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5 Geological Wonders of Australia

Great Barrier Reef

Source: Photo: Kyle Taylor CCL:

5 Geological Wonders of Australia
Source: Photo: Kyle Taylor CCL:

It’s our hope that each of you, our readers, will enjoy and appreciate this article we present about these 5 Geological Wonders of Australia. It was certainly our pleasure to gather the information for you. May it provide you with both education and increased awareness.

Certainly, these formations listed herein represent only a portion of the marvels found throughout this amazing region. It’s our belief, though, that they serve as excellent representations of the features found here. Check out some of our other articles, as well.

Fraser Island

Source: Public Domain Image
Source: Photo: SkareMedia CCL:

Fraser Island Physical Description

The magnificent Fraser Island fully merits appreciation for its wonders. It further does so for not merely one, but several reasons. Though certainly not its greatest attraction, the sheer size of the site nonetheless deserves respect and mention in any article dealing with it.

That’s because it boasts an impressive total area. More precisely, this equals roughly 710 sq mi (1,840 sq km). Its overall shape, however, garners some notice from those who visit the site. In fact, the location has a roughly, though highly elongated, general shape to it.

Though its outline understandably remains highly irregular in general shape, some approximations can nevertheless be made. Regarding these, the island measures roughly 76 mi (123 km) in length. Overall, though, its width only measures about 14 mi (22 km).

Yet it also stands out for another reason. That’s true since it ranks as the largest of all islands of its type, known as sand islands. As the term implies, such islands have a composition composed primarily of sand. This nature alone distinguishes it from many others.

Its wonders only become even more impressive from there, however. Nature truly outdid itself in its creation. Despite its large sand component, the amazing Fraser Island also boasts numerous geological features that might surprise some individuals with their presence.

These include numerous free-flowing freshwater creeks, for one. Multiple sand dunes further add to its visual appeal. Astonishingly, it also holds more than 100 lakes! These additionally hold some of the cleanest naturally occurring freshwater known to man.

Source: Photo: Liam Wille CCL:

Fraser Island Location, Formation, and Ecology

The awe-inspiring structure still best known as Fraser Island even holds one more intriguing statistic. It formed in a part of the world already well known for its abundance of natural marvels. That’s because it lies just off the coast of the gorgeous continent of Australia.

More precisely, it formed off the eastern coast of the landmass. However, the extremely elongated island varies in proximity to the continent. Part of it lies relatively close to the shore, and roughly parallels it. Another section, though, angles sharply away from it.

This marvel of geology began its formation around 750,000 years ago. At that time, sand began to accumulate on volcanic bedrock. Over time, a strong offshore current carried prodigious quantities of this northward, along the coastline of the continent.

Despite its largely sand-based composition, the island boasts a rich and diverse ecosystem. That’s due to the presence of a naturally occuring mycorrhizal fungi present in the sand. This naturally releases nutrients into the sand otherwise absent, allowing life to flourish.

Due to the unique circumstances present on Fraser Island, an astonishing 865 known species of flora appear there. Adding to its distinction is the fact that it’s the only place on the planet where a large rainforest grows in sand. What wonders lie within its boundaries!

Mammalian species also appear, numbering an estimated 25 – 50. These include Swamp Wallabies and Bandicoots, among others. A known total of 74 species of reptiles additionally live here, including 18 types of snakes. An amazing 350 species of birds also live here.


Source: Photo: Corey Leopold CCL:

Uluru Facts

Source: Public Domain Image

Uluru Physical Description

Most of the geological features similar to it garner appreciation for either their size or their distinctive appearances. Not mighty Uluru, however. That’s true since this masterpiece of natural processes earns its share of respect and admiration for both of these factors.

The amazing site does indeed boast highly respectable physical dimensions. Its upper surface attains a height measuring roughly 1,142 ft (348 m). This places its highest point at just about 2,831 ft (863 m) above sea level. It’s overall shape also roughly resembles an oval.

At its widest point, the structure meaures 2.2 mi (3.6 km) in length. This, combined with a maximum width of about 1.5 mi (2.4 km) provides the oval shape. These dimensions further serve to provide this wonder of Nature with a circumference equaling 5.8 mi (9.4 km).

Yet what one sees above ground is only the smaller part of the remarkable Uluru. That’s because the majority of its mass actually remains below ground. What does remain above the surface, however, easily attracts the eye. It’s impressive for more than just its sheer size.

It also earns a high degree of appreciation for its visual appeal. That’s largely due to the unique color scheme it presents to those fortunate enough to visit it. These colors change with the seasons, and time of day. Thus, it often glows red, but only at sunset and dawn.

Source: Public Domain Image

Uluru Location, Formation, and Ecology

The mind-boggling majesty of Uluru perfectly fits in with the abundance of natural beauty in the area in which it lies. That’s due to the fact that it formed in a very special part of the globe. More precisely, the site formed on what now constitutes the continent of Australia.

There, though, it sits in the southern portion of what’s known as the Northern Territory of the country. Its exact location places it 208 mi (335 km) southwest of the town of Alice Springs. This position also happens to locate it very close to the center of the continent.

The magnificent structure further owes its primary coloring to its unique composition. The majority of that consists of native sandstone. This originally began as sand, deposited during the early Cambrian period. Experts place its age at between 530 – 550 million years.

It’s also a residue of that formation. The entire surrounding, nearly flat plain was also part of that process. That portion of it, however, eroded over time. The area that later formed Uluru had a more homogenous nature. This specific characteristic prevented it from later eroding.

The incredible structure also plays host to a surprising array of flora and fauna. Historically, in fact, a total of 46 native mammalian species once lived there. Now, though, only 21 remain. Some of these include bats, woma pythons, and a marsupial mole, among others.

This site further supports numerous types of plants. Some even have medicinal uses. These include a variety of trees, flowers, shrubs, and grasses. This list also includes several rare and endangered species. Most of these, however, appear near the base of the structure.

Great Barrier Reef

Source: Photo: Kyle Taylor CCL:

Great Barrier Reef Facts

Source: Photo: Shwollo CCL:

Great Barrier Reef Physical Description

The aptly-named Great Barrier Reef truly does earn its name. It does so for a variety of reasons, too. Perhaps most impressively, however, is the simple fact that it constitutes the single largest coral reef system known to man. Nature worked overtime on this one!

This wonder of natural processes qualifies as a collection of numerous individual reef systems. In fact, this currently includes in excess of 2,900 individual reefs. Yet there’s more to it than just that. A total of 900 islands of varying sizes also form part of the system.

The individual reefs, though, divide roughly into two separate divisions. The core, or central component is formed of about 2,100 larger reef constructs. Roughly another 800 somewhat smaller formations surround this central segment, completing the formation.

Given these facts, it’s not surprising that the formation also boasts some remarkable measurements. The entire system stretches a length of approximately 1,400 mi (2,300 km)! It also covers a mind-boggling area. Its total area measures 133,000 sq mi (344,400 sq km)!

The Great Barrier Reef shares one basic trait with all other related features, though. It’s comprised of the bodies of, and built by, the efforts of many billions of living organisms, known as coral polyps. The formation itself is literally considered a living organism.

Source: PhotAyanadak123o: CCL:

Great Barrier Reef Location, Formation, and Ecology

The Great Barrier Reef formed in a general area of the world well known for its abundance of beauty. That includes both biological and geological. That’s due to the fact that this wonder of natural processes formed near the always intriguing continent of Australia.

Its precise location places it within the boundaries of what’s now appropriately known as the Coral Sea. That itself lies roughly off the coastline of the Queensland region of the country. It’s separated from the shore by a channel that’s a maximum of 100 mi (160 km) in width.

Evidence indicates that reefs first began forming in what’s now the Coral Sea Basin about 25 million years ago. Obviously, formations have come and gone repeatedly over that span of time. Researchers estimate that its present iteration began about 20,000 years ago.

Individual reefs within the greater formation often expand their diameter between 0.39 – 1.18 in (1 -3 cm) per year. Vertically, though, these same structures vary significantly in their growth. Overall, however, this expands anywhere from 0.39 – 9.84 in (1 – 25 cm) per year.

The visually stunning Great Barrier Reef supports an astounding abundance and diversity of life. That includes many currently vulnerable or endangered species of all kinds. Some of these additionally evolved as endemic to the reef system, and appear nowhere else.

More than 1,500 fish species live on this wonder of Nature. Thirty separate cetacean species also make their home here. A total of seventeen known varieties of sea snake live there, too. Six of the seven living species of sea turtle also come to this amazing location to breed.

Lake Hillier

Source: Photo: Kurioziteti123 CCL:

Lake Hillier Facts

Source: Photo: PruneCron Public Domain Image

Lake Hillier Physical Description

The stunning Lake Hillier understandably impresses those who encounter it. Yet the location does so for a variety of reasons, not just its mind-blowing color. Nevertheless, that characteristic remains the most notable of its many wondrous physical attributes.

That’s because, as immediately becomes apparent to those who visit the site, it presents a stunning pink hue to the world. Amazingly, due to the nature of the water itself, the brilliant shade of its water remains apparent even when removed from the lake.

It’s also of a respectable size in terms of physical dimensions. It measures approximately 2,000 ft (609.6 m) in overall length. The site also measures roughly 820 ft (249.9 m) in width. That varies, though, due to irregularities in its shape, and evaporation.

Due to the nature of the location of the marvelous Lake Hillier, it also sits at an extremely low altitude above sea level. This further varies across its length, due to the nature of the surrounding terrain. Its altitude varies from as little as 23 ft (7 m) to 568 ft (173 m).

The overall surface areas of the lake understandably varies, though, This occurs mainly due to fluctuations in the rainfall and evaporation cycle. Generally, however, this remarkable work of natural forces boasts a surface area equalling roughly 37 acres (15 ha).

Source: Photo: Aussie Oc CCL:

Lake Hillier Location, Features, and Ecology

The mesmerizing beauty of Lake Hillier perhaps comes as a slightly lesser surprise when one learns what region of the world it resides in. That’s due to the fact that it formed in an area that constitutes one of the nine regions of the western portion of Australia.

Its precise location, however, may still surprise some of our readers. That’s because it actually formed on a moderately small island! More specifically, it lies on the appropriately-named Middle Island. This itself forms part of the beautiful Recherche Archipelago.

The incredible body of water itself appears very close to the northern shore of the island. It’s further bordered by a narrow strip of sand, and otherwise surrounded by a dense region of forest. A thin strip of plant-covered sand dunes separates it from the sea.

Perhaps not completely surprisingly, only one form of life inhabits Lake Hillier, though. That’s composed of a single form of red algae. The presence of that microorganism, combined with an extremely high salt content in the water creates a brilliant organic dye.

Yet another naturally occurring source further augments this process, as well. The extreme salinity causes a buildup of salt deposits along the shoreline. A red halophilic bacteria inhabits these deposits, and this leaks into the water when rain washes it down.

Kings Canyon

Source: Public Domain Image

Kings Canyon Facts

Source: Public Domain Image

Kings Canyon Physical Description

The awe-inspiring beauty of Kings Canyon exists regardless of sheer physical size. That’s because, while it easily impresses all who visit it, the site doesn’t do so due to this aspect of its nature. In these terms, it’s relatively small. Nature, though, doesn’t care about such things.

More precisely, the amazing scenery provided by this canyon is concentrated into a total length of only about 0.62 mi (1 km). Yet the geological processes that created this masterpiece crammed a veritable cornucopia of natural marvels into that dazzling package.

Although certainly not as deep as some similar sites around the world, it nonetheless boasts some respectable measurements. Across its length, its walls reach an average height of roughly 328 ft (100 m). At its deepest point, however, this stretches to about 656 ft (200 m).

Mesmerizing Kings Canyon also provides views to enthrall visitors with its distinctive colors. These primarily consist of multiple shades of red and orange. Shades of brown and ochre also appear, as well. These colors all arise from the nature of the surrounding geology.

The marvels don’t end there, though. Yet another part of this product of time and natural processes manifests in the presence of numerous rock domes. Weathered by time, wind, and water, these strongly resemble similar features found in the awesome Bungle Bungles.

Source: Public Domain Image

Kings Canyon Location, Formation, and Ecology

The eye-catching gorge so intriguingly named Kings Canyon formed in a part of the world more commonly known for its abundance of distincitve fauna. The same location nevertheless does serve as home to its own share of geological beauty, as well.

To be more exact, however, it formed as part of what now forms the continent of Australia. There, it lies at the western end of the George Gill Range. For those familiar with the area, this places it approximately 201 mi (323 km) to the southwest of the town of Alice Springs.

Research conducted by geologists indicates that the site formed around 400 million years ago. The local stone principally consists of a specific type of mineral. It’s best known to professionals as Mereenie Sandstone. Forces deposited that here at the time of its creation.

Evidence further indicates that the underlying strata was deposited in two distinctly separate events. The indication of this can be observed as a thin layer of purple mudstone, or shale, clearly separating the two. That also indicates environmental changes at the time.

Despite the seeming harshness of the local environment, Kings Canyon plays host to an abundance of life. This includes both flora and fauna. Astonishingly, to some, though, a high number of plant species appear here. This even includes trees, such as the ghost gum.

Various mammals and small reptiles also make this site their home, as well. But the majority of fauna found here consists of smaller bird species. These include such avian species as the Zebra Finch, the Gray-Headed Honeyeater, the Spinefex Pigeon, and the Peregrine Falcon.

Source: Photo: Shwollo CCL:

5 Geological Wonders of Australia

We hope that each of you enjoyed reading, and hopefully learning from, this article we’ve written about these 5 Geological Wonders of Australia. It’s also our hope that doing so has left you with either a new or renewed appreciation for such wonders of Nature.

Unfortunately, many other such features around the world now find themselves facing threats to their continued existence in an undamaged state. Many of those dangers, in fact, stem from the actions of mankind. We must do all we can to protect and preserve them all.

Check out our other articles on 7 Breathtaking East Coast Wonders, Incredible Sharks of the World, 7 Magnificent Wild Canines, Breathtaking Asian Species

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