughout the entirety of its known range. The loss of much of its native habitat negatively impacts it as much as other species.

In addition, the animal has a very specific type of region in which it makes its home. The majestic predator primarily inhabits regions of lush tropical rainforests. Not surprisingly, the majority of its numbers appear in this habitat in the country of Brazil.

Furthermore, it also requires a particular range of height above sea level for its range. Most individuals live in areas with an elevation lower than 3,000 ft (900 m). Yet, scattered individuals do appear at altitudes of as much as 6,600 ft (2,000 m), in areas of similar vegetation.

The powerful Harpy Eagle remains one of the top predators in every area it lives in. Furthermore, its prey mainly consists of various tree-dwelling mammals. Yet, it also occasionally hunts such animals as squirrels, porcupines, and opossums, to name a few.

More precisely, however, sloths and monkeys comprise the majority of its food supply. In this respect, its great size and power provide it with a significant advantage. Meanwhile, the deadly creature itself understandably has very few natural predators.

Long Eared Owl

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Long Eared Owl Facts

Source: Photo: Charlie Marshall

Long Eared Owl Physical Description

Firstly, the beautiful Long Eared Owl merits attention for other factors than merely its size. That holds true because the animal develops as an owl of medium physical size. Secondly, it does display a moderate of the characteristic of sexual dimorphism.

Further, individuals of this animal attain a respectable body size. Mature specimens average roughly 16 in (40 cm) in total length. Meanwhile, wingspans average about 39 in (100 cm). In addition, adult body weight varies, but averages 15.3 oz (435 g).

In addition, the female of the stunning Long Eared Owl also grows larger and heavier than the male.  Yet, she also develops as darker in coloring. Further, the prominent ear tufts of both sexes generally develop as black in color, and centered on the head.

Also, the prominent feathers of the bird possess a striking pattern of colors. These usually appear as a light brown in color, with vertical darker stripes present as well. Finally, the impressive eyes of this stunning species also grow comparatively large.

Source: Public Domain Image

Long Eared Owl Distribution, Habitat, and Ecology

Much like many related species the Long Eared Owl evolved as partially migratory in nature. However, to the surprise of many people, this avian inhabits a relatively broad swathe of the globe. That’s due to the fact that it appears on three separate continents.

More precisely, however, it appears in a total of three separate continents. These consist of the continents of Asia, Europe, and North America. Furthermore, the fascinating animal commonly moves southward within its native range during the winter months.

In addition, the stunning raptor also has decided preferences for the type of region it chooses for its habitat. This holds true since individuals primarily inhabit forests that developed close to open areas. This further provides a combination of protective cover and good hunting.

In addition, most individuals typically make nests in coniferous trees. Also, breeding occurs between February and July, and clutches average 4-6 eggs. Further, the marvelous Long Eared Owl shares one particular behavioral characteristic common to all owls.

That’s the fact that it generally hunts at night. Even among its kindred, this animal stands out for its skill as a hunter. The raptor remains renowned for being virtually silent while hunting. Its principal prey consists of a variety of small mammals, rodents, and other birds.

Bald Eagle

Source: Public Domain Image

Bald Eagle Facts

Source: Photo: Yathin S Krishnappa

Bald Eagle Physical Description

Most notably, the gorgeous Bald Eagle displays the physiological characteristic of sexual dimorphism. That remains a characteristic shared by many of its related species, though. In its case, however, this trait presents itself as a matter of size.

That holds true due to the fact that the females of the species average about 25% larger than the males. Furthermore, these larger females weigh as much as 14 lb (6.3 kg). In addition to this, exceptional females sometimes even attain a wingspan of 7.5 ft (2.3 m).

Also, the gorgeous plumage of the creature continues to be one of its most striking features. This trait presents as a distinctive combination of dark brown on the body, and white on the head and tail. That combination has served to make it one of the most recognizable birds on earth.

Further, the eyes, beak, and feet of the majestic Bald Eagle show a bright yellow in color. The talons also develop large and razor-sharp, as with most raptors. In addition, the Bald Eagle possesses the ability to retract its talons at will, but rarely chooses to do so.

Source: Public Domain Image

Bald Eagle Distribution, Habitat, and Ecology

The range of the Bald Eagle thankfully remains quite extensive in nature. The beautiful creature inhabits most of North America. This extends from northern Mexico, to all of the continental United States. It also inhabits temperate portions of Alaska, and most of the country of Canada.

Quite fortunately, this particular avian possesses a decided advantage over some competitors. It quickly proved itself to be highly adaptable to a variety of habitat types. Due to this trait, it can, and often does, live in bayous, deciduous forests, and even the Sonoran Desert.

Furthermore, the beautiful animal holds yet another distinction. It generally prefers to build its large nests in the tops of the tallest trees near a body of water. In fact, the amazing avian holds the distinction of building the largest nest of any bird in its range.

Further, in point of fact, these hold a place in the record books. Its constructions remain the largest arboreal nests of any known animal. These may be as much as 13 ft (4 m) deep, 8.2 ft (2.5 m) wide. Quite amazingly, each can also weigh up to 2,000 lb (907 kg).

Much like related species, the fabulous Bald Eagle evolved to feed entirely as a carnivore. It also feeds opportunistically, consuming a wide variety of prey. But, the majority of the prey of most individuals remains comprised of numerous types of locally available fish.

Finally, it remains fascinating for one more reason. Individuals of this species also typically mate for life. Additionally, when offspring arrive, both parents care for the young, unlike some birds. Finally, this breathtaking bird can live up to 20 years in the wild.

Snowy Owl

Source: Photo: Bert de Tilly

Snowy Owl Facts

Source: Public Domain Image

Snowy Owl Physical Description

Perhaps most notably, the eyes of the Snowy Owl provide an incredibly striking visual appeal. In point of fact, these most commonly display a brilliant shade of yellow. This distinctive feature contrasts quite sharply with the black beak and white feathers the bird also possesses.

The bird also displays a moderate degree of the trait of sexual dimorphism. Most adult males appear virtually pure white, but females and young birds have some dark markings. A young member of the species  also appears heavily barred, and dark spotting may even predominate.

The beautiful Snowy Owl achieves some impressive measurements. That holds true due to the fact that mature adults sometimes reaches a body length of as much as 28 in (71 cm). Further, its wingspan may be up to 59 in (150 cm). Finally, individuals may weigh almost 6.6 lb (3 kg).

Source: Photo: Magnus Manske

Snowy Owl Distribution, Habitat, and Ecology

The truly beautiful Snowy Owl nests in the Arctic tundra of the northernmost stretches of Alaska and Canada, in North America, and also Eurasia. Most also winter south through Canada and northern Eurasia, with a presence occurring further south in some years.

Most of the birds like open areas like coastal dunes and prairies that appear somewhat similar to tundra. The animals have been reported as far south as the American states of Texas, Georgia, the American Gulf states, southernmost Russia, and northern China.

The owl remains a very powerful animal for its size. It primarily preys on lemmings and other small rodents for food during the breeding season. However, at times of low prey density, or during the nesting period, it may switch to favoring juvenile ptarmigan.

The incredible birds also evolved as primarily opportunistic hunters. In addition, typical prey species vary considerably, especially in winter. Furthermore, it feeds on a wide variety of small mammals such as meadow voles and deer mice.

The Snowy Owl takes advantage of larger prey as well. Some of the larger mammal prey includes hares, muskrats, marmots, squirrels, rabbits, raccoons, prairie dogs, rats, moles, and smaller birds.

The owl will also take fish from the surface of lakes. Each bird must capture roughly 7 -12 mice per day to meet its food requirement and can eat more than 1,600 lemmings per year. Like many other birds, the bird swallows its prey whole.

Source: Photo: USFWS

Snowy Owl Threats

Though Snowy Owls have few predators, the adults remain very watchful at all times. Further, the mature individuals have been blessed by Nature for self-protection. This holds true since each comes equipped to defend against any kind of threat towards them or their offspring.

During the nesting season, the impressive owls regularly defend the nests against any and all potential threats. These dangers include such predators as arctic foxes, corvids, and swift-flying jaegers. Other threats, however, include dogs, gray wolves and avian predators.

In addition, the males of the remarkably adapted species defend the nest. Consequently, these often act much like human sentries. This they accomplish by standing guard nearby, while the female incubates the vulnerable eggs and broods the young.

Additionally, both sexes of the awesome Snowy Owl readily attack approaching predators. This often occurs with great ferocity. This the animals accomplish by dive-bombing them and engaging in distraction displays to draw the predator away from a nest.

Crowned Eagle

Source: Photo: Derek Keats

Crowned Eagle Facts

Source: Photo: Derek Keats

Crowned Eagle Physical Description

Most notably, in terms of length, the Crowned Eagle constitutes a highly impressive creature. This further holds true even when compared to other raptors. That remains true due to the fact that the bird ranks as the fifth largest known variety of eagle on earth.

Also, like many related species, the magnificent creature displays a moderate degree of the physiological characteristic of sexual dimorphism. Due to this, the female averages about 15% larger than the male. Some individuals measure as much as 39 in (99 cm) in length.

Further, particularly exceptional individuals sometimes weigh up to 10.5 lb (4.7 kg). Meanwhile, wingspan can be almost 6 ft (1.83 m). In addition, the talons grow exceptionally large and powerful. These often  measure as much as 4 in (10 cm) long.

Additionally, its coloring evolved in an especially impressive pattern. This pattern typically consists of a mottled combination of brown, black, white, and gray, as mature adults. However, infants typically display white and black, with traces of pink on the chests.

Finally, the head of the gorgeous Crowned Eagle further serves to distinguish it among its peers. To be more precise, the head of the magnificent avian develops topped with a distinctive crest. This provides it with a highly distinctive triangular appearance.

Source: Photo: Derek Keats

Crowned Eagle Distribution, Habitat, and Ecology

The Crowned Eagle evolved as endemic to a moderately large portion of the globe. This magnificent bird presently inhabits a wide swathe of Africa. In point of fact, scattered individuals occur in small numbers across a range that extends from the country of Ethiopia to Angola.

This remarkable avian possesses a decided preference for certain regions. It primarily inhabits dense forests, including the African rainforest regions. The bird has, however, proven itself to be adaptable to other regions when necessary. Some reside at altitudes of as much as 9,800 ft (3,000 m).

Further, like all eagles, the powerful predator naturally has an entirely carnivorous nature. To be more precise, it primarily preys on mammals, and in fact, fills a unique niche. Furthermore, it represents the only known variety of avian to prey mostly on primates.

Because of this, smaller species of monkeys comprise roughly 90% of its diet. But, it also doesn’t shy away from larger prey. This holds true since the astounding Crowned Eagle also sometimes preys on animals weighing as much as five times its own weight.

Thankfully, steps have now been taken to assist in the survival of the amazing animal. Quite fortunately,the species now has legal protection throughout most of its habitat range. However, and most unfortunately, its numbers continue to diminish.

The distinctive raptor also evolved specific patterns pertaining to mating. Firstly, it typically reproduces every two years. Secondly, it usually builds its nests high in the local tree canopy. Thirdly, much like other species, both genders typically share in caring for the eggs and raising the young.

Black-and-white hawk-eagle

Source: Photo: Nayeryouakim

Black-and-white hawk-eagle Facts

Source: Photo: Mateus Hidalgo

Black-and-white hawk-eagle Physical Description

The gorgeous Black-and-white hawk-eagle merits attention for more than just its size. In point of fact, the bird ranks as a moderate-sized raptor. Further, like many related species, this animal displays a moderate degree of the physiological trait of sexual dimorphism.

In the case of this particular creature, this characteristic manifests itself in the fact that some females attain a slightly larger average weight. The species as a whole develops respectable measurements. Firstly, adults reach an average body length of about 20 – 24 in (50 – 60 cm).

Secondly, a typical wingspan for both genders equates to roughly 46 in (117 cm). Thirdly, though weight remains where the genders differ slightly, overall averages remain approximately equal. To be precise, a typical weight equals roughly 1.88 lb (0.85 kg).

In terms of appearance, however, no gender-based differences appear. In point of fact, both sexes of the remarkable Black-and-white hawk-eagle remain virtually indistinguishable. Further, as the common name suggests, the basic color scheme is black and white.

Additionally, this pattern of colors generally presents itself with the body, neck, and head being white in color. In addition, the wings display a dark black, along with a lone black spot on the top of the head. But the tail shows brown with dark gray.

Source: Photo: gailhampshire

Black-and-white hawk-eagle Distribution, Habitat, and Ecology

Despite not being widely known, the sincerely extraordinary Black-and-white hawk-eagle inhabits a fairly broad swathe of the world. That holds true due to the fact that the remarkable animal inhabits portions of both North America and South America.

Impressively, that native territory does not simply entail minor regions of the two continents. More precisely, the fascinating bird appears as far north as southern Mexico. However, its known endemic range also extends as far south as the country of Argentina.

However, within this wide range, it possesses highly specific requirements. That holds true since it only inhabits specific habitat types. These consist of consist of forests of any time. But, while it does inhabit highly humid and dense forests if it must, these are not preferred.

Furthermore, the impressive bird has even more decidedly precise preferences for where it makes its home. It only inhabits such regions that appear at lower altitudes, unless forced to relocate there. Furthermore, it prefers regions with close-packed canopies.

Like other raptors, the stunning Black-and-white hawk-eagle evolved to feed exclusively as a carnivore. Although it hunts opportunistically, it does, like most animals, have preferred prey. These primarily consist of various toads, small mammals and lizards.

However, one more unusual factor about its nature remains. To the surprise of many researchers, a large percentage of its diet also consists of various types of small birds. Although certain animals prey on its young in the nest, adults have few natural predators.

Source: Photo: Brian Gratwicke

6 Breathtaking Raptors

We fervently hope that you enjoyed this article about 6 Breathtaking Raptors. These birds never cease to amaze those who encounter them. To the minds of many people, these creatures represent some of the finest work of Nature, But, many of these marvelous species now find themselves in danger. It remains up to each of us to do all that we can to protect and preserve these 6 Breathtaking Raptors, as well as countless other wondrous species, for our posterity.

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