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3 Stunning Snakes of Africa

3 Stunning Snakes of Africa
Source: Photo: World Leaks

We hope that each of you, our readers, will enjoy and appreciate this article we present about these 3 Stunning Snakes of Africa. It was certainly our pleasure to compile the information for you. May it provide you with both education and increased awareness.

These few species listed herein represent only a portion of the natural wonders found throughout the region, though. Yet, it’s our belief that they serve as excellent representations of the wonders found here. Check out some of our other articles for similar marvels.


Source: Photo: William Warby

Boomslang Facts

Source: Photo: Andynct

Boomslang Physical Description 

The magnificent Boomslang also remains a highly respectable snake due to sheer physical size. And that’s in addition to its many other attributes. This holds true given the fact that mature adults of the species attain a length of as much as 6 ft (183 cm).

But, mature adults most commonly average slightly less than that. Not only that, the eyes of this particular snake develop as comparatively large. In point of fact, these develop as so large that they actually make up a good proportion of the head. 

In addition to this, the fascinating Boomslang, shares a characteristic with many related creatures. It also displays a mild degree of the physiological trait of sexual dimorphism. In its case, however, this trait manifests itself in the coloring of the genders.

The male of the species typically displays a light green with black scale edges while the females usually appear light brown in color. The fangs of the incredible snake also grow longer than most arboreal snakes and are larger in the back of the mouth.

Source: Photo: safaritravelplus

Boomslang Distribution, Habitat, and Ecology

The fascinating animal known simply as the Boomslang evolved as endemic to a moderately restricted portion of the world. But, the general area remains renowned for teeming with wildlife. It evolved as native to a certain, and surprising, area of the continent of Africa.

This highly dangerous species evolved to inhabit a particularly harsh section of the region, that of the sub-Saharan portions of the continent. In nature, though, it represents an oviparous animal, frequently producing as many as 30 eggs with each mating.

These the amazing reptile typically places in tree trunks or rotting logs. A usual incubation period is on average three months. This rather fascinating moderate-sized variety of snake primarily feeds on prey such as small mammals, reptiles, and birds.

This particular deceptively dangerous species further evolved as diurnal in nature and remains almost entirely arboreal today. The venom of the Boomslang is also extremely potent. It qualifies as a hemotoxin, creating potentially lethal internal bleeding.

It also makes the victim bleed from its gums, nose and all orifices until it dies. Respiratory arrest and cerebral hemorrhage are rather common results after a bite. The venom also acts slowly, easily up to five days, often causing victims to dangerously delay treatment.

Black Mamba

Source: Photo: World Leaks

Black Mamba Facts

Source: Photo: Herman Pijpers

Black Mamba Physical Description

The extraordinary reptile known as the Black Mamba quickly draws the attention of those who encounter it. The creature does so for several reasons, to be certain. Nonetheless, the sheer physical measurements of this evolutionary marvel usually garner the most attention.

It’s worth noting, however, that unlike a great many reptiles, this species displays virtually no noticeable degree of sexual dimorphism. It’s therefore obviously quite difficult for all but the most experienced researchers to distinguish the sexes of individual specimens.

Overall, mature adults of both genders of this reptile attain an average length ranging from 6 ft 7 in – 9 ft 10 in (2 – 3 m). Exceptional specimens do occur, however. These uncommon individuals sometimes achieve lengths measuring up to as much as 14 ft 9 in (4.5 m).

Not surprisingly, the serpent also develops a long, slender body. It’s also quite cylindrical, even compared to some other snakes. The head of the animal usually develops a form often referred to as coffin-shaped. It also has a pronounced brow ridge, and medium-sized eyes.

As most snakes, the Black Mamba tends to be light in weight, relative to body size. This factor varies, of course, due to lengths of the individual. Of those individuals measured, of varying lengths, an average weight seems to only be approximately 3.5 lb (1.6 kg).

The pure appearance of this powerful creature, though, remains impressive in itself. Despite its name, only a small percentage of adults display a pure black hue. Colors more typically range from yellowish-brown, dark olive green, khaki, and occasionally gunmetal gray.

Source: Photo: Danleo~commonswiki CCL:

Black Mamba Distribution, Habitat, and Ecology

The remarkable Black Mamba evolved as native to a comparatively broad swathe of the globe. That’s due to the fact that it developed as endemic to a large portion of the continent of Africa. Evidence currently further indicates that the reptile never inhabited a larger range.

More precisely, the large and powerful predator evolved as native to most of the sub-Saharan region of the continent. Its range covers all or most of many countries. This includes, but isn’t limited to, Cameroon, Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Zambia, Zimbabwe, and Angola.

Wherever it appears in that range, though, it displays clear preferences in its choice of habitats. That’s because it mainly prefers to make its home in moderately dry regions. This mostly inculdes areas of rocky outcroppings, scrub, light woodland, and semi-dry savanna.

The serpent does, however, also display an impressive adaptibility. Individuals choose to inhabit lowland forests and moist savannas. Populations do appear at altitudes as high as 5,900 ft (1,800 m) above sea level. Most, though, live no higher than 3,300 ft (1,000 m).

Yet another impressive aspect of the Black Mamba lies in its patterns of behavior. It lives its life as both an arboreal and terrestrial species. The snake also displays a strongly diurnal pattern of activity. In both regions, though, it’s capable of moving with surprising speed.

As others of its kind, it has a carnivorous diet. In its case, this consists largely of such prey as birds, bats, hyraxes, and various rodents. Adults, in turn, have few natural predators. Larger birds of prey form the majority of these. Finally, a typical lifespan measures about 11 years.

Spiny Bush Viper

Source: Photo: Panegyrics of Granovetter CCL:

Spiny Bush Viper Facts

Source: Public Domain Image

Spiny Bush Viper Physical Description

In addition to a small size, the Spiny Bush Viper also displays a comparatively moderate degree of the characteristic of sexual dimorphism. Males attain an average length of approximately 29 in (73 cm), while females only average 23 in (58 cm).

The males of this species, meanwhile, also have a much more slender shape than the females. Additionally, the head of the males also has a short snout, much more so in males than females. The Spiny Bush Viper also has relatively large eyes.

In addition to its other unique traits, the coloring varies significantly between individuals. This nevertheless typically includes shades of blue, green, and brown. This often leads people to mistake individual snakes for members of differing species.

Yet the highly distinctive scales remain the most noteworthy, and recognizable, feature of this reptile. These distinctive features develop as heavily keeled in design. These also develop quite elongated, giving the species a shaggy or bristly appearance.

Source: Public Domain Image

Spiny Bush Viper Distribution, Habitat, and Ecology

The deadly but beautiful Spiny Bush Viper remains endemic to specific portions of Central Africa. This includes portions of Uganda, Kenya, and Congo. The species typically inhabits regions of rainforest, since these contain large numbers of flowering bushes.

Most of these regions remain far from human habitation, making encounters rare. Further adding to this tendency is its natural pattern of behavior. These patterns remain primarily nocturnal, and its hunting and feeding habits reflect this.

This snake hunts as an ambush predator and likes to perch on reeds and small bushes. The Spiny Bush Viper also uses its prehensile tail to hang from tree limbs, waiting for prey. This mainly consists of birds, rodents, lizards, and frogs, most of which are active at night.

Females of this incredible snake generally give birth between the months of March and April. They also often have up to 12 young at a time. Scientists still know little about its venom, except that it appears to be neurotoxic, and far deadlier than once believed.

Quite interestingly, the toxicity of the venom seems to vary. As far as scientists can discover, this appears to happen in correspondence with many factors. These even include weather conditions and the altitude at which the individual snake lives.

Source: Photo: Danleo~commonswiki CCL:

3 Stunning Snakes of Africa

We hope that each of you enjoyed reading, and hopefully learning from, this article we’ve written about these 3 Stunning Snakes of Africa. It’s also our hope that doing so has left you with either a new or renewed appreciation for such true wonders of Nature.

Unfortunately, however, many of their kindred around the world now find themselves facing strong threats to their continued existence as a species. Many of those dangers, in fact, stem from the actions of mankind. We must do all we can to protect and preserve them all.

Check out our other articles on 7 Intriguing South Carolina Insects, Africa’s Many Geological Masterpieces, 5 Rare Mind-Blowing Cloud Types, The Mighty Tornado

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