We sincerely hope that you enjoy this article about 4 Genuinely Gorgeous Grasshoppers. Given that many thousands of varieties of this remarkable insect exist, these represent just the tiniest handful. The various species exist on every continent of the world, except Antarctica. Some people appreciate them, while others revile them. Regardless, it must be remembered that Nature evolved them all to fulfill a specific purpose.
Horsehead Grasshopper
Horsehead Grasshopper Facts
- The first item in this list of 4 Genuinely Gorgeous Grasshoppers is the visually startling species known as the Horsehead Grasshopper.
- Firstly, to call this amazing creature distinctive looking would be putting it quite mildly. Further, this seemingly comical couple represents a male and female of the species.
- Much about the fabulous invertebrate may surprise you. Strangely enough, it rather closely resembles a type of stick insect. Yet despite the appearance, it is indeed a variety of grasshopper.
- It also represents only one of the more than 18,000 species of Neotropical grasshoppers around the world. Especially relevant is the strength of its hind legs. The Horsehead Grasshopper is capable of leaping twenty times its body length.
- Finally, this particular insect is provided at least some protection. This holds true because part of its range lies within a protected area. Yet it is still threatened throughout other parts of its range. These threats include climate change and habitat loss.
Horsehead Grasshopper Physical Description
Most notably, the Horsehead Grasshopper displays a fairly noticeable degree of sexual dimorphism. But this fact is not surprising, since many insects do. In its case, this manifests itself in terms of physical size and coloring.
Due to this, the females generally grow significantly larger than the males. Females often attain a length of as much as 8 in (20.3 cm). Meanwhile, the much smaller males rarely reach a length of more than 5 in (12.7 cm).
Yet the males generally appear much more colorful. Most of them usually display predominantly bright green color. The females, on the other hand, typically show a light to dark brown.
Most of all, this astonishing species remains known for its highly elongated face. Many people who encounter it believe the face resembles that of a horse. This, rather understandably, serves as the source of the common name.
- Kingdom: Animalia
- Phylum: Arthropoda
- Class: Insecta
- Order: Orthoptera
- Family: Proscopiidae
- Genus: Pseudoproscopia
- Species: P. scabra
Horsehead Grasshopper Distribution, Habitat, and Ecology
First of all, the marvelous Horsehead Grasshopper evolved as endemic to a limited portion of South America. Further, this specific area includes parts of Venezuela, Peru, Brazil, and French Guiana.
In addition, the arthropod generally inhabits a specific habitat type. Given its range, that, quite naturally, mainly consists of the South American rainforest. Fortunately, part of its natural territory also encompasses the Tambopata National Reserve, in Peru.
Furthermore, scattered individuals sometimes also inhabit regions of subtropical forest as well. Additionally, it typically only inhabits the outer boundaries of these forests. The exact reason for this also remains undetermined.
The species remains entirely herbivorous. It feeds on a wide variety plants, but primarily consumes the leaves. While feeding, the camouflage of this insect works flawlessly. It has learned to sway in the wind when perched on a limb.
Giant Lubber Grasshopper
Giant Lubber Grasshopper Facts
- The second of our choices for 4 Genuinely Gorgeous Grasshoppers legitimately earns its name, the Giant Lubber Grasshopper.
- The brilliantly colorful Giant Lubber Grasshopper represents a species of very large grasshopper. Furthermore, the gorgeous insect evolved as native to a rather restricted portion on North America.
- In the past few years, this rather impressive insect has also expanded its territory into other portions of the region. Yet, despite studies, researchers continue to remain uncertain of the reasons for this.
- It remains considered by many, private citizens and entomologists alike, to be the most distinctive grasshopper species native to the region it inhabits.
- The remarkable invertebrate does, however, constitute an invasive species for farmers. However, it remains popular for both its distinctive coloring as well as great size with others, however.
- Finally, one fact remains quite surprising, despite its extremely limited habitat range and presumed vulnerability. The IUCN does not currently have a listing for this visually impressive invertebrate.
Giant Lubber Grasshopper Physical Description
The quite lovely, and relatively oversized, Giant Lubber Grasshopper displays a pronounced degree of sexual dimorphism. Females typically attain a significantly greater size than males.
Males rarely exceed 2.1 in (55 mm) in length, while females often attain lengths of as much as 3.5 in (90 mm). An overall average length for the species as a whole equals roughly 3 in (7.6 cm).
The adult individuals typically display bright colors, yet the actual color pattern varies significantly between individuals. However, yellow and orange generally predominate.
Furthermore, the species even ranks as comparatively slow-moving and clumsy, among its kind. This occurs because its legs grow far shorter than most grasshoppers, relative to body length and mass.
- Kingdom: Animalia
- Phylum: Arthropoda
- Class: Insecta
- Order: Orthoptera
- Family: Acrididae
- Genus: Romalea
- Species: R. microptera
Giant Lubber Distribution, Habitat, and Ecology
First of all, the fascinating Giant Lubber Grasshopper has a somewhat restricted range. It exclusively inhabits sections of the southeastern and south-central portion of the United States, in North America.
Further, the beautiful invertebrate typically prefers to inhabit open pine woods, weedy fields, and heavily vegetated areas. It will also sometimes live in sewers in cities, due to the large influx of dead vegetation.
But, when threatened or disturbed, it evolved a fascinating means to deter the majority of its natural predators. That’s because it has the ability to release a foul-smelling foam from its thorax.
Due to the combination of its great size and relatively tiny wings, it remains incapable of flight or even long leaps. Due to that, this incredible insect remains quite unlike many other grasshoppers.
Rainbow Grasshopper
Rainbow Grasshopper Facts
- Listing in the third spot on our compendium of 4 genuinely Gorgeous Grasshoppers is the nearly kaleidoscopic Rainbow Grasshopper.
- Firstly, though known by several names, that of Rainbow Grasshopper most accurately describes the beautiful Dactylotum bicolor
- Secondly, fortunately for those who appreciate its loveliness, this beautiful invertebrate possesses a large endemic habitat range
- Therefore, given that it also exists in sufficient numbers, the IUCN does not currently list it on the Red List of Threatened Species
- In addition, the impressive coloring of this insect varies significantly from region to region, due to adaptation to local environments
- Lastly, this remarkable species was first described by Toussaint de Charpentier, in 1843.
Rainbow Grasshopper Physical Description
Regardless of its extreme colorfulness and beauty, the Rainbow Grasshopper remains average-sized among related species.
It does, however, display a degree of sexual dimorphism. Females average a length of about 1.4 in (35 mm), but males only reach 0.8 in (20 mm).
Yet, unlike many related creatures in the world, this arthropod does not possess wings and is, therefore, unable to fly at all.
However, the most distinctive feature remains the vibrant colors, which include patterns of yellow, red, green, over a base of black.
- Kingdom: Animalia
- Phylum: Arthropoda
- Class: Insecta
- Order: Orthoptera
- Family: Acrididae
- Genus: Dactylotum
- Species: D. bicolor
Rainbow Grasshopper Distribution, Habitat, and Ecology
In addition to other impressive factors, the visually stunning Rainbow Grasshopper inhabits an extremely broad habitat range.
This small but gorgeous insect lives in an area that extends all the way from southern Canada to northern Mexico, in North America.
Furthermore, within that extensive range, the Rainbow Grasshopper has adapted to inhabit desert grasslands, prairies, and similar regions.
The adults feed on a wide variety of vegetation, often voraciously, but the nymphs often feed exclusively on a single species within the region.
Finally, the dazzling array of colors serves the evolutionary purpose of warning away predators, such as birds, since most find it distasteful.
Desert Locust
Desert Locust Facts
- The final of our 4 Genuinely Gorgeous Grasshoppers is the one that doubtless remains the most controversial, the Desert Locust.
- Firstly, this incredible creature remains a particularly dangerous variety of insect. That’s because enormous swarms of this invertebrate have periodically threatened agriculture in certain areas for centuries.
- Further, when a multitude of individuals swarm, as happens periodically, they are truly voracious. Given the vast numbers and voraciousness, these swarms have a terrifying capacity.
- This occurs due to the unbelievably vast numbers involved in such occurrences. Due to this fact, each occurrence threatens the food supplies of as much as 10% of the world’s population.
- Finally, this represents Nature’s anger at its worst. The swarms also remain capable of covering vast distances. This only serves to increase the danger it can pose to global food supplies.
Desert Locust Physical Description
Most notably, the seemingly unstoppable Desert Locust remains visually no different from countless related species. Furthermore, this insect, and related species, are simply grasshoppers with swarming patterns of behavior.
In appearance, it actually remains rather ordinary. Further, its coloring consists of random patterns of green, brown, black, and brownish-orange. This particular species of locust, however, has shorter horns than most.
Also, like most related arthropods, it has over-sized and powerful hind legs. It also has strong wings, which it mainly uses during the swarming phase of its life. Otherwise, the creature rarely takes to the air.
- Kingdom: Animalia
- Phylum: Arthropoda
- Class: Insecta
- Order: Orthoptera
- Family: Acrididae
- Genus: Schistocerca
- Species: S. gregaria
Desert Locust Distribution, Habitat, and Ecology
First of all, the Desert Locust has an extensive area of habitation. That’s partly due to its migratory nature. Therefore, it inhabits regions across Asia, Europe, Africa, and the Middle East.
Additionally, when not swarming, it typically lives in arid regions, thus the common name. During such occurrences, it seeks out vegetation to consume. This it also does in vast quantities, since each individual consumes its own weight per day.
The females lay large numbers of eggs in a confined area, and those then hatch quickly. In the confined space, the young nymphs physically bump into each other which actually triggers chemical changes in the bodies.
The coloring changes and behaviors suddenly becomes quite gregarious, even aggressive. Then individuals take flight in huge swarms, consuming everything in their path.
We truly hope that you have enjoyed this article on 4 Genuinely Gorgeous Grasshoppers. These amazing arthropods inhabit nearly every part of the globe, often in vast numbers. Yet they remain as vulnerable to the depredations man has visited upon the earth as any other. many of them now face serious threats their continued existence. But every species plays a role and serves a purpose. Therefore, we must do all we can to protect and preserve them.
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