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5 Astounding Spiders of Asia

Black Widow, Latrodectus

Black Widow

5 Astounding Spiders of Asia
Source: Photo: James Gathany
Public Domain Image

We hope that each of you, our readers, will enjoy and appreciate this article we present about these 5 Astounding Spiders of Asia. It was certainly our great pleasure to compile the information for you. May it provide you with both education and increased awareness.

Yet, these few species listed herein represent only a portion of the natural wonders found throughout the region. It’s our belief, though, that they serve as excellent representations of the wonders found here. Check out some of our other articles for similar marvels.

Giant Golden Orb Weaver

Source: Public Domain Image

Giant Golden Orb Weaver Facts

Source: Photo: Rushenb

Giant Golden Orb Weaver Physical Description

The remarkable Giant Golden Orb Weaver easily impresses and intrigues those who encounter it. Although the Arthropod does so for several reasons, its sheer size clearly ranks high among them. That’s because it’s one of the largest of all of its close relatives.

In keeping with that, it also manifests a strong degree of the physiological trait of sexual dimorphism, like many arachnids. In its case, this characteristic primarily manifests itself in terms of sheer size. More precisely, the female of the species literally dwarfs the male!

Females of the species typically reach a body length equaling roughly 2 in (5 cm). That body also develops as highly elongated. Along its length, the body varies in width from 0.4 – 0.6 in (1.0 – 1.5 cm). Her legspan, however, typically measures a relatively enormous 6 in (15 cm)!

Males, meanwhile, remain quite tiny in comparison. That holds true given the fact that few individuals of that gender attain a body length beyond 0.25 in (0.64 cm). Its legspan also remains equally small in comparison, rarely exceeding 2 in (5 cm) in this specific aspect.

Otherwise, both genders of the Giant Golden Orb Weaver vary little in general outward appearance. The main exception to this is the coloring of the legs. Those of the female present a combination of yellow and black. Those of the male, though, show a light brown.

In terms of other color patterns, individuals vary significantly, with no regard to gender. The shades presented run from violet, to silver-gray, to various shades of brown. Males also develop small hairs on their legs, while most of the adult females lack these entirely.

Source: Public Domain Image

Giant Golden Orb Weaver Distribution, Habitat, and Ecology

Luckily for the Arthropod, the Giant Golden Orb Weaver evolved as native a comparatively broad swathe of the globe. That zone of habitation also happens to be a general region shared by numerous other amazing species. It’s unknown if it ever appeared anywhere else.

That statement holds true partly because it evolved in a region that includes parts of the continent of Asia. There, it makes its home in the east and southeast portions of the area. Yet it also lives in other parts of the general region known as Oceania, including in Australia.

Wherever it makes its home, though, the remarkable arachnid displays strong preferences regarding its exact habitat. As a general principle, it only resides in areas or relatively high moisture, for one. Yet it also strongly prefers that area to also have little or no direct sunlight.

In parts of its range, this frequently includes regions of rainforest. Most often, in all parts of its habitation range, it most commonly lives comparatively near the coast. That’s due to the greater level of overall precipitation. It also appears in parks and even private yards.

The magnificent Giant Golden Orb Weaver generally constructs its large webs in trees or larger bushes. It also creates these structures against buildings or other large features of the terrain. In most of these locations, though, it requires relatively close surface water.

It also evolved as highly choosy in its diet, unlike most spiders. In fact, it only feeds on a few species. It even goes so far as to remove some insects from its web! The spider avoids insects that exude certain unpleasant compounds. It mainly feeds on somewhat larger prey.

Kerengga ant-like jumper

Source: Photo: Challiyil Eswaramangalath Vipin CCL:

Kerengga ant-like jumper Facts

Source: Photo: Sean.hoyland
Public Domain Image

Kerengga ant-like jumper Physical Description

The breathtaking work of evolution and Nature known as the kerengga ant-like jumper truly merits appreciation. That appreciation, however, isn’t earned solely for its distinctive form. In point of fact, this remarkable arthropod displays several very fascinating attributes.

It bears noting, first of all, that like many related species, it displays the physiological characteristic known as sexual dimorphism. In its case, however, this attribute manifests itself in not one, but in several ways. This arachnid truly takes camouflage to the next level.

Males of the species typically attain a greater overall length than their female counterparts. These reach an average body length measuring 0.35 – 0.47 in (9 – 12 mm). The females of the species, meanwhile, typically attain measurements of roughly 0.24 – 0.28 in (6 – 7 mm).

Coloring also varies between the genders. Males more commonly display various shades of light and dark brown. The females, on the other hand, generally display much lighter and more uniform shades. Both have two small dark patches on the head, resembling eyes.

The Kerengga ant-like jumper carries its camouflage even further, though. The body itself preseents the illusion of segmentation, like that of an ant. In reality, its abdomen and cephalothorax are simply constricted. Its two front legs also resemble an ants’ antennae.

Source: Photo: Jeevan Jose

Kerengga ant-like jumper Distribution, Habitat, and Ecology

One factor helping the Kerengga ant-like jumper to survive in this time of climactic upheaval is its distribution. That’s due to the fact that it evolved as native to a comparatively broad section of the globe. More precisely, the spider appears in many regions throughout Asia.

Though present in large sections of the vast continent, the population of this arachnid remains principally confined to the southeastern portion. This primary zone of habitation mainly covers several countries. These consist of India, Sri Lanka, Thailand, and Singapore.

Within that range, though, the vast majority of its numbers make their home in the regions of dense foliage and high precipitation levels. There, though, it further prefers one of two specific locations. These consist of either bushes or trees, of various local species.

That specific preference exists because of its camouflage. Its appearance strongly mimics local weaver ants, who make their colonies in the same locations. The creature thereby gains a measure of protection from its own predators, most of whom shy away from the ants.

The Kerengga ant-like jumper itself also avoids the ants, and does not prey on them. Instead, it ambushes other small prey in its hin web. Its mimicry even exends to moving like the ants, including waving its two front legs, copying the motion of the ant’s two antennae.

As its name implies, this marvelous arachnid evolved as a variety of what’s known as a jumping spider. This particular species, however, rarely employs that distinctive method of locomotion. To maintain its camouflage, it only jumps if it finds itself greatly imperiled.

Black Widow

Source: Photo: James Gathany
Public Domain Image

Black Widow Facts

Source: Public Domain Image

Black Widow Physical Description

Not surprisingly, the various species of Black Widow attain similar physical sizes. However, this remarkable arachnid typically displays a significant amount of sexual dimorphism. This physiological characteristic manifests itself in terms of both color patterns and size.

That’s partly because the female attains an average length of about 1.4 in (3.5 cm), whereas the male stays much smaller. He most commonly only reaches an average length of roughly 0.7 in (1.75 cm). The males also do not display the characteristic red hourglass.

Color patterns also vary relatively significantly between the various forms. All members of this genus, however, appear predominantly black in color. The females of each species, though, all display a very prominent red hourglass shape on their abdomens. 

Source: Public Domain Image

Black Widow Distribution, Habitat, and Ecology

The three species of Black Widow that evolved as native to North America remain the best known of the varieties. The incredible genus also thrives in many other areas of the world, though. In fact, the various species inhabit every continent of the world, except Antarctica.

Quite understandably, given its nearly global distribution, habitat types vary widely. Nevertheless, members of the genus most commonly live in temperate and tropical climates. A few of them, though, even live in extremely arid regions of the world.

Individuals usually build their webs in locations such as around rubble, small trees and bushes, in the wild. But, when found inside of human habitations, webs usually appear in isolated areas, such as attics and garages. This fortunately makes encounters rare.

When a human gets bitten, the venom of a Black Widow commonly causes a condition known as latrodectism. Experiences include profuse sweating, vomiting, muscle rigidity, and extreme pain. These symptoms typically persist for 3-6 days, but can last longer.

All currently known members of this genus hunt as ambush predators, laying in wait in the web. It feeds opportunistically, making a meal of any small creature caught in its web. Its diet, however, typically consists of mosquitoes, grasshoppers, beetles, and such.

Signature Spider

Source: Photo: Mylittlefinger

Signature Spider Facts

Source: Photo: Yndesai

Signature Spider Physical Description

Perhaps most notably, the various species of Signature Spider exist in a wide range of sizes and appearances. The various types also exhibit sexual dimorphism in the same manner. That’s due to the fact that each of them display this trait in terms of sheer physical size.

As part of this characteristic, females typically reach several times the size of the males. The females of a  few of the largest species, furthermore, attain an impressive leg span of as much as 4 in (10 cm) across. Males, meanwhile, rarely exceed 1 in (2.5 cm) across.

The great majority of the different types of Signature Spider present basically the same color pattern, however. This color scheme consists of a predominantly yellow body, with black legs. The eight legs also grow long and powerful, relative to its body size.

Source: Photo: arian.suresh

Signature Spider Distribution, Habitat, and Ecology

It must be noted and appreciated, first of all, that the remarkable Signature Spider has an extraordinarily wide distribution. That’s because the various species in the genus inhabit nearly every part of the globe. The sole exception to this range consists of Antarctica.

The differing species, therefore, thrive in significantly differing habitats. These include such regions as jungles in the tropical regions, to forests, gardens, and even private yards, in temperate regions. But, most species occur in temperate and tropical climates. 

The majority of the different species of Signature Spider also construct their webs roughly 3 ft (1 m) above the ground. Most forms and individuals prefer regions of dense foliage since this also typically means the presence of large numbers of small flying insects.

Though all of them typically prey on very small insects, most remain capable of killing an insect twice their own size. A few of the larger species can also deliver a rather painful bite to a human being. The toxins, though, generally pose no threat to human life.

The pain of the bite, though, occurs simply due to the sheer size of the fangs of the arachnid. This is true because most have absolutely no venom at all. The cause of any pain felt remains consistent even for those few species in the genus that do possess toxins, however.

That’s because the venom of these creatures remains harmless to humans, except for those with relevant allergies or health issues. Finally, the relative toxicity and effectiveness of the venom roughly equals that of the sting of a bee. They’re large but harmless.

Long-Horned Orb Weaver

Source: Photo: Rushen

Long-Horned Orb Weaver Facts

Source: Photo: Gido

Long-Horned Orb Weaver Physical Description

The magnificent, not to mention distinctive, Long-Horned Orb Weaver easily impresses those fortunate enough to view it. The invertebrate does not, however do so due to sheer physical size. That’s because it’s actually quite tiny, especially compared to some others.

Much like many arachnids, though, it also displays the physiological characteristic of sexual dimorphism. In its specific case, this trait manifests itself in terms of pure physical size. That trait further results in a rather extreme difference in the sizes of the genders.

Among the females, body lengths average 0.8 – 1.0 in (2.0 – 2.6 cm). This measurement, however, narrows to about 0.31 – 0.35 in (0.8 – 0.9 cm) at the waist. The males, meanwhile, only reach a fraction of this size. They measure about (0.15 cm) at the waist.

The body also displays different color patterns between the upper and lower surfaces. The upper surface of the body ranges in color from red, to yellow, to white, or even black. It also displays black spots. The underside of the body, though, shows yellow or orange.

Yet the amazing Long-Horned Orb Weaver stands out for one more reason. That’s the long horn-like structures, displayed only by the females. That’s yet another form of gender-based difference it manifests. These reach many times the length of the body of the arachnid.

Source: Photo: Rushen

Long-Horned Orb Weaver Distribution, Habitat, and Ecology

Luckily, both for the Long-Horned Orb Weaver itself, and those who appreciate the wonders of Nature, it evolved as native a relatively broad swathe of the globe. That holds true due to the fact that the intriguing Arthropod evolved as native to a large part of Asia.

More precisely, evidence indicates that it developed as endemic to the southern and southeastern portions of the large continent. There, it makes appearances from the countries of India and China in the south, and all the way to Borneo in the southeast portion.

In every region in which it appears, however, it displays decidedly strong preferences in its choice of habitat. The remarkable spider makes its home in regions of either temperate or tropical forest. The majority of specimens seem to live in areas of tropical rainforest.

The females of the species typically construct their nests between the branches of various trees. These they further design with an average width of between 3 – 4 ft (1.0 – 1.2 m). The webs also generally have hollow hubs and white silk beads on their radial threads. 

Unlike some spiders, though, the female Long-Horned Orb Weaver rarely sits in her web to await her prey. Instead, she typically waits beneath leaves located nearby. Like most spiders, this species feeds opportunistically, on any species it successfully traps in its web.

From this vantage point the arachnid can wait for its victim, and remain safe from its own predators. These mainly include various types of local birds. The venom of this species, though lethal to smaller creatures, generally poses no known serious threat to humans.

Source: Public Domain Image

5 Astounding Spiders of Asia

We hope that each of you completely enjoyed reading, and hopefully learning from, this article we’ve written about these 5 Astounding Spiders of Asia. It’s also our sincere hope that doing so has left you with either a new or renewed appreciation for such wonders of Nature.

Unfortunately, however, many of their kindred around the world now find themselves facing strong threats to their continued existence as a species. Many of those dangers, in fact, stem from the actions of mankind. We must do all we can to protect and preserve them all.

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