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4 Incredible African Insects

5 Incredible African Insects
Source: Photo: Jeevan Jose

We sincerely hope that each of you, our readers, will enjoy and appreciate this article we present about these 4 Incredible African Insects. It was certainly our pleasure to compile the information for you. May it provide you with both education and increased awareness.

These few species listed herein represent only a portion of the natural wonders found throughout the world, though. Yet, it’s our belief that they serve as excellent representations of the wonders found here. Check out some of our other articles for similar marvels.

Spiny Mantis

Source: Photo: Amada44

Spiny Flower Mantis Facts

Source: Photo: Ngirilover

Spiny Flower Mantis Physical Description

Quite notably, the Spiny Flower Mantis does impress those who encounter it. Yet, the invertebrate doesn’t do so based on sheer physical size. That’s because this tiny insect, although truly quite remarkable in other ways, ranks as smaller than many related species.

But, while it may not share their size, it does share one trait in common with its relatives. That’s the unmistakable fact that it does obviously display the physiological characteristic of sexual dimorphism. In its case, this trait does not simply manifest itself in terms of size.

Both genders of the arthropod attain an average adult size measuring about 1.5 in (3.8 cm) in total length. Further, the coloring, though quite variable, usually includes a green background. Nonetheless, it can present other shades, such as pink, red, and yellow.

But, it also presents a prominent eye spot on the forewing. This shows black, green, and cream. The gender-based differences in the Spiny Flower Mantis also manifests in terms of the spines it has. Only females of the species display the spines for which it remains known.

Source: Photo: Yasunori Koide

Spiny Flower Mantis Distribution, Habitat, and Ecology

Quite fortunately for it, the supremely astonishing Spiny Flower Mantis evolved as native to a comparatively broad section of the world. In point of fact, to the surprise of some people, it evolved as endemic to the great majority of the continent of Africa.

More specifically, though, the native range of the insect consists of the region best known as sub-Saharan Africa. Further, within that already extensive area, this highly resourceful arthropod inhabits a great many different types of environment.

These areas of habitation nevertheless all have one thing in common. That’s the fact that the amazing species requires relatively high humidity levels. As a result, within its overall territory, it inhabits almost any area with sufficient humidity.

But, the beautiful Spiny Flower Mantis does show a highly marked preference for areas with extremely abundant foliage, including a large number of flowering plants. This type of region also quite frequently includes areas of jungle.

It further prefers such habitats because the conditions provide both concealment and abundant prey. Like all mantises, this particular arthropod evolved as a predatory carnivore. Its preferred prey consists of various flying insects, and spiders.

Nonetheless, if these remain unavailable, it will consume virtually any insect it can catch. Finally, again like others of its kind, this marvel of Nature displays cannibalistic tendencies after mating. This remains one of the most amazing traits of all mantises.

Green Milkweed Grasshopper

Source: Photo: Markus

Green Milkweed Grasshopper Facts

Source: Photo: Bernard DUPONT

Green Milkweed Grasshopper Physical Description

The fabulous Green Milkweed Grasshopper merits appreciation for more than just its physical appearance. This trait nonetheless also deserves its own share of admiration, though. Nevertheless, this insect is also an above-average sized variety of locust.

But the amazing traits of the arthropod do not stop there. That’s because, like many of its relatives, it displays a moderately strong degree of the physiological trait of sexual dimorphism. In its case, this characteristic manifests itself in terms of sheer physical size.

More precisely, the female typically attains a significantly greater body size than that of her male counterpart. Although the males remain smaller, females reach an average body length of 2.8 in (7 cm). The body of the insect itself develops as moderately stout.

Quite interestingly, the region immediately behind the head evolved a unique characteristic. That’s the presence of a grouping of small, protruding spines. Even more impressively, these generally develop with a bright red tip, making for a visually striking image.

Most of the body of the Green Milkweed Grasshopper, however, displays the namesake green shade. This also extends to the forewings of the invertebrate. The hindwings, though, display a far different pattern. These show a vivid blue and red combination.

Source: Photo: Bernard DUPONT

Green Milkweed Grasshopper Distribution, Habitat, and Ecology

The usually unwelcome but nonetheless impressive Green Milkweed Grasshopper inhabits a moderately large section of the globe. That’s because it evolved as endemic to the continent of Africa. Sadly, though, the arthropod doesn’t appear in all areas of the region.

More precisely, the amazing invertebrate only seems to inhabit the southern regions of the continent. Within that range, however, it makes its presence known in every country. When it swarms, however, these groupings sometimes move beyond that usual area.

This remarkable work of evolution further displays a very strong versatility in its choice of habitats. Most individuals and groups appear in various regions of grassland. Individuals and smaller groupings also sometimes appear in cultivated regions such as gardens.

Within its native range, the arthropod frequently engages in extremely long migratory flights. These flights, however, usually occur at somewhat lower altitudes. During its periods of swarming activity, though, these swarms generally fly at significant altitudes.

The Green Milkweed Grasshopper also typically feeds opportunistically, like its many relatives. Though this can include crops and garden species, it mainly feeds on plants in the Stinkweed Family. At this time, it also often groups together on trees in large numbers.

Its prevalence for feeding on species in the Stinkweed Family provide it with an added benefit. Like all grasshoppers, it emits a noxious foam as a means of defense against predators. Due to its consumption of Stinkweed, however, its foam has a toxic nature.

African Monarch

Source: Photo: Jeevan Jose

African Monarch Facts

Source: Photo: Charles J. Sharp

African Monarch Physical Description

The remarkable African Monarch impresses those who encounter it with its attributes. Sheer physical size, however, isn’t among the qualities on that particular list. That’s due to the fact that, regardless of its other notable aspects, it ranks as a medium-sized butterfly.

Mature adults attain an average wingspan measuring between 2.8 – 3.1 in (7 – 8 cm). Like many Arthropods, it also displays a slight degree of the physiological characteristic of sexual dimorphism. In its case, though, this trait does not manifest in terms of sheer size.

Males of this insect develop pronounced scent glands, which the female lacks entirely. With the exception of this physical structure, the genders appear virtually indistinguishable. The bodies of both genders also display a basic black shade, with many white spots.

The difference in overall appearance is further augmented, though, by the exact patterns of color. That’s due to the fact that precise combinations vary between individuals, sometimes quite significantly. Certain basic patterns of coloration do remain, however.

Both the upper and lower wings of the African Monarch display a predominantly bright orange hue. On the upperside, the tips of the forewing manifest a black border. White spots also appear there. The hindwing displays the black border, but without the spots.

The underside of the wings also presents a principally orange shade. Here, though, it’s a somewhat lighter shade. The same black border appears, but both wings also have white spots there. The hindwing also presents three small black spots around a central wing cell.

Source: Public Domain Image

African Monarch Distribution, Habitat, and Ecology

Fortunately, for those who appreciate Nature, the dazzling African Monarch apparently evolved as native to a relatively broad swathe of the globe. As the common name itself clearly indicates, this zone of habitation includes virtually the entire continent of Africa.

Its presence isn’t restricted solely to that region of the world, however. That’s because it also appears in an impressive array of other areas. This includes much of Asia, including all of the Indian subcontinent. The insect also appears in Australia, and some Pacific islands!

It further enhances its survival capability by displaying an impressive adaptability in regards to its precise habitat. It does nonetheless demonstrate a preference for one specific type of habitat. The intrepid insect demonstrates a strong fondness for arid, open areas.

Yet, due to its flexibility in terms of where it lives, it also makes appearances in a wide varity of habitats. These include such areas as mountains, deciduous forests, and even deserts and gardens. It seems comfortable at altitudes ranging from sea level to 4,900 ft (1,494 m).

As often happens in Nature, the delicate beauty of the African Monarch conceals a rather surprising secret. Despite its physical fragility, it has few natural predators. That’s due to the fact that its tiny body contains high levels of toxic compounds, called cardenolides.

These originate with its diet. The adults consume nectar from various local flowering plants. The larval form, however, feeds mainly on several plants, but most especially Milkweed. The toxins then accumulate in its body, making it unpalatable to most predators.

Army Green Moth

Source: Photo: William Warby

Army Green Moth Facts

Source: Photo: Rumi Borah~aswiki

Army Green Moth Physical Description

The aptly-named Army Green Moth fully merits the degree of attention it receives from those lucky enough to encounter it. Although size is irrelevant to such things, it nonetheless impresses in that respect as well. That’s true since it’s far larger than many of its cousins.

It additionally distinguishes itself from the great majority of Lepidoptera in a surprising way. That’s because of something it does not display. That’s due to the fact that, unlike most moths and butterflies, it shows no noticeable degree of the trait of sexual dimorphism.

Individuals of both genders therefore manifest the same physical characteristics, including simple physical size. Remarkably, this insect attains a significant wingspan. Though this aspect varies between individuals, regardless of gender, it ranges from 3.5 – 5.1 in (9 – 13 cm).

Precise color patterns also vary from specimen to specimen, of course. Overall, however, this typically consists of a mosaic of olive and dark green backgrounds. Lighter cream colored streaks also run through the surface of the wings, and even such shades as violet.

Mature adult individuals, meanwhile, display a greenish head, with reddish-brown on the front and a grayish band on the reverse. The thorax also displays a green hue, with the collar outlined in gray. Distinctly, it also has a triangular gray patch present on the body’s top.

The abdomen of the Army Green Moth generally manifests a paler shade of green. Its forewings stand out due to a combined dark green background with both a black spot and a white patch at the base. The hindwings, though, usually appear somewhat darker in color.

Source: Photo: Uwe Schwarzbach

Army Green Moth Distribution, Habitat, and Ecology

Fortunately, the fabulous Army Green Moth evolved as native to a remarkable broad swathe of the globe. It also tends to migrate significant distances, which places it in other parts of the world, as well. The natural marvel mainly appears natively across Africa and Asia.

From this home range, the intrepid Arthropod engages in regular migrations that take it to many connecting regions. This includes the southern and eastern portions of Europe in the summer. Individuals sometimes even travel as far to the north as parts of Scotland.

Probably due to actions of man, the invertebrate has also become naturalized to Hawaii, in the United States. In all the regions it appears, it displays marked habitat preferences. This holds true for both its primary and migratory range, as well as naturalized regions.

Given those areas of the globe, its preferences come as no surprise. Individuals make their home in warm relatively moist regions. Though not limited to, it often frequents areas of scrublands and highlands. In Hawaii, the Lepidoptera quickly adapted to tropical areas, too.

Like many of its relatives, this product of ages of evolution prefers regions with copious foliage. This instinctive tendency serves several purposes in its life cycle. These understandably include natural shelter as well food for the larval form of the insect.

That’s due to the fact that if further follows the pattern of its genetic cousins. The adults principally feed on the nectar of a wide variety of flowers, which such a habitat provides. Most nevertheless display a strong preference for honeysuckle, jasmine, and petunias.

The caterpillar form of the Army Green Moth, however, distinguishes itself. This holds true because of its diet. As its alternate common name implies, this form mainly consumes the oleander plant. Though highly toxic to most species, these caterpillars are immune.

Source: Public Domain Image

4 Incredible African Insects

We hope that each of you enjoyed reading, and hopefully learning from, this article we’ve written about these 4 Incredible African Insects. It’s also our hope that doing so has left you with either a new or renewed appreciation for such wonders of Nature.

Unfortunately, however, many of their kindred around the world now find themselves facing strong threats to their continued existence as a species. Many of those dangers, in fact, stem from the actions of mankind. We must do all we can to protect and preserve them all.

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