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3 Memorable Malaysian Herbaceous Plants

Pale Umbrella Orchid, Bulbophyllum longiflorum

Source: Photo: sunoochi CCL:

3 Memorable Malaysian Herbaceous Plants
Source: Photo: sunoochi

We hope that each of you, our readers, will enjoy and appreciate this article we present about these 3 Memorable Malaysian Herbaceous Plants. It was certainly our pleasure to gather the data for you. May it provide you with both education and increased awareness.

Certainly, these few species listed herein represent only a portion of the similar marvels found in this area. It’s our belief, though, that they serve as excellent representations of the wonders that exist. Check out some of our other articles for similar marvels.


Source: Photo: Johan

Shameplant Facts

Source: Public Domain Image

Shameplant Physical Description

Despite its name, the incredible Shameplant has absolutely nothing to be ashamed about. In this wonderful species of Angiosperm, Nature created a flora possessed of an astounding ability, in fact. It also evolved to develop as either a perennial or annual flowering plant.

When young, the thin central stem it produces remains mostly erect. As it ages, however, this turns into a creeping vine. In point of fact, this stem, which frequently branches, often hangs quite low, and has a decidedly limp consistency to it. It also has a prickly convering.

In total, the central stem attains an average length of roughly 5 ft (1.5 m). Form this, the many smaller stems branch out and develop elongated leaves. These further generally number between 10 – 26 in total, evenly arranged on opposite sides of the stem.

The flowers of the Shameplant, meanwhile, also appear along the length of the central stem. After blooming, these present as either a bright purple or a pale pink in color. Its prickly skinned fruit also develops in clusters of 2 -8 small pods, and contain tiny brown seeds.

Source: Photo: H. Zell

Shameplant Distribution, Habitat, and Ecology

The amazing Shameplant presently has a primarily pantropical distribution, as well as also appearing in other regions. It originally evolved as native to portions of Central America and South America, however. The actions of man quickly spread the plant, though.

Now, this highly adaptable plant grows in the wild in many scattered parts of the globe. These include such regions as southern Africa, southern and eastern Asia. It’s also become quite well established in southern portions of the United States, in North America.

Its adaptability further serves to allow it to flourish in varied climates and habitats. Its native one, though, consisted of the tropical portions of Central and South America. The intrepid species nonetheless thrives, apparently equally well, in different temperate regions.

It nonetheless primarily grows in soil types that might surprise most people. That’s because it grows best in areas consisting of nutrient poor soils. The Shameplant also, however, prefers direct sunlight, performing less well in regions including copious shade.

It’s best known, though, for one amazing attribute. That’s due to the fact that its leaves actively defend themselves from damage! More precisely, if shaken or touched, these fold in on themselves in a matter of seconds. These then open again a few minutes later.

Pale Umbrella Orchid

Source: Photo: sunoochi

Pale Umbrella Orchid Facts

Source: Photo: I likE plants!

Pale Umbrella Orchid Physical Description

Like its many relatives around the globe, the amazing Pale Umbrella Orchid instantly captivates those fortunate enough to view it. Also following their pattern, the breathtaking flora does so due to a combination of its great beauty and intriguing base nature.

This marvelous species develops many multiple long, thin, stems, called rhizomes. These usually extend outward along a surface, typically with a single leaf each. This foliage has an elongated oval form, and generally displays a light to moderately-dark shade of green.

Yet, it’s understandable that the highly distinctive flowers of the amazing plant are what receive the most complimentary thoughts. These delicate marvels of botany develop at the ends of each of the stems. This part of the Angiosperm truly impresses the observer.

The gorgeous blooms appear in groups ranging from 5 – 8 in number. These assemblages also spread outward in a semi-circular pattern. Flowers vary in length, even on the same parent. However, each typically averages somewhere between 3.9 – 7.9 in (10 – 20 cm).

The fabulous Pale Umbrella Orchid manifests each of these eye-catching blossoms at the end of a short, even thinner stem. That part of the orchid measures a mean length of 0.6 – 0.8 in (1.5 – 2.0 cm). It also projects nearly horizontally from the end of the rhizome.

Yet, it’s the stunning appearance of those flowers that must be seen to be believed. They grow elongated in nature, measuring an average of 1.2 – 1.6 in (3 – 4 cm) in length. In width, though, these blooms generally manage a width of roughly 0.12 – 0.2 in (0.3 0.5 cm).

The pattern of coloring of these marvelous aspects of the flora also makes them deserving of admiration. That’s because backgrounds vary, ranging from yellowish to greenish-cream. That’s usually further augmented by the presence of small, random purple dots or spots.

Source: Photo: sunoochi

Pale Umbrella Orchid Distribution, Habitat, and Ecology

The spectacular Pale Umbrella Orchid also evolved as native to an unusual habitat range. That’s true due to the fact that it lives across a wide expanse of the earth’s surface. Yet, within that greater zone of habitation, populations seem to be quite sparsely spread.

Some of these locations include small sections of both Africa and Australia, and Malaysia, in Asia. From there, though, its only seen natively on a number of island and archipelagos. These include such sites as Fiji, New Guinea, Seychelles, and New Caledonia, to name a few.

This botanical wonder also developed requirements regarding its choice of habitat that run to both ends of the spectrum. In one respect, it’s very exact in where it chooses to live. Yet, in another manner, it displays decidedly strong flexibility about its habitat location.

For starters, the species appears naturally almost exclusively in either hill forests or tropical rainforests. That’s very specific. But, inside of those two regions, it dwells at a wide range of altitudes. The plant lives at heights that range from sea level to 5,600 ft (1,707 m).

The beautiful Pale Umbrella Orchid has adapted to the different parts of the world in which it appears. It therefore flowers during various periods of the year in its separate areas of habitation. In all regions, however, it achieves pollination via the actions of many insects.

Inside Africa, the remarkable product of Nature typically blooms between the months of October and January. In Australia, though, this occurs from January to March. Incredibly, though, in New Guinea the flora blossoms continually throughout the entirety of the year.

Phoenix Plant

Source: Photo: Elias Rovielo

Phoenix Plant Facts

Source: Photo: Orchi

Moon Orchid Physical Description

The aptly-named Moon Orchid easily impresses those who encounter it with its celestial beauty, to be ceertain. Yet, sheer visual appeal alone isn’t the only remarkable characteristic of this marvelous Angiosperm. The gorgeous flora also has a fascinating physical nature.

That’s because this particular variety of orchid evolved as what botanists call epiphytic and lithophytic. That means that this stunner grows not in the soil, but either on the surface of a host plant, or on rocks. Nature never fails to amaze with its wondrous resourcefulness!

Those incredible roots occasionally attain lengths of up to 3.3 ft (1 m). These also develop extremely flattened in shape. Each of these vital structures additionally develops as quite narrow. Each typically only measures about 0.12 – 0.16 in (3 – 4 mm) in overall width.

Its foliage, meanwhile, also merits notice. Individual plants produce 2 – 8 distinctive leaves apiece. The leaves generally present either an egg-shaped or oblong structure. Lengths further average from 5.9 – 12 in (15 – 30 cm). Widths, though, average 1.6 – 2.8 in (4 – 7 cm).

The stems each Moon Orchid produces from which to display its blooms averages 3.9 – 12 in (10 – 30 cm) in length. This structure, however, typically remains concealed by the bases of the leaves. Each branch also produces between 2 – 20 long-lasting flowers on short stalks.

But, it’s the blooms that easily garner the most interest. These average 2.4 – 2.8 in (6 – 7 cm) in length, and 2 – 3.1 in (5 – 8 cm) in width. The labellum, which attracts its pollinators, displays white, with yellowish and red markings. The blooms, though, show brilliant white.

Source: Photo: Alvin Kho

Moon Orchid Distribution, Habitat, and Ecology

Fortunately for the mesmerizing Moon Orchid, it evolved as native to a comparatively wide section of the globe. That’s due to the fact that populations of the beautiful plant appear in both parts of Asia, and the continent of Australia. That dispersal gives it an advantage.

Within its concentration in Asia, it appears from Palawan Island, in the Philippines, to Borneo. It also lives in parts of Java and Sumatra. At least three recognized subspecies also inhabit much of the same range. In Australia, it mainly lives in Paluma Range National Park.

Though exceptions occur, this marvel displays preferences for its choice of habitat. That’s due to the fact that the vast majority of specimens develop in regions of extremely precise ecological factors. These consist of rainforest areas, with high humidity and good air flow.

It’s also precise concerning other factors. Given its somewhat unusual nature, it requires a physical host to cling to. In its native state, this most often consists of trees. It does, however, sometimes appear on stones. Yet it rarely clings to man-made structures in its area.

Like most plants, the Moon Orchid accomplishes its reproduction via pollination. Also like others of its kind, it achieves this through the actions of insect. In its case, this mainly occurs due to the visits of local bees. Interestingly, though, its mainly carpenter bees that visit.

It also plays an important cultural role in parts of its range. In Indonesia, it represents one of three official National Flowers. The plant holds similar importance in other regions as well, however. It’s also the official flower of Kota Kinabalu, the capital of Sabah, Malaysia.

Source: Photo: I likE plants!

3 Memorable Malaysian Herbaceous Plants

We hope that each of you enjoyed reading, and hopefully learning from, this article we’ve written about these 3 Memorable Malaysian Herbaceous Plants. It’s also our sincere hope that doing so has left you with a new or renewed appreciation for such wonders of Nature.

Unfortunately, many other such species around the world now find themselves facing threats to their continued existence. Many of those dangers, in fact, stem from the actions of mankind. We must do all we can to protect and preserve them all for the future.

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