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5 Amazing Moths of Asia

5 Amazing Moths of Asia
Source: Photo: James St. John

We hope that each of you, our readers, will enjoy and appreciate this article we present about these 5 Amazing Moths of Asia. It was certainly our pleasure to gather the information for you. May it provide you with both education and increased awareness.

Certainly, these few species listed herein represent only a portion of the similar marvels found in this area. It’s our belief, though, that they serve as excellent representations of the wonders that exist. Check out some of our other articles for similar marvels.

Army Green Moth

5 Amazing Moths of Asia
Source: Photo: William Warby

Army Green Moth Facts

Army Green Moth, Daphnis negrii
Source: Photo: Rumi Borah~aswiki

Army Green Moth Physical Description

The aptly-named Army Green Moth fully merits the degree of attention it receives from those lucky enough to encounter it. Although size is irrelevant to such things, it nonetheless impresses in that respect as well. That’s true since it’s far larger than many of its cousins.

It additionally distinguishes itself from the great majority of Lepidoptera in a surprising way. That’s because of something it does not display. That’s due to the fact that, unlike most moths and butterflies, it shows no noticeable degree of the trait of sexual dimorphism.

Individuals of both genders therefore manifest the same physical characteristics, including simple physical size. Remarkably, this insect attains a significant wingspan. Though this aspect varies between individuals, regardless of gender, it ranges from 3.5 – 5.1 in (9 – 13 cm).

Precise color patterns also vary from specimen to specimen, of course. Overall, however, this typically consists of a mosaic of olive and dark green backgrounds. Lighter cream colored streaks also run through the surface of the wings, and even such shades as violet.

Mature adult individuals, meanwhile, display a greenish head, with reddish-brown on the front and a grayish band on the reverse. The thorax also displays a green hue, with the collar outlined in gray. Distinctly, it also has a triangular gray patch present on the body’s top.

The abdomen of the Army Green Moth generally manifests a paler shade of green. Its forewings stand out due to a combined dark green background with both a black spot and a white patch at the base. The hindwings, though, usually appear somewhat darker in color.

Source: Photo: Uwe Schwarzbach

Army Green Moth Distribution, Habitat, and Ecology

Fortunately, the fabulous Army Green Moth evolved as native to a remarkable broad swathe of the globe. It also tends to migrate significant distances, which places it in other parts of the world, as well. The natural marvel mainly appears natively across Africa and Asia.

From this home range, the intrepid Arthropod engages in regular migrations that take it to many connecting regions. This includes the southern and eastern portions of Europe in the summer. Individuals sometimes even travel as far to the north as parts of Scotland.

Probably due to actions of man, the invertebrate has also become naturalized to Hawaii, in the United States. In all the regions it appears, it displays marked habitat preferences. This holds true for both its primary and migratory range, as well as naturalized regions.

Given those areas of the globe, its preferences come as no surprise. Individuals make their home in warm relatively moist regions. Though not limited to, it often frequents areas of scrublands and highlands. In Hawaii, the Lepidoptera quickly adapted to tropical areas, too.

Like many of its relatives, this product of ages of evolution prefers regions with copious foliage. This instinctive tendency serves several purposes in its life cycle. These understandably include natural shelter as well food for the larval form of the insect.

That’s due to the fact that if further follows the pattern of its genetic cousins. The adults principally feed on the nectar of a wide variety of flowers, which such a habitat provides. Most nevertheless display a strong preference for honeysuckle, jasmine, and petunias.

The caterpillar form of the Army Green Moth, however, distinguishes itself. This holds true because of its diet. As its alternate common name implies, this form mainly consumes the oleander plant. Though highly toxic to most species, these caterpillars are immune.

Creatonotos gangis

Source: Photo: Juan Manuel Sánchez CCL:

Creatonotos gangis Facts

Source: Photo: Juan Manuel Sánchez CCL:

Creatonotos gangis Physical Description

Firstly, despite its astounding appearance, the remarkable Creatonotos gangis actually qualifies as a physically moderately small type of moth. The fascinating species does display sexual dimorphism, however. It nevertheless does so in a highly unusual manner.

Secondly, because of this, both genders of the fascinating species attain the same approximate physical size. As a result, mature adults attain an average wingspan of about 1.6 in (4 cm). Both sexes additionally develop brown forewings and white hindwings.

The distinctive of this Lepidoptera appearance does not simply end there, though. That’s due to the fact that both genders of the species also possess a dark streak on each wing. Individuals also usually possess a bright red abdomen, though yellow does occur.

However, the most startling physical attribute, and the source of the physical difference, belongs to the males of the species. That’s because each male has four large, extendable scent organs. When fully extended, these can even be longer than the body itself.

Source: Photo: LiCheng Shih

Creatonotos gangis Distribution, Habitat, and Ecology

First of all, the unique and highly fascinating Creatonotos gangis inhabits a comparatively broad swathe of the globe. More specifically, though, that range that includes parts of southeast Asia and Australia. It continues to be more prevalent in Asia, however.

There, furthermore, this zone of habitation includes parts of a total of seven countries. In the country and continent of Australia, though, its range remains more restricted. More precisely, this includes Queensland, and parts of the western and northern areas.

Unlike most related creatures, the awesome Creatonotos gangis further inhabits a fairly wide range of habitat types. The insect does, however, show a decided preference for regions with an abundance of fruit trees, and most especially pomegranates.

The huge scent glands of the male also allow it to attract females from extreme distances. That’s a decided evolutionary advantage. After mating, the female lays quantities of round, yellow eggs. These most commonly appear in rows on the underside of plant leaves.

Once hatched, the caterpillar form has a voracious appetite. It feeds on numerous species, of course, but apparently prefers pomegranate leaves. Yet it also consumes the foliage of plants such as rice, sweet potatoes, and sorghum in less damaging quantities.

Death’s-head Hawkmoth

Source: Photo: James St. John

Death’s-head Hawkmoth Facts

Source: Photo: Alastair Rae

Death’s-head Hawkmoth Physical Description

Not surprisingly, physical differences naturally exist between the different types of Death’s-head Hawkmoth. All three types, however, also as is to be expected, remain quite similar in terms of appearance. Many general descriptions therefore apply to them all.

It must be pointed out, though, that measured adult wingspan varies significantly, even within the same gender and species. While not unknown, this trait definitely qualifies as uncommon. Due to this fact, adults range in width of wings from 2 – 8 in (5 – 20 cm).

In addition, like the majority of Lepidoptera, this marvel of Nature displays a moderate degree of sexual dimorphism. As a result of this physiological trait, in its case, females generally develop slightly larger than the males. These also tend to be bulkier in shape.

The body of the magnificent Death’s-head Hawkmoth also displays a comparatively thick, bullet-shaped form. The two forewings further develop long and narrow. Yet the hindwings, however, appear much shorter, like most related forms of invertebrate.

Its coloring also varies, quite understandably. But these typically consist of combinations of shades of brown, black, gray, and yellow. The astounding presence of a human skull-like marking on the back of the thorax, however, represents its most memorable feature.

Source: Photo: dotun55

Death’s-head Hawkmoth Distribution, Habitat, and Ecology

The species bearing the common name of Death’s-head Hawkmoth also have different habitat ranges. That alone sets them apart from many of their peers. One appears in parts of Europe. The other two members of the genus, however, live in scattered sections of Asia.

All forms of this amazing insect, furthermore, seem to be highly adaptable to varying habitats. As a general rule, though, the insect appears in regions with substantial foliage. This most commonly includes temperate forests, as well as parks, and even home gardens.

The larval form of the Death’s-head Hawkmoth stays on or near a single host plant. These it feeds on voraciously. It shows no preference for type of host. The adults show a preference for honey, in addition to fruit. As a result, adults often raid the hives of honeybees.

Its own natural predators, meanwhile, consist of the same as other moths. These mainly consist of the various birds found in its region. Many bats also love to feed on it, though. Finally, the chirping ability it evolved serves the intended purpose of deterring these.

Giant Atlas Moth

Source: Public Domain Image

Giant Atlas Moth Facts

Source: Photo: Zyada

Giant Atlas Moth Physical Description

The most readily noticeable physical trait of the stunning Giant Atlas Moth, not surprisingly, given its common name, remains its great size. That’s because mature individuals of the amazing species attain an average wingspan totaling roughly 9.4 in (24 cm).

These remarkably large and powerful wings further develop an overall surface area that totals roughly 25 sq in (160 sq cm). However, it does mirror its peers in one way. The arthropod also displays a moderate degree of the biological trait of sexual dimorphism.

In its case, though, this physical trait presents itself in a total of three different ways. The females of this marvelous Lepidoptera typically have a greater wingspan and girth than males. The smaller males, meanwhile, develop significantly broader antennae.

The body of the Giant Atlas Moth, though, remains extremely small in relation to the large wings. The upper portion of these wings typically presents a reddish-brown color. These also display a pattern of white, pink, black, and purple lines, however.

Its beauty doesn’t stop there, though. Many light colored, triangular-shaped patches also appear, bordered in black. The underside of the insect, however, remains much paler. An incredible extension on the tip of each wing also closely resembles the head of a snake.

Source: Public Domain Image

Giant Atlas Moth Distribution, Habitat, and Ecology

The magnificent Giant Atlas Moth inhabits a truly expansive territorial range. More precisely, that range of habitation actually covers much of the southeast portions of Asia. The fabulous invertebrate also appears to be especially prevalent on the island of Borneo.

This fascinating species of moth also inhabits large sections of China, India, and the Malay Peninsula. Scattered groups of the magnificent Lepidoptera also appear in other areas, however. Within this region, it primarily inhabits areas of lush, tropical forests.

Smaller populations also thrive in secondary forests, and shrublands, though. The choice of habitat plays a key role in its survival, since its caterpillar form relies entirely on the local plants for food. The larvae feed voraciously, primarily on citrus and evergreen trees.

Unfortunately, the adult lifespan of the Giant Atlas Moth evolved as quite short. In fact, this lasts for only 1-2 weeks once the individual opens its wings. During this time the individual subsists entirely on fat reserves which it accumulated during its larval stage.

This holds true due to the fact that adults do not possess functioning proboscis. It also flies as little as possible after leaving its cocoon. In fact, most females rarely move at all. These wait for males, mate, then die, averaging an adult life stage of 1-2 weeks.

Hummingbird Hawk Moth

Source: Photo: Thomas Bresson

Hummingbird Hawk Moth Facts

Source: Public Domain Image

Hummingbird Hawk Moth Physical Description

The magnificent Hummingbird Hawk Moth adroitly proves that size holds no relation to beauty in Nature. This holds true since it only qualifies as a medium-sized type of moth, in terms of wingspan. Also unusually, it shows no noticeable sign of sexual dimorphism.

This lack of visual difference between the genders extends to both size and appearance. As a result, mature specimens of both sexes attain an average wingspan of about 1.8 in (4.6 cm). While not large, those wings nevertheless impress one, just due to their beauty.

The forewings typically show brown and a crisscrossing of thin black lines. The hind wings of the arthropod, though, usually show orange and display a black edge. Although the wings grow medium-sized, the body remains proportionately larger than related species.

The proboscis of the amazing Hummingbird Hawk Moth, however, developed in a remarkable manner. It’s highly elongated, again mimicking the hummingbird. The arthropod even possesses a short tail tipped with numerous soft, brush-like bristles.

Source: Public Domain Image

Hummingbird Hawk Moth Distribution, Habitat, and Ecology

The marvelous Hummingbird Hawk Moth possesses yet another strong  evolutionary advantage. That’s the fact that it evolved as native to a huge portion of the globe. More precisely, its natural distribution covers much of Asia, Africa, and also Northern Europe.  

Even beyond that, most individuals develop as relatively strong fliers. As a result, the species appears virtually anywhere in the hemisphere during the summer. This represents yet another manner in which it differentiates itself from the majority of its peers.

Adding even more to its resume, the amazing invertebrate also evolved as highly adaptable. Due to that trait, it often inhabits a wide variety of habitats. These include regions as diverse as forests, meadows, parks, and even private gardens around human habitations.

Unfortunately for its fans, though, it has a short lifespan. Because of this trait, however, it developed another helpful trait. The marvel of Nature breeds quickly. Therefore, anywhere from 2-4 generations are born in a single season. This often depends on the region, as well.

The mature adults of the Hummingbird Hawk Moth feed exclusively on nectar from plants such as the Red Valerian and Honeysuckle. Thankfully, the species itself, however, has few natural predators. This mainly holds true due to its incredible camouflage.

5 Amazing Moths of Asia

Source: Photo: dotun55

We hope that each of you enjoyed reading, and hopefully learning from, this article we’ve written about these 5 Amazing Moths of Asia. It’s also our hope that doing so has left you with either a new or renewed appreciation for such wonders of Nature.

Unfortunately, however, many of their kindred around the world now find themselves facing strong threats to their continued existence as a species. Many of those dangers, in fact, stem from the actions of mankind. We must do all we can to protect and preserve them all.

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