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4 Refreshingly Remarkable Rivers

Cano Cristales

Cano Cristales

4 Refreshingly Remarkable Rivers
Source: Photo: Mario Carvajal

We sincerely hope that you greatly enjoy this article about 4 Refreshingly Remarkable Rivers. Each body of water in the world’s different form the rest in some way, of course. The four features listed here, however, take that principle to far greater heights than most of them.

Each of them will, we believe, grab your attention and amaze you with their distinctiveness. These 4 Remarkable Rivers nevertheless represent the barest fraction of a percent of the rivers on earth. We encourage you to learn of even more of them within our pages.

Rio Tinto

Source: Photo: Jose A.

Rio Tinto Facts

Source: Photo: Gzzz

Rio Tinto Physical Description

The remarkable Rio Tinto also has a respectable length, measuring roughly 62 mi (100 km). Only part of the body of water, however, displays the unique appearance for which it’s know known. This portion of the marvel of Nature extends for about 31 mi (50 km).

Extending over a length equaling roughly half the total of the river, an incredible phenomenon exists. This portion of it manifests the incredible array of colors you see here. These include such hues as red, orange, and shades of brown, though the red predominates.

The water of this section of Rio Tinto itself has an extremely acidic nature. It’s also high in levels of certain metals, most specifically iron. Near the end of the multi-colored section, this aspect of the body of water also slowly begins to thin out, to eventually disappear.

Source: Photo: Riotinto2006
Public Domain Image

Rio Tinto Location, Formation, and Ecology

The stunning wonder of Nature the man calls Rio Tinto further formed in a section of the world well known for its natural beauty. In point of fact, this geological gem formed in a small portion of the southwestern section of what’s now the continent of Europe.

More specifically, though, its precise region now constitutes the country of Spain. In this beautiful location, the waters of the river originate high in the Sierra Morena Mountains, in the Andalusia region. From there, though, the river flows primarily south-southwesterly.

At precisely what point in the past the river itself formed presently remains undetermined. The origin of the enormous deposits of the various ores in the region, however, has been determined. These deposited via hydrothermal activity between 300 – 350 million years ago.

Given the incredible extremes inherent to the nature of the water of Rio Tinto, one might not expect to find life within it. That would be an incorrect belief, though. Although life remains scant and quite unique within its waters, small amount of its does appear.

This primarily consists of various types of microorganisms, largely consisting of different forms of algae. Relatively large quantities of anaerobic bacteria reside within the sediments it contains, possibly contributing to the condition of the waters.

Onyx River

Photo: United States Geological Survey
Public Domain Image

Onyx River Facts

Photo: United States Geological Survey
Public Domain Image

Onyx River Physical Description

Given its highly unique nature, the physical characteristics of the Onyx River naturally vary. When present, the small body of water flows westward through the Wright Valley. It also originates from the melting water of the Wright Lower Glacier, itself an astounding location.

It also conceals another surprising fact. Interestingly, this beautiful yet freezing flow of meltwater does not flow into the ocean. The small flow is an excellent example of what is popularly known as endorheic drainage. This means it has no natural outflow to the ocean.

Along with numerous other factors, the dimensions of this marvel of Nature vary from season to season. Some measurements nonetheless remain roughly the same during the time it does appear. The total length of the river measures about  20 mi (32 km).

Winding along its course, the deceptively-named flow creates other marvels. That’s because it forms several smaller, equally fascinating tributaries. When it does make its appearances, the final destination of the Onyx River remains the body of water known as Lake Vanda.

Multiple monitoring stations currently exist along its winding length. These serve the purpose of studying and monitoring its impact on the surrounding environment. Some seasons, however, the flow of water evaporates before it reaches the frigid lake.

Photo: United States Geological Survey
Public Domain Image

Onyx River Location, Monitoring, and Importance

The remarkable Onyx River, despite its high degree of variability, in fact serves as one of the most interesting features in its area. As difficult as it may be to imagine, this true marvel of Nature appears in what may rightfully be considered the least likely location.

That’s because it formed on the continent of Antarctica. Not surprisingly, the wonder of Nature also constitutes a region of ongoing scientific interest. Due to this fact, the river serves as one of the many sites presently experiencing scientific investigation.

In its case, that’s conducted by the United States  Antarctic Program of the National Science Foundation. This program continues to be ongoing at this time. The Antarctica New Zealand program also previously maintained a semi-permanent camp at Lake Vanda.

This camp, however, has since been removed. A small research shelter still exists at Lake Vanda at its eastern end, though. Nearby currently sits the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty seismic station at Bull Pass. Other scientific sites may be added in the future.

The importance of this highly unique flow should not be underestimated by anyone, professional researcher or otherwise. That holds true due to the fact that the unique brine flow of the Onyx River has an important ecological impact on the surrounding area.

In addition to the microscopic life in its waters, a few other small species also exist in it. These include several nematodes. Gulls also sometimes make an appearance. Many countries therefore believe that monitoring the site remains of great importance. 

Source: Photo: Mario Carvajal

Cano Cristales Facts

Source: Public Domain Image

Cano Cristales Physical Description

Leading off the wonders of the gorgeous site, much of the riverbed of Cano Cristales formed covered with rocks composed of quartzite. These rocks, understandably, for those with a knowledge of geology, form the source of the four colors present in the river year round.

The stones of this incredible site further originated with the Serraina de la Macarenia tableland. This formation, itself quite impressive, also measures at around 1.2 billion years old. Because of this age, these comprise some of the oldest exposed rocks known to man.

The marvel of Cano Cristales also represents an extremely fast flowing river. Due to this, the body of water, not surprisingly, possesses numerous waterfalls and powerful rapids. Nature also carved many deep cavities in the geology of the river bed over time.

Source: Photo: Mario Carvajal

Cano Cristales Location, Flora, and Fauna

Perhaps most notably, the truly extraordinary river named Cano Cristales formed in a comparatively remote region of the globe.  That area consists of what now forms the country of Colombia, in South America. This unique river further lies within in the province of Meta.

This magnificent site also boasts yet another outstanding feature to set it apart. It actually has a border composed of three quite large and distinct ecosystems. In point of fact, these consist of the Eastern Llanos, the Andes, and also the amazing Amazon rainforest.

Each of these equally remarkable and beautiful ecosystems also contributes its own great diversity of flora and fauna to the river. This fact only serves to enhance the already extensive charms of the body of water. The river therefore owes its nature to many factors.

One of these many factors also serves as the source of the seasonally occurring fifth color in the river. This appears due to the presence of the aquatic plant Macarenia clavigera. It blooms in vast quantities on the rocks on the riverbed and grows bright red in color.

Finally, within the many types of environments it touches on, the predominant biome of Cano Cristales equals a hydrophytic rainforest. The surrounding region serves as home to 420 known species of birds, 43 species of reptiles, 8 primates, and 420 avian species.

Rio Negro River

Source: Photo: James Martins

Rio Negro River Facts

Source: Photo: Pertile

Rio Negro River Physical Description

Despite its own extreme size, the Rio Negro River itself forms the tributary of another, even more impressive river. It nevertheless does have a beauty, splendor, and a distinctiveness all its own. The wonder’s very often arbitrarily divided into three distinct sections, too.

At first, the upper course of the marvelous river lies in the highlands of that country. From there, it flows roughly east-northeast, and passes through the Puinawai National Reserve. This part of the river also passes through many small indigenous settlements.

Meanwhile, the middle course of the river flows through yet another country. Along the way, it’s also joined by numerous tributaries, significantly swelling its flow. This section consequently remains filled with numerous powerful rapids, as well as many small islands.

At one point along this incredible stretch, the Rio Negro River actually forms the border of three countries. After that, the lower course continues primarily flowing eastward. It also contains even more small islands, and narrows and broadens quite frequently.

Finally, during the local wet season, Nature takes this natural marvel to even greater heights. That’s due to the fact that, at this time, it also forms countless small lagoons, complex channels, and even more, though temporary, islands throughout this section.

Source: Photo: Eiwe Lingefors

Rio Negro River Location, Nature, and Fauna

The breathtaking and highly fascinating feature known as the Rio Negro River formed in an already astonishing part of the world. That holds true because it formed in a portion of the world well known for its great natural beauty, that of the continent of South America.

More precisely, though, this truly magnificent work of Nature runs through three countries. Those are the countries of Brazil, Colombia, and Venezuela. In addition, the truly astounding Rio Negro River boasts an overall length of an incredible 1,400 mi (2,250 km).

But, its most distinctive feature remains the one for which it’s named. Many portions of the waters of the remarkable river display a dark brown, almost black color. That’s due to the continual presence of large volumes of humic acid, from decomposing vegetation.

Since it forms a tributary of the mighty Amazon River, another factor of the nature of the Rio Negro River stands out. Not surprisingly, its waters play host to a broad variety of life. Among these are more than 700 species of fish, including the potentially dangerous Pacu.

Researchers further believe several hundred more species may still remain unidentified. Incredibly, at least 100 of these species do not seem to appear in no other area of the world. Countless varieties of turtles also make their home in its truly impressive waters.

Source: Photo: Mario Carvajal

4 Refreshingly Remarkable Rivers

We truly hope that you have thoroughly enjoyed reading this article about 4 Refreshingly Remarkable Rivers. We certainly enjoyed creating it for you, our readers. It’s also our hope that it engendered in you a desire to read further, and learn more about such wonders.

Unfortunately, however, some of these 4 Refreshingly Remarkable Rivers find themselves imperiled, much like countless species. Man continues to pollute their waters and alter their courses, for its own ends. We must do all we can to preserve them for posterity.

Check out our other articles on 3 Astounding Antarctic Whales, 6 Mysterious Natural Phenomena, Earth’s Many Magical Moths, 4 Giants of Their Kind, The Mighty Tornado

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