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5 Remarkably Riveting Rays

Cownose Ray, Rhinoptera bonasus

Cownose Ray

5 Remarkably Riveting Rays
Source: Photo: Todd Poling

It’s our hope that you will greatly enjoy reading this article about 5 Remarkably Riveting Rays as much as we enjoyed creating it for you. We also fervently hope that it instills in you a desire to learn more aabout these magnificent creatures of the oceans of the world

Obviously, these few listed here constitute only a handful of the roughly 600 known varieties of ray in the world. We believe, however, that they represent a reasonable sample of these marvels of evolution. So, sit back, enjoy the read, and let the adventure begin!

Giant Manta Ray

Source: Photo: Stevelaycock21

Giant Manta Ray Facts

Source: Photo: Elias Levy

Giant Manta Ray Physical Description

The Giant Manta Ray, like many species, displays a moderate degree of the trait of sexual dimorphism. In the case of this creature, that characteristic presents itself in terms of physical size. That holds true because females of the species tend to be slightly larger.

The female reaches an average span of about 18 – 22.3 ft (5.5 – 6.8 m). The somewhat smaller male attains an average span of roughly 17 – 20 ft (5.2 – 6.1 m). An average weight for both genders remains about the same, however. This equals roughly 3,527 lb (1,600 kg).

Yet, exceptional individuals of both genders do occasionally attain a significantly greater size. In fact, one specimen measured 29.9 ft (9.1 m) across the wings. Regardless of size, both genders have the same body shape. That consists of a flattened, roughly triangular form.

The Giant Manta Ray also possesses smaller fins positioned relatively near the head. These it typically keeps rolled up while swimming, however. This species actually has 18 rows of small teeth. The eyes, meanwhile, remain small and sit on the side of the head.

The tail of this wonder of evolution also grows comparatively long, as well as extremely slender in shape. The upper body of the species most commonly appears black or steely blue. The underbelly, though, generally displays an off-white to grayish color.

Source: Photo: Arturo de Frias Marques CCL:

Giant Manta Ray Distribution, Habitat, and Ecology

Astoundingly, the Giant Manta Ray has a nearly global pattern of distribution. That’s because the gorgeous species inhabits almost all temperate and tropical waters throughout the world. To the north, it appears as far as both coast of the United States, in North America.

In the other Hemisphere, though, it appears as far south as South Africa and New Zealand. Its exact environment, however, appears to vary significantly. That’s because some stay closer to shore, while the majority prefer to inhabit areas further out to sea.

However, in all regions in which it appears, the fabulous animal apparently prefers to inhabit shallower waters. In fact, it rarely appears at depths exceeding 394 ft ( 120 m). This fact also separates it from most related of its related species, which prefer greater depths.

The fish also evolved an extraordinary inter-dependency with several varieties of fish known as cleaners. These the ray approaches, and then stays motionless for several minutes. While it does, the cleaners consume the external parasites from the skin of the creature. 

It also evolved as a filter feeder by nature. In its case, the animal preys almost exclusively on zooplankton. These the animal strains through its rows of teeth. It also feeds by swimming in vertical loops. This pattern developed as a means of keeping its prey within easy reach.

Most commonly, the Giant Manta Ray appears to prefer to live a primarily solitary life. On occasion, individuals will nevertheless group together temporarily. When this happens, members of the species band together in groups of as many as 50 individuals.

Fiddler Ray

Source: Photo: Sylke Rohrlach

Fiddler Ray Facts

Source: Photo: Superjew

Fiddler Ray Physical Description

Perhaps most notably, the pectoral fins of the gorgeous Fiddler Ray develop a slightly different appearance than those of its numerous related species. That’s because the body appears more rounded and shorter than those of other varieties of guitarfish.

Unlike some similar creatures found throughout the world, however, this animal does not display any noticeable degree of the trait of sexual dimorphism. Due to this surprising fact, mature adults of both genders attain an average length of about 3.9 ft (1.2 m).

This ray further displays pectoral fins that develop slightly more rounded and shorter than similar rays. this fascinating fish also displays an almost translucent snout, the reason for which currently remains unknown. The tails also grow quite long and slender.

Quite remarkably, its nasal flaps actually connect to the small mouth. This action Nature accomplished via the development of shallow grooves. Meanwhile, the mouth of the animal itself grows straight and narrow, and with many small, comparatively blunt teeth.

The eyes of the amazing Giant Manta Ray, though, remain quite small in relation to body size. Not surprisingly, its eyesight typically appears to be quite poor. Its coloring additionally generally displays as a light brown, with patches of widely varying shades.

Source: Photo: Mark D. Norman / Museum Victoria CCL:

Fiddler Ray Distribution, Habitat, and Ecology

Both of the impressive species collectively known by the term Fiddler Ray inhabit a relatively small habitat range of the globe. This natural territory further consists of two distinctly separate sections of ocean occurring along the coast of the continent of Australia.

Even more specifically, the two endemic ranges are sharply divided between the southern and eastern areas of coastline. In both regions in which it appears, the fish seems to live as a primarily benthic species. However, the two forms inhabit slightly different depths.

Firstly, the southern variety most commonly inhabits depths measuring up to 590 ft (180 m) in depth. Meanwhile, the form living along the eastern section of the coast typically only inhabits depths of up to 394 ft (120 m). The reason for this remains undetermined.

In both regions, the Fiddler Ray displays decided preferences for the type of area it chooses to live in. That’s because it most commonly lives in one of three particular types of habitat. These preferred areas consist of either rocky reefs, shallow, sandy bays, or beds of seagrass.

In fact, very few specimens have been observed inhabiting any other type of region. This animal also evolved as a bottom feeder. Not surprisingly, its principal prey consists of crabs, shellfish, and worms. These it crushes between its powerful jaws before swallowing.

The eastern member of the amazing genus has also been known to attack fish traps, to scavenge what they have trapped. Finally, the Fiddler Ray also evolved as ovoviviparous in nature. Breeding cycles typically produce litters of either four or six young.

Cownose Ray

Source: Photo: Todd Poling

Cownose Ray Facts

Source: Photo: Virginia State Parks Staff CCL:

Cownose Ray Physical Description

Perhaps most notably, the beautiful Cownose Ray impresses for reasons other than sheer size. That’s because it ranks as one of the smaller known types of ray found throughout the world. This fact in no way detracts from the awesomeness of the creature, though

In addition to being smaller than many related species, the animal also displays a moderate degree of sexual dimorphism. In its case, though, this principle manifests itself in regards to sheer physical size. That’s because males of the species develop as larger than the females.

Males attain an average width  of about 45 in (1. 14 m). These also reach a typical weight of around 50 lb (23 kg). Yet, exceptional specimens occasionally occur. Females, meanwhile, reach a slightly smaller average width, as commonly occurs in species of this type.

In the case of this fascinating animal, this measurement equals roughly 39 in (1 m). The average weight of mature females also typically reaches a total of around 36 lb (16 kg). Unlike in size, specimens of Cownose Ray of both genders display the same basic color pattern.

This pattern of coloration usually consists of a light to dark brown on the upper side of the body. But, the underside of the body of the animal most commonly displays either a whitish or yellowish color. it also has a barbed tail, and mildly venomous teeth on its spine.

Source: Photo: Tim Sackton

Cownose Ray Distribution, Habitat, and Ecology

Thankfully, both for it and those who appreciate Nature, the wonderful Cownose Ray inhabits a comparatively broad range of the world. More specifically, though, that known territory includes portions of the eastern and western Atlantic Ocean and the Caribbean.

Consequently, this creature may be seen from the coastal waters of New England, in the United States, in North America, to Brazil, in South America. This fascinating animal also distinguishes itself from many of its brethren in terms of its preferences for type of habitat.

That’s due to the fact that individuals of this species typically appear in areas of shallow, brackish water. This most commonly happens to be where a river empties into the ocean. This wonder of evolution also rarely appears at depths greater than 72 ft (22 m).

The Cownose Ray further remains somewhat famous for its comparatively extensive migrations within its endemic range. The amazing species also tends to migrate and live in huge numbers. These groupings sometimes number as many as 10,000 individuals.

This behavior also remains uncommon among creatures of its type, making it difficult to imagine one of these astounding herds during its migration. Although it differs from its relatives in some ways, its dietary practices remains consistent with related species.

That’s because this carnivore feeds on invertebrates. This typically consists of a variety of clams and oysters. Breeding occurs between June and October. The young are born alive, following an 11-12 month gestation period. It also has an average lifespan of 16 years.

Porcupine Ray

Source: Photo: Olivier Cochard-Labbé

Porcupine Ray Facts

Source: Photo: Mmancq

Porcupine Ray Physical Description

The Porcupine Ray remains quite a large variety of ray, though by no means the largest of them all. That’s because the animal attains an average body size of 3.9 ft (1.2 m) across. Exceptional individuals exceed this significantly, sometimes measuring as much as 4.9 ft (1.5 m).

The coloring varies between individuals, and can be either various shades of gray or brown. The eyes further develop quite small, and appear placed comparatively close together. The area surrounding the mouth also develops as heavily covered by papillae.

Most of all, it remains famous, or perhaps notorious, for its thorny projections. These physical features cover most of the body. However, these attributes evolved to serve a purpose. That holds true due to the fact that these actually form a defense mechanism.

One more feature further distinguishes the aptly-named Porcupine Ray from other rays more than any of the one’s previously mentioned. As  it turns out, this particular type of ray forms the only member of its family that does not possess a venomous spine.

Source: Photo: Frédéric Ducarme

Porcupine Ray Distribution, Habitat, and Ecology

The magnificent Porcupine Ray has another factor in its favor. That’s that it inhabits a range that extends across a wide territory range, even though the population density remains sparse. That’s because part of its endemic range includes the Indian and Pacific Oceans.

The intriguing creature also inhabits portions of the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean. Within that range, furthermore, it predominantly lives as a bottom-dweller. The amazing fish also prefers to inhabit shallow water areas of coral, sandy bottom, or seagrass.

In keeping with this preference, individuals of the species rarely live at depths that exceed 100 ft (30 m). Wherever individuals appear, though, all of them exhibit the same general behavioral patterns. That fact includes dietary prefrences, among many others.

The diet of this variety of ray primarily consists of comparatively small bony fishes. But, it also dines on various forms of small invertebrates native to its habitat region. This mostly includes crustaceans and sea worms. These it typically digs out from the ocean floor. 

Habitat degradation, primarily due to coastal development, also appears to be the leading threat to the Porcupine Ray. Nevertheless, certain other factors threaten it as well. In this, at least, the animal mirrors the situation of counteless other marine species.

High on any such list of threats to the existence of the Porcupine Ray appears the facctor of commercial fishing practices. Various coastal fisheries often unintentionally catch it during their activities. Given its already precarious position, this poses a true threat.

Reef Manta Ray

Source: Photo: Elias Levy

Reef Manta Ray Facts

Source: Photo: Elias Levy

Reef Manta Ray Physical Description

Sheer size isn’t the only reason the remarkable Reef Manta Ray impresses the viewer, to be sure. That characteristic nevertheless bears mentioning in any discussion of the creature. It must be pointed out, however, that observed sizes of individuals vary significantly.

That holds true due to the fact that, like many species around the world, it displays a moderate degree of the physiological trait of sexual dimorphism. In its specific case, though, that biological trait manifests itself only in terms of sheer physical size.

More specifically, females tend to be slightly larger than males of the species. The average width of adult females measures roughly 12.8 ft (3.9 m). The width of mature males, meanwhile, usually reaches the somewhat smaller measurement of roughly 9.8 ft (3.0 m).

Exceptional specimens of this marvelous ocean creature do occasionally occur, nonetheless. To date, the largest reliably recorded width for a member of this remarkable species is 18 ft (5.5 m). But the vast majority of recorded specimens hold true to the average sizes.

In both genders, however, the central disk of the body typically develops as around twice as long as wide. The protruding pectoral fins provide the animal with the distinctive wing-like shape. The animal also possesses a moderately long, and relatively slender, tail.

In coloring, the marvelous Reef Mata Ray generally displays a midnight blue to dark black coloring on the upper surface. It also shows a few whitish to grayish spots on the head. The underside of the fish usually shows an off-white shade, with some dark spots.

Source: Photo: Elias Levy

Reef Manta Ray Distribution, Habitat, and Ecology

Fortunately, both for the dazzling Reef Manta Ray, and for those of us who appreciate Nature, this wonder of evolution inhabits a relatively broad range. That’s because the impressive fish mainly inhabits fairly large parts of both the Indian Ocean and the Pacific Ocean.

A few scattered individuals, furthermore, also appear in the Atlantic Ocean. While such sightings there do occur, they remain rare and widely scattered. The majority of sightings happen off the coasts of Australia, South Africa, Japan, Hawaii, Thailand, and in the Red Sea.

Wherever the animal appears, though, it displays a decided preferences in terms of its choice of habitat. The great majority of individuals make their home close to shore. In point of fact, they’re quite frequently observed swimming no more than a few miles from shore.

This pattern also holds true whether the individual or group appears in tropical or subtropical latitudes. Even there, however, it shows strong preferences. Due to those preferences, it’s most commonly spotted close to rocky reefs or coral, in either bays or atolls.

As a general principle, the Reef Manta Ray lives a solitary life. Exceptions to this tendency exist, however. Along with meeting for mating purposes, individuals often band together when feeding. That feeding also most frequently occurs during the afternoon.

Like related species, this creature evolved as a filter feeder. It therefore filters sea water to consume quantities of zooplankton. The species evolved as ovoviviparous, with gestation lasting 12 – 13 months. A typical lifespan, meanwhile, appears to be around 50 years.

Source: Photo: Tim Sackton

5 Remarkably Riveting Rays

We sincerely hope that you have thoroughly enjoyed reading and learning from this article about 5 Remarkably Riveting Rays. It’s also our fervent hope that you gained from it, not only knowledge, but perhaps also an expanded awareness of our wonderful world.

Sadly, though, many of the species across the globe now find themselves facing dire threats to their very existence. It’s up to each and every one of us in this world to do everything that we can to both protect and preserve these wonders of Nature for our posterity.

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