We sincerely hope that each of you, our readers, will enjoy and appreciate this article we present about these 3 Magnificent Manatees. It was certainly our pleasure to compile the information for you. May it provide you with both education and increased awareness.
These few species listed herein represent only a portion of the natural wonders found throughout the world, though. Yet, it’s our belief that they serve as excellent representations of the wonders found here. Check out some of our other articles for similar marvels.
African Manatee

African Manatee Facts
- Leading off this compilation of 3 Magnficent Manatees we present you with the marvelous creature nest known as the African Manatee.
- Perhaps the most notable thing about the amazing wonder of the sea remains the simple fact that researchers do not know a great deal about the animal. The majority of experts believe this distinctive animal to be quite similar to a related species.
- Since both of the species share the same region, one is often mistaken for the other. Yet, it actually represents one of only three species in its particular genus. Unfortunately, for several reasons, the creature lists as Vulnerable with the IUCN.
- Principal among these is the fact that poachers often prey on the species for its oil, bones, meat, and skin. Habitat loss due to urban expansion and agriculture additionally threaten it as well. Its estimated population numbers fewer than 15,000 individuals.
- The perils this work of evolution faces don’t simply end there, though. That’s due to the fact that it also faces the looming threat of ongoing climate change. In that respect, at least, it’s just like the great majority of other species around the world.
- The impressive African Manatee remains at an increased risk from these, and other threats, due to its already sparse population. Fortunately, it holds a protected status in all areas it inhabits. But sadly, this status is not strictly enforced in much of its range.
African Manatee Physical Description
This wonder stands out for several reasons. For one, the fascinating African Manatee constitutes the second largest of all known varieties of this wonderful mammal. Only the equally remarkable creature known as West Indian Manatee attains a larger average size.
It further follows a pattern set by its kin. That’s true since it also displays only a small degree of the physiological characteristic of sexual dimorphism. In its case, this trait manifests itself in terms of size. More precisely, females tend to be slightly larger in that respect.
Overall, individuals of the remarkable species attain an average body length measuring between 10 – 13 ft (3 – 4 m). Nevertheless, exceptional specimens do occasionally occur, of course. These rare specimens sometimes reach a length of as much as 15 ft (4.6 m).
The African Manatee also grows quite heavy. Its maximum measured weight equals about 1,100 lb (500 kg). But again, most individuals remain much smaller than this. Size alone, though, does not represent the only remarkable physical characteristic this creature displays.
Intriguingly, the torpedo-shaped body it develops typically develops widest in the middle, creating a striking image. Meanwhile, its highly flattened tail closely resembles a large paddle. Its skin generally displays a dark gray color, and has a thin covering of fine hairs.
- Kingdom: Animalia
- Phylum: Chordata
- Class: Mammalia
- Order: Sirenia
- Family: Trichechidae
- Genus: Trichechus
- Species: T. senegalensis
African Manatee Distribution, Habitat, and Ecology
The African Manatee seems to live exclusively along a particular portion of the coastline of western Africa. That apparent range includes the coastlines of a total of 19 countries. Within this range, however, the animal appears to inhabit each region fairly equally.
But, the known distribution of the mammal remains comparatively sparse. The marvelous animal also only appears to inhabit a very narrow range of depths. That’s partly because the Sirenian only extends it range out to a distance of about 47 mi (75 km) from the shore.
Within that restricted range, it mostly inhabits regions of coastal flats and mangrove forests. Showing its adaptability, however, it also inhabits several inland lakes. Beyond that, the creature even appears occasionally in such brackish waters as lagoons and estuaries.
But areas of calm water appear to be its preferred habitat. The animal also rarely lives in waters with a temperature of less than 64.4 F (18C). This affects its diet, as well. Its dietary habits remain primarily the same as related species, with one notable exception.
Most Sirenians only consume non-plant material when necessary for survival. But the African Manatee seems to intentionally seek it out. This mainly consists of clams, mollusks, and fish it finds in nets. It still feeds primarily on plants along the shoreline, or hanging over.
It also evolved as primarily nocturnal in nature. During periods of inactivity, it typically sleeps in shallow waters of no more than 3 -6 ft ( 1- 2 m) deep. It also breeds throughout the year, with a female usually giving birth every 3 – 5 years. It’s thought to live roughly 30 years.
Amazonian Manatee
Amazonian Manatee Facts
- Next up among our choices for inclusion in the article about these 3 Magnificent Manatees comes the extraordinary Amazonian Manatee.
- This marvel of nature and evolution most frequently goes by the informative common name for wholly excellent reasons. For the moment, the remarkable mammal has no other widely accepted general name. Though not unknown, that’s uncommon.
- In scientific circles, though, it’s better known by its formal title. That, however, as often remains the case, is a difficult term for the majority of laymen to pronounce. That’s because this wonder of creation bears the technical moniker Trichechus inunguis.
- The impressive creature received that slightly tongue-twisting title due to the efforts of the Australian naturalist, Johann Natterer. He accomplished the first formal acknowledgement of the animal as a separate and distinct species in the year 1883.
- This intriguing sirenian constitutes the only one of the three known species to live entirely in a freshwater habitat. It also distinguishes itself from its kindred in another manner. Physically, it’s the smallest of its relatives. It’s nonetheless a fascinating animal.
- Lamentably, the population base of the Amazonian Manatee appear to be continually diminishing. That regrettable situation further seems to hold true throughout the entirety of its territory. The IUCN, therefore, now lists it as Vulnerable on its Red List.
- It faces multiple threats to its continued existence. In the short term, hunting and habitat loss form its leading perils. It does face another, longer term danger, though. Like most forms of life on earth, it also now faces the looming threat of climate change.
Amazonian Manatee Physical Description
The Amazonian Manatee may be the smallest of its brethren, but it nevertheless impresses those fortunate enough to encounter it. It does so due to its appearance more than size, at least compared to those relatives. The animal has several attributes unique to it.
It does follow some patterns common to its kind, however. Among those is the presence of the physiological characteristic of sexual dimorphism. In its case, this trait manifests itself in terms of pure size. Specifically, females reach slightly greater sizes than males.
Sizes vary significantly, even within the same gender, often due to local environmental factors. Certain statistics hold true, though. Females attain a total maximum body length of roughly 8 ft 9 in (2.67 m). Males, however, only reach a known length of 7 ft 5 in (2.25 m).
Females of the species also attain a greater maximum weight than their male counterparts. They reach up to 836 lb (379 kg) in mass. The marginally smaller males, meanwhile, reach up to 736 lb (346 kg) in weight. Most individuals never grow quite this large, though.
Otherwise, specimens of both genders of the Amazonian Manatee remain virtually identical in outward appearance. The body shape is roughly cyclindrical in form. The forelimbs evolved into flippers. A large, rounded, horizontal paddle appears at the rear of the body.
The animal also has much smoother, rubbery skin than its genetic cousins. It additionally lacks any vestigial nails on its flippers, unlike those same relatives. Its overall color scheme is almost universally gray, except for the presence of a white or pink spot on the breast.
- Kingdom: Animalia
- Phylum: Chordata
- Class: Mammalia
- Order: Sirenia
- Family: Trichechidae
- Genus: Trichechus
- Species: T. inunguis
Amazonian Mantee Distribution, Habitat, and Ecology
The Amazonian Manatee evolved as native to a somewhat limited region of the globe. The exact location of that zone of habitation, however, comes as no surprise. That’s true due to the name of the animal. As that implies, it lives in a specific part of South America.
More specifically, and obviously, that area consists of the Amazon River Basin. That region begins around the Marajó Islands, in the country of Brazil. From there, though, its territory extends through Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru, overlapping that of one of its cousins.
The sirenian, like many such animals, further evolved decidedly strong preferences in its choice of habitat. Unfortunately for it, however, that very trait limits its adaptability. The habitat of this amazing work of Nature also remains reasonably clear, given its name.
As an entirely freshwater-dwelling species, it lives in the waters of the Amazon River. It also ventures into the seasonally flooded regions of surrounding forests on a temporary basis. During periods of above-average flooding, it’s even sometimes seen in inundated fields!
The Amazonian Manatee developed as both nocturnal and diurnal in its patterns of activity. It lives nearly its entire life submerged. Most of the time, only its nostrils appear above the surface of the water. It spends most of its time searching the area for food to consume.
It also feeds entirely herbivorously. The largest portion of its diet by far consists of various locally abundant varieities of aquatic plants. It also feeds opportunistically on fruits that fall into the water. This bulky creature typically consumes about 8% of its body mass per day!
West Indian Manatee
West Indian Manatee Facts
- Closing out this compendium about 3 Magnificent Mantees is the remarkable work of Nature best known as the West Indian Manatee.
- The informative term that we’ve used here serves as the most frequently employed name for this marvel of Nature and evolution. It does have another, less often used title, though. That’s the equally informative term of North American Manatee.
- Among scientific professionals, however, it’s generally referred to by its technical moniker. Luckily for the layperson, that’s a comparatively simple to pronounce term. That’s because this marvelous mammal bears the formal title of Trichechus manatus.
- The magnificent animal received that relatively short title due to the efforts of Carl Linnaeus. The esteemed Swedish zoologist accomplished the first official recognition of it as a separate and distinct species. He managed this feat in the year 1758.
- No matter which of these various names one uses, though, it remains a remarkable species. That’s partly due to the fact that it’s the largest known member of its Order, the Sirenians. Two acknowledged subspecies of the animal also remain extant.
- Presently, the population base of the West Indian Manatee continues to rebound, albeit slowly. That fortunate trend also appears to hold true throughout the entirety of its range. Prior to protective actions, the IUCN listed it as Endangered on its Red List.
- Due to a small but steady rise in numbers since those actions, it now lists as Vulnerable. The remarkable mammal nevertheless still faces numerous threats to its existence. These include such factors as habitat loss, and the looming danger of climate change.
West Indian Manatee Physical Description
The stunning West Indian Manatee quickly impresses those lucky enough to encounter one in the wild. The distinctive creature does so, however, for a variety of reasons. Though certainly not the only reason, of course, its sheer size nonetheless ranks as one of them.
Like most mammals, it also displays a certain amount of the physiological characteristic known as sexual dimorphism. In its specific case, this trait manifests itself in terms of physical dimensions. More specifically, females attain a larger average size than males.
The difference generally remains minor, though. It’s therefore typically difficult for untrained observers to distinguish the two genders. As a general principle, individuals achieve an impressive size, regardless of gender. Exceptional specimens of both sexes also occur.
It additionally develops a largely streamlined body shape. Being fully aquatic in nature, the creature possesses no hind limbs. But, in their place, the remarkable Sirenian develops a broad, spatula-like tail. It also has a short, yet prehensile snout, similar to an elephant.
Overall, mature adults reach lengths averaging between 8.9 – 11.5 ft (2.7 – 3.5 m). Weights also vary between individuals, with females naturally usuallybeing the heavier. The adults usually range in weight from approximately between 440 – 1,320 lb (200 – 600 kg).
Those same exceptional specimens sometimes attain masses of as much as 3,649 lb (1,655 kg). Except for such rare cases, both genders of the West Indian Manatee appear the same. Normally, the color of the skin presents as an overall brown and gray mixture.
Their appearance still varies, though. This occurs due to several reasons. Algae and barnacles both frequently attach themselves to large portions of the body. Many specimens also develop scars from conflicts. These show white, and often remain for decades.
- Kingdom: Animalia
- Phylum: Chordata
- Class: Mammalia
- Order: Sirenia
- Family: Trichechidae
- Genus: Trichechus
- Species: T. manatus
West Indian Manatee Distribution, Habitat, and Ecology
The marvelous West Indian Manatee evolved as endemic to a moderately broad swathe of the marine waters of the world. The name itself provides at least some indication of a portion of that range. It lives in a specific yet restricted portion of the Atlantic Ocean.
As that title implies, the creture seems to be primarily, though not wholly, endemic to the West Indies. Its full range, however, extends from the east coast of the United States to the northeastern tip of South America. It’s currently unknown if it ever lived anywhere else.
The animal further seems to be highly evolved in terms of habitat preferences. Generally, it resides almost exclusively in shallow areas along various coasts. Despite its being a creature of the seas, it also displays a remarkable adaptability in terms of where it appears.
That’s because the animal possesses the ability to handle changes in salinity very well. Thus, the intrepid explore often ventures into areas of fresh water. These include such surprising regions as shallow rivers and estuaries. One once ventured into a river in Tennessee!
As a general principle, the gorgeous West Indian Manatee lives a primarily solitary life. Usually, groups only form during mating season. Sometimes, thouh, such groups come together, apparently coincidentally, in warmer waters during the winter season.
It feeds mainly as a herbivore. In doing so, it consumes over 60 varieties of aquatic plants, and a few small fish and invertebrates. These include both marine and freshwater species. It itself has few known natural predators. These consist of orcas, large sharks, and alligators.
3 Magnificent Manatees
We hope that each of you enjoyed reading, and hopefully learning from, this article we’ve written for you about these 3 Magnificent Manatees. It’s also our hope that doing so has left you with either a new or renewed appreciation for such wonders of Nature.
Unfortunately, however, many of their kindred around the world now find themselves facing strong threats to their continued existence as a species. Many of those dangers, in fact, stem from the actions of mankind. We must do all we can to protect and preserve them all.
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