We truly hope that you greatly enjoy and appreciate this article about 5 Remarkable Canadian Mammals. This region of the world boasts many incredible creatures, to be certain. These few, in fact, represent only the tiniest fraction of the species found here.
It’s our hope, however, that reading and learning about these 5 Remarkable Canadian mammals sparks in you a yearning to know more. We invite you to peruse our other articles, to discover even more of the marvelous forms of life that Nature evolved in this country.
Reindeer Facts
- Leading off this compendium of 5 Remarkable Canadian Mammals is the magnificent beauty known around the world, the Reindeer.
- Perhaps most notably, its common name actually applies to a specific variety of deer with a total of 15 subspecies. All of these live as native to specific, and rather harsh, sections of the world. In some ways, this aids in their survival, however.
- The same awesome animal also goes by the name of caribou in parts of its native range, though. Regardless of the name one uses for the impressive creature, however, Indigenous Peoples in parts of its range depend on it for their very survival.
- In addition to the simple facts of its great beauty, one very special fact sets this remarkable creature apart from all other known animals. This characteristic actually formed as a unique adaptation to the climate in which the species evolved.
- Quite amazingly, the beautiful reindeer remains the only known mammal to possess the ability to see in ultraviolet light. Though still numerous, the population of this amazingly adapted mammal unfortunately appears to be in decline.
- The main reason for this seems to be climate change, much like many species around the world today. However, several other factors also threaten the magnificent animal. These include two separate parasites that threaten several local populations.
Reindeer Physical Description
The remarkable Reindeer holds more surprises, in this case in terms of its appearance. That’s because the color of the fur of the mammal varies widely, both in individuals and with the season. This represents yet another uncommon trait that the creature displays.
In point of fact, the coloring generally ranges from off-white to a dark brown. The fur further sometimes develops a most striking mottled pattern. In other aspects of its physiology, though, it displays many of the same traits that characterize many types of animals.
That’s due to the fact that it displays a mild degree of sexual dimorphism. That’s because, in its case, contrary to popularly held belief, both sexes develop antlers. This also sets it apart from related species, because it’s the only species whose females grow antlers.
Those of the mature female, however, generally develop as much smaller than those of the males. Yet overall, the antlers of this beautiful ruminant average up to 39 in (100 cm) in length. These features also attain an impressive average of 53 in (135 cm) in total width.
Mature male Reindeer grow larger than the females and average roughly 7 ft (2.13 m) in length, and weigh an average of 400 lb (182 kg). A few rare males attain a weight of up to 700 lb (318 kg). Typically, an adult also stands about 59 in (150 cm) tall at the shoulder.
- Kingdom: Animalia
- Phylum: Chordata
- Class: Mammalia
- Order: Artiodactyla
- Family: Cervidae
- Genus: Rangifer
- Species: R. tarandus
Reindeer Distribution, Habitat, and Ecology
The powerful and majestic Reindeer actually evolved as native to a most surprising part of the world. More precisely, the ruminant remains native to the Arctic and subarctic regions of the world. The impressive animal also migrates within its region of habitation.
This includes much of the tundra regions of the Northern Hemisphere. This range once extended much further south than it does today. Its range also naturally affects its diet. Being a large ruminant, the Reindeer primarily feeds upon a wide variety of local native plants.
These, however, most commonly include such plants as reindeer moss, grasses, sedges. Individuals also consume the leaves of willows and birches. It also feeds on lichen, as well. This further makes it the only known large mammal able to consume lichen.
Despite its relatively large size, it in turn falls prey to a number of predators. These vary, depending upon the region of the world it inhabits. Animals such as golden eagles and wolverines prey on the young. Only polar bears and brown bears feed on mature individuals.
Pallid Bat
CCL: https://bit.ly/3bkr0Dw
Pallid Bat Facts
- Next up among these 5 Remarkable Canadian Mammals comes one that many people may not think about, the Pallid Bat.
- Firstly, the distinctive term is bears serves as the common name for the species of bat with the bulky scientific name of Antrozous pallidus. Secondly, this surprising creature also holds a moderate claim to fame, at least in scientific circles.
- That holds true due to a claim that very few species can make. That remains the fact that the mammal also presently remains the only species within its genus. It also bears a close relationship with another variety of bat, the Van Gelder’s bat.
- This amazing species also distinguishes itself from other bats in yet another, more important manner. That’s due to a rather startling evolutionary divergence. Quite amazingly, it does not always employ echolocation to locate its food.
- Although it does certainly have and use this ability, it also sometimes hunts in a different fashion. In this instance, though, the animal uses its large ears to locate its food. In this case, it employs them to locate prey, usually insects, on the ground.
- Most fortunately, the fascinating Pallid Bat appears to continue to be relatively abundant throughout the entirety of its natural range. Due to this, the IUCN currently lists the animal as Least Concern on its Red List of Threatened Species.
- The remarkable creature nevertheless still faces several potential concerns regarding its future. That’s because, like many species, it faces the danger of habitat loss. It also, however, must now deal with the threat of climate change.
CCL: https://bit.ly/2UDM1lN
Pallid Bat Physical Description
Despite its other unique and distinctive characteristics, the fascinating Pallid Bat nevertheless remains a physical modest-sized species. But, it does remain unlike the vast majority of the other types of bats in the world in one particular regard.
That holds true because the fascinating species displays no noticeable degree of the trait of sexual dimorphism. As a result of the lack of this genetic trait, mature adults of both genders attain roughly the same average head-and-body length.
More precisely, this equals a measurement of about 2.4 – 3.35 in (6.0 – 8.5 cm). The over-sized tail may additionally account for 1.4 – 2.25 in (3.5 – 5.7 cm) of this length. This type of bat also achieves an average wingspan measuring roughly 15 – 16 in (38 – 40 cm).
This remarkable animal further develops a somewhat distinctive fur. To be more precise, this fur reportedly has a feel akin to that of soft wool. This fascinating pelage almost exclusively presents a highly uncommon two-tone color pattern.
That’s due to the fact that it appears as light brown to a cream color on the upper side of the small body. Meanwhile, the rest of the body diverges from this. In a moderately sharp contrast, the Pallid Bat presents a decidedly pale white color on the under side.
- Kingdom: Animalia
- Phylum: Chordata
- Class: Mammalia
- Order: Chiroptera
- Family: Vespertilionidae
- Genus: Antrozous
- Species: A. pallidus
Pallid Bat Distribution, Habitat, and Ecology
Most notably, the remarkable Pallid Bat inhabits a quite extensive habitat range compared to other varieties of bats. To the great surprise of many people, the truly remarkable small mammal appears throughout a large portion of the continent of North America.
More precisely, this bat lives in areas extending from British Columbia, in Canada, through the western United States, and as far as central Mexico. Also, for currently unknown reasons, one small population of the creature also currently resides in Cuba.
Regardless of its exact geographical location, however, the impressive mammal displays a marked preference for a specific habitat type. That consists mainly of desert or at least semi-arid regions within its native range. This is a trait shared by many related species.
Although it roosts opportunistically, it most frequently prefers stony outcroppings. But it will also opportunistically roost in regions such as pine and oak forests, and even farmland. It also often has two roosts, one for day use and one for the night.
In another deviation from the patterns displayed by most bats, it does not mainly consume flying insects. It typically hunts its prey on the ground. Although it will take virtually any arthropod it finds, this typically consists of crickets, but sometimes even includes scorpions.
As a result, the diet of individual specimens of Pallid Bat varies somewhat. This occurs because it principally consumes various locally prevalent arthropods. In fact, this insectivore often consumes as much as half its body weight in prey every night.
Grizzly Bear

Grizzly Bear Facts
- Our next choice for inclusion into this compilation of 5 Remarkable Canadian Mammals is the majestic Grizzly Bear.
- Perhaps most notably, the powerful and majestic ursine actually represents a subspecies of brown bear. At one time there a total of five separate recognized species of Grizzly Bear existed. Each of these, furthermore, had their distinct range.
- Previously, two other subspecies of this magnificent creature existed in North America alone. Very sadly, however, the California Grizzly became extinct in 1924. The majority of experts now believe that the Mexican Grizzly has also become extinct.
- In a fascinating situation, individual bears living closer to the coast tend to be larger than those living inland. That appears to be due to the richer diet. Not surprisingly, this often leads people to believe that these bears represent separate species.
- Perhaps incidentally, these magnificent animals possess one of the longest natural lifespans of any ursine. Males of the species live an average of 22 years in the wild. The longer-lived females, meanwhile, often live to as much as 26 years of age.
- Its population and prevalence isn’t what it once was. The IUCN, nevertheless, currently lists the awesome Grizzly Bear as Least Concern. The countries it inhabits list it differently, though. Factors such as climate change now threaten it, though.
Grizzly Bear Physical Description
One of the most noteworthy facts about the Grizzly Bear remains its tendency to display a significant degree of the characteristic of sexual dimorphism. In its specific case, however, this evolutionary trait manifests itself in terms of sheer physical size.
More specifically, the males of the species grow to much greater average sizes than the females. For their part, males attain an average weight of 790 lb (360 kg). The females, though, rarely exceed 400 lb (180 kg). Among large mammals, that’s a large difference.
Overall, though, an average individual attains a body length of about 6.5 ft (198 cm). This same average individual has a shoulder height of 3.35 ft (102 cm). Exceptional individuals do exist, however, with some attaining weights reaching as much as 1,500 lb (680 kg).
While coloring ranges from light tan to nearly black, a typical individual will display dark brown fur. The species also remains distinguished by the presence of a pronounced hump on the shoulders. This distinctly sets the animal apart from the smaller black bear.
The Grizzly Bear presents a powerful and dominating presence, indeed, but not just due to its body size. The magnificent animal also possesses extremely long, dangerous claws. Those on its hind paws average 2 in (5 cm) in length, but the front ones reach 4 in (10 cm).
- Kingdom: Animalia
- Phylum: Chordata
- Class: Mammalia
- Order: Carnivora
- Family: Ursidae
- Genus: Ursus
- Species: U. arctos
Grizzly Bear Distribution, Habitat, and Ecology
The stunning Grizzly Bear evolved as native to a somewhat smaller range than its cousin, the Black Bear. That zone of habitation nonetheless covers a respectable portion of the globe, at least compared to most of the large land mammals. It once extended further, though.
Presently, the gorgeous animal still inhabits a respectable portion of North America. This particular subspecies of Brown Bear appears as far east as Hudson Bay, in Canada. In the United States, it dwells from Alaska, through much of the northwestern parts of the country.
Its population, however, unfortunately continues to decline. This trend occurs more due to hunting and habitat loss, despite protection, than to other factors. Thankfully, though, this powerful ursine enjoys federal protection in the contiguous parts of the United States.
While it technically evolved as omnivorous, this ursine primarily has a carnivorous diet consisting of large quantities of small game, fish, and various plants. The precise diet of individuals varies, of course, depending on the specific area in which it lives.
Habitats also vary, sometimes quite significantly. This further, though naturally, depends on its territory. But that range most typically consists of plains or forests. Wherever it appears, the Grizzly Bear tends to avoid humans, unless threatened or disturbed.
The animal also spends an average of 5-7 months each year in hibernation. In an amazing development of Nature, pregnant females actually give birth during this period. The bears also typically live solitary lives, like many ursines, except while raising the young.
Cougar Facts
- The next animal appearing in this article about 5 Remarkable Canadian Mammals ranks among the most beautiful of felines, the Cougar.
- The short term for it serves as but one of the common names assigned to this magnificent wild feline. It other common names include the mountain lion, puma, painter, panther, and catamount. The variety of names occur due to its wide range.
- Scientists, meanwhile, know the stunning feline by the term Puma concolor. Regardless of the name one uses for it, the animal remains one of the most recognizable of the smaller wild felines. It’s also the most widespread of any in its Hemisphere.
- The Swedish zoologist, Carl Linnaeus, holds the credit for the first scientific recognition and naming of the species. This achievement he accomplished in 1771. The name he chose for this one of our 5 Remarkable Canadian Mammals later changed.
- This breathtaking feline obviously evolved as a slender and agile member of the cat family. It also holds a unique distinction. That’s because, though not technically one of the so-called big cats, it’s the fourth largest of all known wild felines.
- Even though its population doesn’t compare to past numbers, this appears stable throughout its range. The IUCN, therefore, currently lists it as Least Concern. It does face several threats, including the ever-increasing danger posed by climate change.
Cougar Physical Description
Unlike some species, the breathtaking Cougar actually impresses us with its size, in addition to other factors. The animal also, however, displays the physiological characteristic of sexual dimorphism. In this, in fact, it mirrors virtually all know types of feline, wild and domestic.
In its specific case, though, this trait manifests in terms of size, with males of the species attaining slightly greater lengths and weights. Mature adults of both genders, however, vary greatly in height, averaging between 24 -35 in (60 – 90 cm) tall at the shoulders.
In terms of length, meanwhile, is where the size differences appear the most obvious. The males of this feline attain an average nose-to-tail length equaling roughly 7.9 ft (2.4 m). Females, however, generally reach an overall length of about 6.7 ft (2.05 m).
It bears pointing out, though, that of this total measurement, the tail itself comprises 25 – 37 in (63 – 95 cm) of this. The males, meanwhile, typically reach a weight of between 115 – 220 lb (53 – 100 kg). Females, on the other hand, average 64 – 141 lb (29 – 64 kg).
The Cougar also boasts other impressive statistics. Its rounded head displays erect ears. The feline has a jaw and forequarters powerful enough to grasp large prey. It also has five retractable claws on the forepaws, and proportionately the largest hindlegs in the cat family.
- Kingdom: Animalia
- Phylum: Chordata
- Class: Mammalia
- Order: Carnivora
- Family: Felidae
- Genus: Puma
- Species: P. concolor
Cougar Distribution, Habitat, and Ecology
Pleasantly surprisingly, the gorgeous Cougar inhabits a comparatively large section of the globe. More precisely, it appears in a range that extends from parts of Canada to the Andes in South America. Its greatest concentration, however, remains concentrated in North America.
Aiding in its continued existence as a species is the fact that it evolved as a highly adaptable creature. This flexibility allows it to inhabit a wide variety of habitat types within its native range. Most notably, though, these include forests, lowlands, mountains, and arid climates.
Its incredible physique allows the impressive feline some of the greatest leaping and short-sprint ability of any animal. Individuals have the ability to jump as high as 18 ft (5.5 m) in one bound. These also evolved the capacity to leap as far as 40-45 ft (12-14 m) horizontally.
But Nature did not stop there. This animal also boasts some extremely impressive speeds. The top running velocity of the animal also ranges between 40-50 mph (64-80 kph). They remain, however, best capable of short, powerful sprints as opposed to long chases.
The remarkable Cougar also feeds entirely as a carnivore. As a supremely successful generalist predator, the mammal further feeds opportunistically. Specimens therefore eat any animal they can catch, from insects to large ungulates in excess of 1,100 lbs (500 kg).
Investigations in Yellowstone National Park showed that elk, followed by mule deer, were the animal’s primary targets. The mammal further evolved as adept at climbing, allowing it to evade canine competitors. Although not strongly associated with water, it does swim.
Hoary Marmot
CCL: https://bit.ly/1xMszCg
Hoary Marmot Facts
- Rounding out our choices of creatures to qualify for inclusion in this listing of 5 Remarkable Canadian Mammals is the Hoary Marmot.
- The most notable things about the remarkable small mammal might surprise many of you. That’s because this animal actually represents a variety of ground squirrel. This incredible creature further ranks as the largest in its range, surprising one again.
- This amazing mammal additionally remains a surprisingly intelligent creature. This statement remains evidenced by its demonstrated patterns of behavior. That’s due to the fact that while the colony feeds, a few individuals watch for predators.
- As, a result of this behavioral pattern, if a threat appears, the ever vigilant sentry quickly emits a high-pitched warning cry. Due to the nature of this outcry, in some parts of its range the Hoary Marmot has been given the name of whistle pig.
- Quite thankfully, its numbers appear to be both sufficient and stable, at least for the moment. For this reason, the IUCN currently ranks the beautiful creature as Least Concern. That could potentially change, however, due to the actions of man.
- Sadly, numerous factors related to human civilization now threaten the species. Habitat loss certainly ranks as one of these, of course, due to human expansion. Its greatest threat, however, must be considered to be the ongoing effects of climate change.
CCL: https://bit.ly/1jxQJMa
Hoary Marmot Physical Description
Quite amazingly, that the impressive Hoary Marmot represents a large type of ground squirrel determines much. It has a bulky build, with a broad head, and also short, but powerful limbs. It also, however, displays a marked degree of sexual dimorphism.
In its specific case, though, this manifests itself in the fact that the males grow much larger than females. That applies to both it and its subspecies. Mature males average a body length of 22 in (55.9 cm). These same individuals also have a tail of about 9.8 in (25 cm).
The females, meanwhile, only average roughly 17.3 in (43.9 cm) in body length. These further possess a tail of 6.7 in (17 cm). The same females also tend to be somewhat less stocky in build. Weights for both genders vary significantly, depending on the season.
The term hoary remains a reference to the fur on the upper back and shoulders of the fabulous Hoary Marmot. That’s because this part of its fur displays a silvery-gray color. This remains in stark contrast to the tan or reddish-brown color the rest of the body shows.
- Kingdom: Animalia
- Phylum: Chordata
- Class: Mammalia
- Order: Rodentia
- Family: Sciuridae
- Genus: Marmota
- Species: M. caligata
CCL: https://bit.ly/1p2b8Ke
Hoary Marmot Distribution, Habitat, and Ecology
Perhaps most notably, the fabulous Hoary Marmot only inhabits a comparatively limited portion of northwest North America. This region includes parts of Idaho, Washington, and Alaska, in the United States, and also British Columbia in Canada.
Even more precisely, the intrepid rodent also displays highly specific preferences regarding its choice of habitats. These primarily consist of mountainous alpine ecosystems. It also thrives best at altitudes ranging from sea level up to as much as 8,200 ft (2,500 m).
Within that range, however, individuals frequently live in either areas of grasslands and sedge, or rocky regions. It also inhabits several small islands near Alaska, however. There, the animal tends to live near the shoreline, having proven itself to be adaptable.
The Hoary Marmot further appears to be entirely herbivorous in terms of its dietary nature. Although exact diets vary, this fascinating large rodent mainly consumes grasses, sedge, leaves, and flowers. It also evolved as diurnal in nature, like many mammals.
Remarkably, the animal additionally has a highly prolonged hibernation period. In point of fact, it commonly spends 7-8 months of the year in this state. This period it spends in large, deep burrows, commonly shared by a colony of as many as 36 individuals.
5 Remarkable Canadian Mammals
We sincerely hope that you have thoroughly enjoyed learning about these 5 Remarkable Canadian Mammals. We certainly enjoyed compiling the information and pictures for you. It’s our hope to increase awareness of and appreciation for the myriad creatures on earth.
Sadly, however, many of the species, including plants, animals, and insects, with whom we share our beautiful world, now find themselves in grave peril. It’s up to us to do all that we can to protect and preserve these 5 Remarkable Canadian Mammals, as well as others.
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