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3 Wondrous African Woody Shrubs

Euphorbia Caput Medusa

Medusa's Head

3 Wondrous African Woody Shrubs
Source: Photo: Stan Shebs

We fervently hope that you will greatly enjoy reading and learning from this article about 3 Wondrous African Woody Shrubs. While these, of course, represent only the tiniest handful of the countless related species to be found here, we feel they’re fairly representational.

Many people erroneously believe this region of the globe to be primarily barren and lifeless. Very little, however, could be further from the truth. This region of the world abounds with many natural wonders, including plants such as these. So, enjoy the read!

Living Stones

Source: Public Domain Image

Living Stones Facts

Source: Photo: Stan Shebs

Living Stones Physical Description

Since the common term Living Stones applies to more than one species, one particular fact remains paramount. That’s the understandable fact that physical differences obviously exist between them. That, however, remains a very basic fact of natural evolution.

All of the various members of the genus still have some basic physical traits in common, though. Firstly, all known individuals within the genus possess one or more pairs of leaves. Secondly, these distinctive leaves have a highly bulbous, almost fused nature to them.

These remarkably evolved leaves also display virtually no stem. In point of fact, the leaves of the different species are also placed directly opposite each other. This part of the differing forms of Living Stones also serves to function as a form of camouflage for it.

Due to this fact, different species show different colors. This allows each to best blend in with its surroundings. That distinction occurs due to the varying natures of the local environment. These colors most commonly include shades of brown, cream, and gray.

Source: Photo: Kelvinsong
Public Domain Image

Living Stones Distribution, Habitat, and Ecology

Perhaps most notably, the truly incredible genus known as the Living Stones has a fairly moderate habitat range. That’s because all known members of the scientific group live in the same general area. That consists of certain regions of the continent of Africa.

More specifically, the vast majority of its numbers appear in the countries of South Africa, Namibia, and Botswana. Within that range, however, the impressive group of plants displays some versatility. It inhabits a variety of both altitudes and environments.

As a result of this surprising variety, it appears in either, veld, grasslands, or even bare, rocky ground. This marvel of Nature also thrives in a wide range of altitudes. As a result, the amazing plant makes its home in areas ranging from sea level to high in the mountains.

All of the species known as Living Stones do appear to have a preference for very arid climates. Because of this trait, the regions the genus lives in average less than 27.5 in (70 cm) of rain per year. Within these ranges, differing species prefer various temperature ranges.

The members of this genus have become popular as ornamental plants throughout the world. This popularity occurs due to both its novelty and the readily available supply of seeds. This fact does, at least, increase the chance of the survival of various species.

Medusas Head

Source: Photo: Stan Shebs

Medusas Head Facts

Source: Photo: H. Zell

Medusas Head Physical Description

The impressive stems of the remarkable Medusas Head grow covered with thick, scale-like structures. These incredible features also commonly attain an overall diameter of as much as 3.3 feet (1 m). Small deciduous leaves further typically appear near the ends of each stem.

The numerous tubercles it produces also remain covered in structures resembling the scales of a snake. The plant even evolved yet another remarkable characteristic. That’s the fact that the twisting stems of this plant sometimes bury themselves beneath the soil.

Surprisingly, this unusual flora actually develops great beauty when it blooms. During the Spring and Summer seasons, the ends of the many stems develop a covering of numerous small flowers. These typically appear either white, red, or pink in color. 

Though it does not rank as toxic, the startling Medusas Head does have some physical traits that serve it as a means of self-defense. The manner in which it achieves this, however, may surprise you. In this principle, at least, it resembles many other plants in the world.

That holds true due to the particular chemical structure of the viscous liquid it produces within itself. As a direct result of the nature of that liquid, the milky colored sap produced by the plant often causes irritation to the eyes and skin, if one finds oneself exposed to it.

Source: Photo: Winfried Bruenken

Medusas Head Distribution, Habitat, and Ecology

To no great surprise, the incredible Medusas Head evolved as endemic to a highly arid region of the world. This fact also, however, serves to regrettably limit its potential habitat range. Ironically, though, this also helps reduce the impact of human presence in its range.

That holds true due to the fact that this creation of Nature appears to only be endemic to the region immediately surrounding the city of Cape Town, South Africa, in Africa. Even within that limited zone of habitation, it has highly specific environmental requirements.

In fact, the strange looking plant generally grows in regions consisting of deep soil and rocky areas along the coastline. Regrettably, the remarkable plant appears to grow nowhere else. Fortunately, though, good news awaits those who find the Medusas Head a fascinating study.

That’s because within the areas of its native habitat that remain, it still seems to be abundant. Unfortunately, much of its native habitat has been destroyed, mainly due to urban development. This distinctive succulent also faces yet another danger to its existence.

Most unfortunately, that’s the presence of many non-native plants within its endemic range. Quite sadly, many of these species have now become highly invasive. As a direct result, these appear to be slowly pushing the incredible flora out of its own habitat. 


Source: Photo: David Stang

Muhure Facts

Source: Photo: David Stang

Muhure Physical Description

The incredible Muhure has an impressive nature that goes far beyond mere physical size. This holds true given the fact that it manages to amaze the viewer despite one limiting factor. That’s the fact of its not being an overly large variety of flora, compared to some.

That’s because mature specimens of this extremely rare and startling cycad only attain a maximum height of approximately 13.1 ft (4 m). Most specimens, however, remain somewhat smaller than this. Moreover, this height displays itself in remarkable fashion.

That’s due to the fact that each plant produces a number of erect stems. These grow from a short base, relatively close to the ground. Each of these features further measures about 15.75 in ( 40 cm) in total diameter, and most commonly develops small in clumps.

Each of these remarkable stems further possesses numerous long, thin leaves. These parts of the plant themselves also grow to as much as an incredible 13.5 ft (4.1 m) in length. Further, this unique foliage also has a light green color, and slightly serrated on the edges.

The astonishing Muhure also possesses yet another distinctive characteristic to set it apart. Unlike many similar plants, this one produces both male and female cones. Though obviously not unknown, it nonetheless remains a moderately uncommon trait.

Distinctively, the male cones, of which it produces 1 -5, attain an average length of 19.7 in (50 cm), and 3.5 in (9 cm) in diameter. Meanwhile, it develops 1 -3 female cones, which reach an average length of about 17.7 in (45 cm), and a diameter of roughly 13.8 in (45 cm).

Source: Photo: David J. Stang

Muhure Distribution, Habitat, and Ecology

Unfortunately, the amazing Muhure inhabits an extremely limited, and in some ways harsh, habitat range. That highly regrettable statement holds true because of the fact that this marvelous form of cycad appears to exist in only one known, small location in the world.

More precisely, that area consists of the southwestern section of Uganda, on the continent of Africa. However, even there the Muhure has a severely restricted zone of habitation. It lives along the banks of the Mpanga River, before its outlet near Lake George.

It limits its presence even more specifically, however. This occurs given the knowledge that the species also only appears within a certain range of altitude. That extremely restrictive habitat range also happens to extend from 3,280 – 4,265 ft (1,000 – 1,300 m) above sea level.

There, it only grows on rocky slopes and sheer granite faces. This small area where the Muhure appears consists of high grasses amid a savanna, and a dense evergreen forest. This species of flora achieves its pollination via a combination of insects and the wind itself.

A fairly wide variety of native animals also feed on the outer coat. These species subsequently leave the seeds behind, where some of them later germinate. Finally, many of the seeds produced are consumed entirely, being a popular food source for baboons.

Source: Photo: Stan Shebs

3 Wondrous African Woody Shrubs

We hope that you have thoroughly enjoyed this article about 3 Wondrous African Woody Shrubs. We certainly enjoyed compiling it for you, our readers. These are but the meagerest percentage of the myriad forms of life waiting for you to discover and learn about here.

Sadly, however, many of the species with whom they share this region now find themselves in great peril of extinction. It remains up to each of us to do all that we can to protect and preserve them. After all, don’s we want our posterity to enjoy their wonders, just as we have?

Check out our other articles on 4 Fabulous Marine Shrimp, Earth’s Many Stunning Waterfalls, 6 Startling Marine Slugs, Spectacular Dolphins Throughout Our World

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